84 research outputs found

    Cusp Universality for Random Matrices I: Local Law and the Complex Hermitian Case

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    For complex Wigner-type matrices, i.e. Hermitian random matrices with independent, not necessarily identically distributed entries above the diagonal, we show that at any cusp singularity of the limiting eigenvalue distribution the local eigenvalue statistics are universal and form a Pearcey process. Since the density of states typically exhibits only square root or cubic root cusp singularities, our work complements previous results on the bulk and edge universality and it thus completes the resolution of the Wigner-Dyson-Mehta universality conjecture for the last remaining universality type in the complex Hermitian class. Our analysis holds not only for exact cusps, but approximate cusps as well, where an extended Pearcey process emerges. As a main technical ingredient we prove an optimal local law at the cusp for both symmetry classes. This result is also used in the companion paper [arXiv:1811.04055] where the cusp universality for real symmetric Wigner-type matrices is proven.Comment: 58 pages, 2 figures. Updated introduction and reference

    Universality for general Wigner-type matrices

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    We consider the local eigenvalue distribution of large self-adjoint N×NN\times N random matrices H=H∗\mathbf{H}=\mathbf{H}^* with centered independent entries. In contrast to previous works the matrix of variances sij=E ∣hij∣2s_{ij} = \mathbb{E}\, |h_{ij}|^2 is not assumed to be stochastic. Hence the density of states is not the Wigner semicircle law. Its possible shapes are described in the companion paper [1]. We show that as NN grows, the resolvent, G(z)=(H−z)−1\mathbf{G}(z)=(\mathbf{H}-z)^{-1}, converges to a diagonal matrix, diag(m(z)) \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf{m}(z)) , where m(z)=(m1(z),…,mN(z))\mathbf{m}(z)=(m_1(z),\dots,m_N(z)) solves the vector equation −1/mi(z)=z+∑jsijmj(z) -1/m_i(z) = z + \sum_j s_{ij} m_j(z) that has been analyzed in [1]. We prove a local law down to the smallest spectral resolution scale, and bulk universality for both real symmetric and complex hermitian symmetry classes.Comment: Changes in version 3: The format of pictures was changed to resolve a conflict with certain pdf viewer

    The Dyson equation with linear self-energy: spectral bands, edges and cusps

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    We study the unique solution mm of the Dyson equation −m(z)−1=z−a+S[m(z)] -m(z)^{-1} = z - a + S[m(z)] on a von Neumann algebra A\mathcal{A} with the constraint Im m≥0\mathrm{Im}\,m\geq 0. Here, zz lies in the complex upper half-plane, aa is a self-adjoint element of A\mathcal{A} and SS is a positivity-preserving linear operator on A\mathcal{A}. We show that mm is the Stieltjes transform of a compactly supported A\mathcal{A}-valued measure on R\mathbb{R}. Under suitable assumptions, we establish that this measure has a uniformly 1/31/3-H\"{o}lder continuous density with respect to the Lebesgue measure, which is supported on finitely many intervals, called bands. In fact, the density is analytic inside the bands with a square-root growth at the edges and internal cubic root cusps whenever the gap between two bands vanishes. The shape of these singularities is universal and no other singularity may occur. We give a precise asymptotic description of mm near the singular points. These asymptotics generalize the analysis at the regular edges given in the companion paper on the Tracy-Widom universality for the edge eigenvalue statistics for correlated random matrices [arXiv:1804.07744] and they play a key role in the proof of the Pearcey universality at the cusp for Wigner-type matrices [arXiv:1809.03971,arXiv:1811.04055]. We also extend the finite dimensional band mass formula from [arXiv:1804.07744] to the von Neumann algebra setting by showing that the spectral mass of the bands is topologically rigid under deformations and we conclude that these masses are quantized in some important cases.Comment: 72 pages, 4 figures. We added several equivalent characterisations for a regular edge and an additional reference. Moreover, we included a proof for Lemma B.2 and removed some typos and inconsistencie

    Singularity degree of structured random matrices

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    We consider the density of states of structured Hermitian random matrices with a variance profile. As the dimension tends to infinity the associated eigenvalue density can develop a singularity at the origin. The severity of this singularity depends on the relative positions of the zero submatrices. We provide a classification of all possible singularities and determine the exponent in the density blow-up, which we label the singularity degree

    Spectral radius of random matrices with independent entries

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    We consider random n×nn\times n matrices XX with independent and centered entries and a general variance profile. We show that the spectral radius of XX converges with very high probability to the square root of the spectral radius of the variance matrix of XX when nn tends to infinity. We also establish the optimal rate of convergence, that is a new result even for general i.i.d. matrices beyond the explicitly solvable Gaussian cases. The main ingredient is the proof of the local inhomogeneous circular law [arXiv:1612.07776] at the spectral edge.Comment: 44 pages; Included additional explanations for one step of the proo
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