21 research outputs found

    Das Ende der Aufklärung: der internationale Widerstand gegen das Recht auf Familienplanung

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    "Das Dossier beschreibt internationale Widerstände gegen die Vereinbarungen des Bevölkerungsgipfels von Kairo (1994) und gibt einen Überblick über Befürworter und Gegner von Familienplanung und Sexualaufklärung. Es soll einen Diskussionsbeitrag liefern in dem hochkomplexen Themenfeld von Moral, gesellschaftlichen Werten, Armutsbekämpfung, Entwicklung, Gesundheit und Familie." (Autorenreferat

    Dissociable contributions of ventromedial prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex to value-guided choice

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    AbstractTwo long-standing traditions have highlighted cortical decision mechanisms in the parietal and prefrontal cortices of primates, but it has not been clear how these processes differ, or when each cortical region may influence behaviour. Recent data from ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) have suggested one possible axis on which the two decision processes might be delineated. Fast decisions may be resolved primarily by parietal mechanisms, whereas decisions made without time pressure may rely on prefrontal mechanisms. Here, we report direct evidence for such dissociation. During decisions under time pressure, a value comparison process was evident in PPC, but not in vmPFC. Value-related activity was still found in vmPFC under time pressure. However, vmPFC represented overall input value rather than compared output value. In contrast, when decisions were made without time pressure, vmPFC transitioned to encode a value comparison while value-related parameters were entirely absent from PPC. Furthermore, under time pressure, decision performance was primarily governed by PPC, while it was dominated by vmPFC at longer decision times. These data demonstrate that parallel cortical mechanisms may resolve the same choices in differing circumstances, and offer an explanation of the diverse neural signals reported in vmPFC and PPC during value-guided choice

    Inter-rater reliability, sensitivity to change and responsiveness of the orthopaedic Wolf-Motor-Function-Test as functional capacity measure before and after rehabilitation in patients with proximal humeral fractures

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    Background: The incidence of proximal humeral fractures (PHF) increased by more than 30% over the last decade, which is accompanied by an increased number of operations. However, the evidence on operative vs. non-operative treatment and post-operative treatments is limited and mostly based on expert opinion. It is mandatory to objectively assess functional capacity to compare different treatments. Clinical tools should be valid, reliable and sensitive to change assessing functional capacity after PHFs. This study aimed to analyse inter-rater reliability of the videotaped Wolf-Motor-Function-Test-Orthopaedic (WMFT-O) and the association between the clinical WMFT-O and the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) and to determine the sensitivity to change of the WMFT-O and the DASH to measure functional capacity before and after rehabilitation in PHF patients. Methods: Fifty-six patients (61.7 ± 14.7 years) after surgical treatment of PHF were assessed using the WMFT-O at two different time points. To determine inter-rater reliability, the videotaped WMFT-O was evaluated through three blinded raters. Inter-rater agreement was determined by Fleiss’ Kappa statistics. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to assess the association between the clinical WMFT-O and the video rating as well as the DASH. Sensitivity to change and responsiveness were analysed for the WMFT-O and the DASH in a subsample of forty patients (53.8 ± 1.4 years) who were assessed before and after a three week robotic-assisted training intervention. Results: Inter-rater agreement was indicated by Fleiss’ Kappa values ranging from 0.33–0.66 for functional capacity and from 0.27–0.54 for quality of movement. The correlation between the clinical WMFT-O and the video rating was higher than 0.77. The correlation between the clinical WMFT-O and the DASH was weak. Sensitivity to change was high for the WMFT-O and the DASH and responsiveness was given. In comparison to the DASH, the sensitivity to change of the WMFT-O was higher. Conclusion: The overall results indicate that the WMFT-O is a reliable, sensitive and responsive instrument to measure more objectively functional change over time in rehabilitation after PHF. Furthermore, it has been shown that video assessment is eligible for studies to ensure a full blinding of raters. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT03100201. Registered on 28 March 2017. The trial was retrospectively registered

    The furan microsolvation blind challenge for quantum chemical methods: First steps

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    © 2018 Author(s). Herein we present the results of a blind challenge to quantum chemical methods in the calculation of dimerization preferences in the low temperature gas phase. The target of study was the first step of the microsolvation of furan, 2-methylfuran and 2,5-dimethylfuran with methanol. The dimers were investigated through IR spectroscopy of a supersonic jet expansion. From the measured bands, it was possible to identify a persistent hydrogen bonding OH-O motif in the predominant species. From the presence of another band, which can be attributed to an OH-π interaction, we were able to assert that the energy gap between the two types of dimers should be less than or close to 1 kJ/mol across the series. These values served as a first evaluation ruler for the 12 entries featured in the challenge. A tentative stricter evaluation of the challenge results is also carried out, combining theoretical and experimental results in order to define a smaller error bar. The process was carried out in a double-blind fashion, with both theory and experimental groups unaware of the results on the other side, with the exception of the 2,5-dimethylfuran system which was featured in an earlier publication

