2 research outputs found

    Identification of the Level of Financial Security of an Insurance Company

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    The article is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of identification of financial security of the insurer. The article justifies urgency of identification of the level of financial security of the insurer and its qualitative assessment. It offers a scientific and methodical approach to identification of the level of financial security of the insurer on the basis of the conducted analysis of advantages and shortcomings of the existing approaches. The basis of the developed methods is a generalised assessment of the level of financial security of the insurer, which is offered to be carried out on the basis of calculation of statistical and dynamic integral indicators of financial security of the insurance company. The obtained integral assessments allow making a conclusion about efficiency of the selected strategy of the insurer and its ability to oppose to negative influence of threats to financial security. Results of calculation of integral indicators of financial security of the insurer allow identification of influence of fraud as the main threat to financial security of domestic insurance companies. The proposed approach was realised in practice of Ukrainian insurers and proved its efficiency

    Methodical aspects of preparation of educational content on the basis of distance education platforms

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    The urgency of application of technologies and means of distance learning in educational process of higher educational institutions is designated. The growing frequency of using cloud services and electronic textbooks in mobile and distance learning is noted. The importance of building educational environment is highlighted, where the key element is e-learning resources in digital form, including structure, subject content and metadata about the course. For higher educational institutions, the need for methodical support for the preparation of educational content on the basis of distance education platforms is determined. The experience of using the free distance education platform Moodle within the framework of the higher educational institution Donbass State Engineering Academy is considered. Methodical aspects of training content preparation on the basis of distance education platforms on the example of MoodleDDMA system are given. The General structure of the distance course and an example of evaluation of test tasks of the distance course (module) on topics are considered. An example of the presentation of the course on the basis of distance education platform MoodleDDMA is given. Conclusions about the experience of using the Moodle distance education system at the Donbass State Engineering Academy from the point of view of teachers and students are drawn. The perspective directions of researches and development of the Moodle distance education platform in completion and expansion of educational materials by multimedia elements and links, and also creation of the application for mobile devices for possibility of more effective use of the platform are allocated