5 research outputs found

    Ženske v izobraževanju odraslih

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    In the time of socialism in Slovenia many women were offered education and got employed. The state itself was inclined to permanent education and so numerous institutions were founded - workers' universities, taking care for education in various fields. Despite many positive aspects of massive education and employment of women in the past, there are also some disadvantages to be stated. Namely, the reason for the massive employment of women was not in the women's eqaulity but in the much increased needs for man­ power. Thus the goals of equality were imple­ mented in the sphere of work only and not in the private sphere, where the relationships remained strictly traditional, patriarchal and conservative. This is manifested mainly in the division of work based on gender, resulting in the fact that women were double-burdened, i. e. at home and at work. Of course women today can choose between fa­ mily life on the one hand and professional career and permanent education on the other. But speaking of choice in a situation of non-equal possibilities, foundations and political interests of the state is pure ideology. The problem is present all over the world and manifests itself also in the goals of the UNO World Women Conference.V socialistični družbeni ureditvi je bilo v Sloveniji zaposlenih veliko žensk, ki so se lahko tudi šolale. Tudi država je bila naklonjena permanentnemu izobraževanju in je ustanovila vrsto institucij - delavskih univerz, ki so skrbele za različne vrste izobraževanja. Kljub mnogim pozitivnim vidikom množičnega izobraževanja in zaposlovanja žensk v preteklosti pa se ob natančnejšem premisleku pokažejo tudi slabe strani. Razlog množičnega zaposlovanja žensk namreč ni bila enakopravnost žensk, temveč povečane potrebe po delovni sili. Tako je bila v sferi zaposlovanja izvedena enakopravnost, v zasebni sferi pa je položaj ostajal strogo tradicionalen, patriarhalen in konservativen, kar se kaže predvsem v spolni delitvi dela, posledica tega pa je dvojna obremenjenost žensk z obveznostmi doma in v službi. Ženske seveda lahko izbirajo, družinsko življenje ali poklicno kariero in permanentno izobraževanje. Toda govoriti o izbirah, kadar nimamo vsi enakih možnosti, osnov in kadar ni politične volje države, je čista ideologija. Problem ni samo naš, to je problem celega sveta, kar je razvidno tudi iz zapisanih ciljev pekinške platforme- svetovne konference OZN o ženskah

    Dopamine Systems in the Forebrain

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