    The first microsolvation step for furans : new experiments and benchmarking strategies

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    The site-specific first microsolvation step of furan and some of its derivatives with methanol is explored to benchmark the ability of quantum-chemical methods to describe the structure, energetics, and vibrational spectrum at low temperature. Infrared and microwave spectra in supersonic jet expansions are used to quantify the docking preference and some relevant quantum states of the model complexes. Microwave spectroscopy strictly rules out in-plane docking of methanol as opposed to the top coordination of the aromatic ring. Contrasting comparison strategies, which emphasize either the experimental or the theoretical input, are explored. Within the harmonic approximation, only a few composite computational approaches are able to achieve a satisfactory performance. Deuteration experiments suggest that the harmonic treatment itself is largely justified for the zero-point energy, likely and by design due to the systematic cancellation of important anharmonic contributions between the docking variants. Therefore, discrepancies between experiment and theory for the isomer abundance are tentatively assigned to electronic structure deficiencies, but uncertainties remain on the nuclear dynamics side. Attempts to include anharmonic contributions indicate that for systems of this size, a uniform treatment of anharmonicity with systematically improved performance is not yet in sight

    Rhinarium skin structure and epidermal innervation in selected mammals

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    The glabrous skin around the nostrils in mammals is called a rhinarium or planum nasale. Rhinarium skin has multiple epidermal domes that are generally assumed to form a tactile surface. The rhinarium is innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve which is associated with stimuli such as touch, chemical irritants and temperature. In this study, our aim was to correlate variation in rhinarium skin sensory innervation with different feeding behaviors while also covering a broad systematic spectrum. Using histological and immunohistological methods, we studied skin morphology, nerve fiber density and nerve fiber distribution in the rhinarium epidermal domes of four species: cow, ring-tailed lemur, brown bear, and dog, that all exhibit different feeding behaviors. All species share similar traits in rhinarium skin morphology, but glands were only found in cow rhinarium skin. The most substantial differences were observed in the innervation pattern. Mechanosensory skin organs were found only in the ring-tailed lemur. Dog epidermal domes possess a pronounced central dermal papilla containing a nerve bundle in its top, close to the skin surface. The abundance of free epidermal nerve fibers in epidermal domes of all species, suggest that the rhinarium skin is a sensory surface, that can be used to detect fine touch, chemical irritants or temperature. In the species where the whole epidermal dome was examined, the intraepidermal nerve fiber density is higher in the central part of the domes. The nerve distribution and the central positioning of a single gland duct in cow and the dermal papilla top organ in dog indicates that each epidermal dome can be considered a functional unit. The observed differences in innervation hint at different sensory functions of rhinaria in mammals that may be correlated to feeding behavior

    A novel ultrastructure on the corneocyte surface of mammalian nasolabial skin.

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    In many mammals, the skin of the rhinarium includes a thick epidermal layer. The skin surface can be smooth but can also display a structure formed of domes, ridges, and polygonal areas: a dermatoglyphic or rhinoglyphic pattern. Each structure consists of an easily visible, large area of the epidermis. The abdominal epidermis may or may not have a dermatoglyphic pattern. The abdominal skin examined in our study had no pattern and was consequently unstructured and smooth. The ultrastructural surface pattern is formed in the granular and corneous regions of nasal epidermis by desmosome protrusions projecting into adjacent keratinocytes. Complete retraction of the keratinocyte protrusions with desmosomes in the abdominal epidermis creates an unstructured, smooth surface. The cornification process differs morphologically in nasolabial and abdominal skin. In this study, we report a novel structure in the nose skin. It is related only to the surface of a single corneocyte (keratinocyte) and consists of submicrometer pores or furrows, an ultrastructure pattern. It is not related to the rhinoglyphic pattern. The nose skin can thus have 2 unrelated patterns. This structure seems to be widespread among the Mammalia. We suggest the function of the structure is to keep the rhinarium evenly moist

    Suspension and optical properties of the crystalline lens in the eyes of basal vertebrates.

