31 research outputs found

    Psychiatric Patients\u27 Experiences in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), and in Religious Support ā€“ A Pilot Study

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    In the Psychiatric Hospital Ā»Vrap~eĀ« an investigation on a 200 patient sample was carried out in the year 2000. The purpose of the investigation was to analyze the examineesā€™ experiences of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and religious support. 35.5% of the examinees had had previous experiences of CAM and religious support. The examinees born in towns used CAM methods and religious support significantly more often. The schizophrenic patients used CAM methods and religious support significantly more frequently than the patients with affective and anxiety disorders. Non-significantly more often CAM methods and religious support were utilized by women, examinees between 21 and 30 years of age, persons who graduated from junior college, those who live in cohabitation and patients of Islamic religion. Patients consulted priests most often. Significantly more often patients did not pay for the CAM treatments and religious support and non-significantly more often patients considered CAM therapy and religious support to be successful. Non-significantly more often patients consulted CAM practitioners and religious practitioners without being previously advised by their relatives or friends. Relatives of the patients advised them to consult CAM practitioners and religious practitioners significantly more often than the friends of the patients did. Considering the possible missed benefits and harm effects of CAM treatment as well as of the interaction between utilization of CAM methods/religious support and conventional treatment, this problem should be given full attention. Further investigations are required


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    Procjena općih (OKS) i specifičnih (SKS) kombinacijskih sposobnosti linija, učinaka gena te izdvajanje najboljih hibridnih kombinacija za visinu biljke i promjer glave sastavni je dio oplemenjivačkog programa na suncokretu, a provodi se zbog izbora linija koje će omogućiti stvaranje hibrida dobrih agronomskih svojstava. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 6 inbred linija, 15 dvolinijskih križanaca, 15 eksperimentalnih trolinijskih križanaca i tri priznata hibrida. U procjeni kombinacijskih sposobnosti koriÅ”teni su samo F1 izravni križanci. Značajnost razlika između srednjih vrijednosti hibrida je testirana LSD testom, u prvoj godini u odnosu na prosjek pokusa, a u drugoj u odnosu na komercijalni hibrid Orion, koji je standard za priznavanje hibrida suncokreta. Na oba lokaliteta, najviÅ”e učinke OKS za visinu biljke ostvarila je linija L- 5, a za promjer glave linija L- 103. Najniže učinke SKS za visinu biljke ostvarili su križanci 5A x 103B i 101A x 302B. Najbolje kombinacije za promjer glave su 5A x 302B i 103A x 219B. Udio genetske u odnosu na okolinsku varijancu bio je veći za visinu biljke, a manji za promjer glave. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su za visinu biljke aditivni genetski učinci važniji od dominantnih, a za promjer glave važniji su dominantni učinci.Estimation of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities of lines, gene effects as well as extraction of the best hybrid combinations for plant height and head diameter is integral part of sunflower breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. It conducts it due to choice of lines that will enable creation of hybrids with good agronomic traits. The research included 6 inbred lines, 15 single crosses, 15 experimental three way and three approved hybrids. Only F1 direct crosses were used in the estimation of combining abilities. Significance of differences among mean values of hybrids was tested by LSD test, in the first year in relation to mean of trial, and in the second year in relation to commercial hybrid Orion being a standard hybrid for approval of new sunflower hybrids. On both localities, the highest GCA effects for plant height were realized by the line L-5, and for head diameter line L-103. The lowest SCA effects for plant height had crosses 5A x 103B and 101A x 302B. The best combinations for head diameter are 5A x 302B and 103A x 219B. Portion of genetic in relation to environmental variance was higher for plant height, and lower for head diameter. The research has shown that additive gene effects for plant height were more important than dominant effects, but for head diameter dominant effects were more important