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4 research outputs found
Tswana finite state tokenisation
A Farghaly
A Hurskainen
+19 more
A Mikheev
Ansu Berg
Biffie Viljoen
CJH Krüger
D Jurafsky
DD Palmer
DT Cole
E Taljard
EB Wyk Van
EB Wyk Van
IM Kosch
KR Beesley
L Pretorius
Laurette Pretorius
R Pretorius
R Pretorius
R Pretorius
Rigardt Pretorius
RMW Dixon
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Multiple object agreement morphemes in Setswana: A computational approach
Ansu Berg
Beesley KR
+20 more
Cole DT.
Cole DT.
Doke CM.
Hyman LM
Kosch IM.
Krüger CJH.
Laurette Pretorius
Lindén K
Louwrens LJ
Louwrens LJ.
Lüdeling A
Marten L
Nurse D.
Posthumus LC.
Pretorius L
Pretorius RS
Rigardt Pretorius
Schmid H.
Van Wyk EB.
Zerbian Z.
Publication venue
'National Inquiry Services Center (NISC)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Effect of Tamoxifen on Expression of ER, PR, Cerb-B2, and ki-67 in C3H Mice Spontaneous Breast Cancer Model and The Relation with Chemotherapeutic Effect
A Tserga
AE Karnoub
+32 more
AH Capietto
BC Browne
C Davies
CJH Velde Van de
DA Arber
E Luporsi
EA Mittendorf
Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group
G Tang
H Brauch
Hongpu Li
J Cuzick
J Cuzick
JM Jorns
K Krüger
K Michailidou
K Tamaki
KS Hughes
LA Carey
LS Schwartzberg
M Dowsett
M Garcia-Closas
M Garcia-Closas
MP Goetz
RM Neve
Sishen Zhang
T Bachelot
VG Vogel
Wei Liu
X Liu
Xin Li
Y Yamamoto
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Conflicting human interests over the re-introduction of endangered wild dogs in South Africa
A Maddock
A Moehrenschlager
+67 more
A Treves
AH Maddock
AH Maddock
Anthony H. Maddock
BD Patterson
C Mishra
C Sillero-Zubiri
C Sillero-Zubiri
C Sillero-Zubiri
CJH Hines
D Knoke
D Taylor
F Berkes
G Andreka
G Dyk Van
GB Schaller
Glenn J. Gunther
GSA Rasmussen
H Kruuk
HT Davies
J Clutton-Brock
J Ginsberg
J Montag
JA Graf
JA Shivik
JD Hackel
JH Fanshawe
JH Fanshawe
JL Gittleman
JM Kolowski
JT Du Toit
K Graham
KA Berg
L Naughton-Treves
LL Marker
M Bekoff
M Gusset
M Gusset
M Infield
Markus Gusset
MGL Mills
Micaela Szykman
Michael J. Somers
Michele Walters
MJ Somers
MO Ogada
P Lindsey
P Nyhus
PA Lindsey
PA Lindsey
PA Lindsey
PA Lindsey
R Woodroffe
R Woodroffe
R Woodroffe
R Woodroffe
R Woodroffe
Rob Slotow
RP Reading
S Creel
S Creel
S Creel
SC Krüger
SL Childes
SR Kellert
U Breitenmoser
U Breitenmoser
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text