32 research outputs found

    Correction: cyst formation in the PKD2 (1-703) transgenic rat precedes deregulation of proliferation-related pathways

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    Background: Polycystic Kidney Disease is characterized by the formation of large fluid-filled cysts that eventually destroy the renal parenchyma leading to end-stage renal failure. Although remarkable progress has been made in understanding the pathologic mechanism of the disease, the precise orchestration of the early events leading to cyst formation is still unclear. Abnormal cellular proliferation was traditionally considered to be one of the primary irregularities leading to cyst initiation and growth. Consequently, many therapeutic interventions have focused on targeting this abnormal proliferation, and some have even progressed to clinical trials. However, the role of proliferation in cyst development was primarily examined at stages where cysts are already visible in the kidneys and therefore at later stages of disease development. Methods: In this study we focused on the cystic phenotype since birth in an attempt to clarify the temporal contribution of cellular proliferation in cyst development. Using a PKD2 transgenic rat model (PKD2 (1-703)) of different ages (0-60 days after birth) we performed gene expression profiling and phenotype analysis by measuring various kidney parameters. Results: Phenotype analysis demonstrated that renal cysts appear immediately after birth in the PKD2 transgenic rat model (PKD2 (1-703)). On the other hand, abnormal proliferation occurs at later stages of the disease as identified by gene expression profiling. Interestingly, other pathways appear to be deregulated at early stages of the disease in this PKD model. Specifically, gene expression analysis demonstrated that at day 0 the RAS system is involved. This is altered at day 6, when Wnt signaling and focal adhesion pathways are affected. However, at and after 24 days, proliferation, apoptosis, altered ECM signaling and many other factors become involved. Conclusions: Our data suggest that cystogenesis precedes deregulation of proliferation-related pathways, suggesting that proliferation abnormalities may contribute in cyst growth rather than cyst formation

    Information-analytical systems as a basis of improving the efficiency of risk management

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    Building an effective system-risk management in an enterprise on the basis of integrated integration of risk management procedures into virtually all enterprise processes is associated with a wide range of tasks. Such integration processes can be simplified by using modern information technologies

    A customized multispectral needle probe combined with a virtual photometric setup for in vivo detection of Lewis lung carcinoma in an animal model

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    Optical systems applied for tissue analysis are primarily based on single spectroscopic techniques. This paper however presents a multispectral backscattering sensor designed for in vivo application by a specially formed probe tip which allows side by side monitoring of ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared and fluorescence spectra. The practical applicability of the measurement system was demonstrated in vitro (muscle and adipose tissue) and in vivo in an animal model (mouse). By comparing associated measuring changes in biochemical, physical-morphological and colorimetric values this procedure allows a differentiation between healthy, marginal and malignant tissue

    Azotemia and extrarenal manifestations in old female Han:SPRD (cy/+) rats

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    Azotemia and extrarenal manifestations in old female Han:SPRD (cy/+) rats. In humans suffering from polycystic kidney disease (PKD) a gender difference is seen with males exhibiting a faster rate of progression of chronic renal failure than females. The aim of this study was to examine renal function in female rats suffering from autosomal dominant PKD [Han.SPRD (cy/+)] and to look for the occurrence of extrarenal organ manifestations of PKD. In young (2 months) as well as in old female rats (21 months) relative kidney weight was greater in affected than unaffected animals. In contrast, only the old affected female rats developed azotemia (serum urea 95 ± 124 mg/dl) and severe cystic kidney transformation. Furthermore, old affected female rats exhibited liver cysts (affected 42%; unaffected 3%) and pancreatic cysts (affected 69%; unaffected 15%). Liver cyst epithelia stained positive for cytokeratin 19, a marker for bile duct epithelia. By immunohistochemistry liver cysts exhibited a similar extracellular matrix composition as observed in renal cysts of the same animals (staining positive for laminin, fibronectin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan, but not collagen I). This study proves PKD in the HamSPRD (cy/+) rat model to be a truly multiorgan disease with a close resemblance of the human disease

    Kidney injury molecule-1 is specifically expressed in cystically-transformed proximal tubules of the PKD/Mhm (cy/+) rat model of polycystic kidney disease