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    We have investigated the apparatus suspending the crystalline lens in the eyes of basal vertebrates. Data are presented for Holocephali (Chondrichthyes) and the actinopterygians Polypteriformes, Polyodontidae (Acipenseriformes), Lepisosteiformes, Amiiformes, and one teleost species, the banded archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix). We also studied the optical properties of the lens in Polypteriformes, Lepisosteiformes, and the archerfish. Together with previously published results, our findings show that there are three basic types of lens suspension in vertebrates. These are i) a rotationally symmetric suspension (Petromyzontida, lampreys; Ceratodontiformes, lungfishes; Tetrapoda), ii) a suspension with a dorso-ventral axis of symmetry and a ventral papilla (all Chondrichthyes and Acipenseriformes), and iii) an asymmetric suspension with a ventral muscle and a varying number of ligaments (all Actinopterygii except for Acipenseriformes). Large eyes with presumably high spatial resolution have evolved in all groups. Multifocal lenses creating well-focused color images are also present in all groups studied. Stable and exact positioning of the lens, in many cases in combination with accommodative changes in lens position or shape, is achieved by all three types of lens suspension. It is somewhat surprising that lens suspensions are strikingly similar in Chondrichthyes and Acipenseriformes (Actinopterygii), while the suspension apparatus in Polypteriformes, usually being regarded as an actinopterygian group more basal than Acipenseriformes, are considerably more teleostean-like. This study completes a series of investigations on lens suspensions in nontetrapod vertebrates, covering all major groups except for the rare and highly derived coelacanths

    Posttraumatische und depressive Symptomatik bei Asylsuchenden

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    Kröger C, Frantz I, Friel P, Heinrichs N. Posttraumatische und depressive Symptomatik bei Asylsuchenden. PPmP - Psychotherapie · Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie. 2016;66(09/10):377-384.Hintergrund und Ziel: Zurzeit gibt es eine große Zahl an Flüchtenden, die aus (Bürger-)Kriegsgebieten nach Deutschland kommen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, das Ausmaß posttraumatischer und depressiver Symptomatik bei Asylbegehrenden abzuschätzen. Methode: In der Landesaufnahmestelle Niedersachsen, Standort Braunschweig, wurden 280 erwachsene Flüchtlinge (88,2% Männer) im Sommer 2015 mit der Unterstützung von Dolmetschern befragt. Die Daten wurden nach Herkunftsregionen (Balkanstaaten, Naher Osten, Nordafrika, Restafrika) kategorisiert. Als Screening-Instrumente wurden die Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale-8 (PDS-8) und der Patient-Health-Questionnaire (PHQ-9) eingesetzt. Werden die Grenzwerte von 12 in der PDS-8 bzw. von 15 im PHQ überschritten, liegt mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit eine PTBS bzw. eine Depression vor. Ergebnisse: Die Teilnehmer berichteten insgesamt von einer hohen Anzahl potentiell traumatischer Ereignisse (72,5% von Kriegserlebnissen; 67,9% von gewalttätigen Angriffen; 51,4% von einem anderen sehr belastenden Ereignis; 50,0% von Foltererfahrungen; 47,9% von Gefangenschaften; 11,1% von sexuellen Übergriffen), wobei Mehrfachangaben möglich waren. Die Prävalenzraten für eine mögliche PTBS lagen bei 16,1% (Balkanstaaten), 20,5% (Naher Osten), 23,4% (Restafrika) und 28,1% (Nordafrika); die Raten für eine mögliche Depression variierte zwischen den genannten Herkunftsregionen mit 17,9, 35,9, 28,1 und 24,0%. Schlussfolgerungen: Im Vergleich zur deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung lagen in dieser Stichprobe von Asylbegehrenden die Häufigkeiten von traumatischen Erfahrungen und die Prävalenzraten einer möglichen PTBS deutlich höher; für Depression galt dies mit Einschränkung nicht. Die Integration bei betroffenen Asylsuchenden dürfte aufgrund der gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen erheblich erschwert sein, z. B. im Hinblick auf das Erlernen der deutschen Sprache und die Aufnahme von Bildungs- oder Berufsangeboten

    Reliability and validity varies among smartphone apps for range of motion measurements of the lower extremity: a systematic review

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    The aim of this review was to determine whether smartphone applications are reliable and valid to measure range of motion (RoM) in lower extremity joints. A literature search was performed up to October 2020 in the databases PubMed and Cochrane Library. Studies that reported reliability or validity of smartphone applications for RoM measurements were included. The study quality was assessed with the QUADAS-2 tool and baseline information, validity and reliability were extracted. Twenty-five studies were included in the review. Eighteen studies examined knee RoM, whereof two apps were analysed as having good to excellent reliability and validity for knee flexion (“DrGoniometer”, “Angle”) and one app showed good results for knee extension (“DrGoniometer”). Eight studies analysed ankle RoM. One of these apps showed good intra-rater reliability and excellent validity for dorsiflexion RoM (“iHandy level”), another app showed excellent reliability and moderate validity for plantarflexion RoM (“Coach’s Eye”). All other apps concerning lower extremity RoM had either insufficient results, lacked study quality or were no longer available. Some apps are reliable and valid to measure RoM in the knee and ankle joint. No app can be recommended for hip RoM measurement without restrictions