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    Expression of kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1) is rapidly upregulated following tubular injury, constituting a biomarker for acute kidney damage. We examined the renal localization of Kim-1 expression in PKD/Mhm (polycystic kidney disease, Mannheim) (cy/+) rats (cy: mutated allel, +: wild type allel), an established model for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, with chronic, mainly proximal tubulointerstitial alterations. For immunohistochemistry or Western blot analysis, kidneys of male adult heterozygously-affected (cy/+) and unaffected (+/+) littermates were perfusion-fixed or directly removed. Kim-1 expression was determined using peroxidase- or fluorescence-linked immunohistochemistry (alone or in combination with markers for tubule segments or differentiation). Compared to (+/+), only in (cy/+) kidneys, a chronic expression of Kim-1 could be detected by Western blot analysis, which was histologically confined to an apical cellular localization in areas of cystically-transformed proximal tubules with varying size and morphology, but not in distal tubular segments. Kim-1 was expressed by cystic epithelia exhibiting varying extents of dedifferentiation, as shown by double labeling with aquaporin-1, vimentin or osteopontin, yielding partial cellular coexpression. In this model, in contrast to other known molecules indicating renal injury and/or repair mechanisms, the chronic renal expression of Kim-1 is strictly confined to proximal cysts. Its exact role in interfering with tubulo-interstitial alterations in polycystic kidney disease warrants future investigations

    Kidney Injury Molecule-1 Is Specifically Expressed in Cystically-Transformed Proximal Tubules of the PKD/Mhm (cy/+) Rat Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    Expression of kidney injury molecule-1 (Kim-1) is rapidly upregulated following tubular injury, constituting a biomarker for acute kidney damage. We examined the renal localization of Kim-1 expression in PKD/Mhm (polycystic kidney disease, Mannheim) (cy/+) rats (cy: mutated allel, +: wild type allel), an established model for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, with chronic, mainly proximal tubulointerstitial alterations. For immunohistochemistry or Western blot analysis, kidneys of male adult heterozygously-affected (cy/+) and unaffected (+/+) littermates were perfusion-fixed or directly removed. Kim-1 expression was determined using peroxidase- or fluorescence-linked immunohistochemistry (alone or in combination with markers for tubule segments or differentiation). Compared to (+/+), only in (cy/+) kidneys, a chronic expression of Kim-1 could be detected by Western blot analysis, which was histologically confined to an apical cellular localization in areas of cystically-transformed proximal tubules with varying size and morphology, but not in distal tubular segments. Kim-1 was expressed by cystic epithelia exhibiting varying extents of dedifferentiation, as shown by double labeling with aquaporin-1, vimentin or osteopontin, yielding partial cellular coexpression. In this model, in contrast to other known molecules indicating renal injury and/or repair mechanisms, the chronic renal expression of Kim-1 is strictly confined to proximal cysts. Its exact role in interfering with tubulo-interstitial alterations in polycystic kidney disease warrants future investigations

    Podocyte injury underlies the progression of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in the fa/fa Zucker rat

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    Podocyte injury underlies the progression of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in the fa/faZucker rat.BackgroundThe progression of diabetic nephropathy to chronic renal failure is based on the progressive loss of viable nephrons. The manner in which nephrons degenerate in diabetic nephropathy and whether the injury could be transferred from nephron to nephron are insufficiently understood. We studied nephron degeneration in the fa/fa Zucker rat, which is considered to be a model for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.MethodsKidneys of fa/fa rats with an established decline of renal function and of fa/+ controls were structurally analyzed by advanced morphological techniques, including serial sectioning, high-resolution light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, cytochemistry, and immunohistochemistry. In addition, tracer studies with ferritin were performed.ResultsThe degenerative process started in the glomerulus with damage to podocytes, including foot process effacement, pseudocyst formation, and cytoplasmic accumulation of lysosomal granules and lipid droplets. The degeneration of the nephron followed the tuft adhesion-mediated pathway with misdirected filtration from capillaries included in the adhesion toward the interstitium. This was followed by the formation of paraglomerular spaces that extended around the entire glomerulus, as well as via the glomerulotubular junction, to the corresponding tubulointerstitium. This mechanism appeared to play a major role in the progression of the segmental glomerular injury to global sclerosis as well as to the degeneration of the corresponding tubule.ConclusionsThe way a nephron undergoes degeneration in this process assures that the destructive effects remain confined to the initially affected nephron. No evidence for a transfer of the disease from nephron to nephron at the level of the tubulointerstitium was found. Thus, each nephron entering this pathway to degeneration appears to start separately with the same initial injuries at the glomerulus