244 research outputs found
Computer tomography based reconstruction of metal matrix syntactic foams
In order to create 3D (three-dimensional) models for finite element calculations it is necessary to reconstruct the structure of metal foam composites reinforced by hollow ceramic spheres. A new algorithm was developed for this reconstruction work. This algorithm is based on the investigation of sphericity of the shapes found on CT (computer tomograph) layer records. Using this algorithm a 3D CAD (computer aided design) model of acceptable precision can be constructed
Purpose. The most railway lines in the world have so called traditional ballasted superstructure. The authors think that it is important to learn about the process of ballast degradation. There are only two types of standardized laboratory test methods in the EU to assess railway ballast particle degradation and describe the rock physic characteristics, but are not suitable for modelling the railway stress-strain circumstances of ballast materials, and they particles. In this paper the authors represent some conclusions from their research that the authors experienced during their individual fatigue laboratory test and from new additional tests. With these kind of testing methods, the deterioration process of railway ballast particles can be assessed more realistic and precisely. Methodology and new directions. There are two types of laboratory tests which are presented in this article. The first one was performed by using a shear box with a special layer structure that is loaded by dynamic, pulsating force; while the second one was executed by using a 140 mm diameter HDPE tube with its original closing element that is loaded by ZD-40 machine. Findings and problems. There is a development after the R&D work made and published in 2014, in 2017 and 2018 years the ballast particle deterioration process is given according to more intermediate fatigue cycles with individual measurements that show more precise «picture» about the full particle degradation, i.e. breakage process. The authors give more accurate correlation functions between the calculated parameters and load cycles during fatigue. However, there are many factors in the test that need to be improved in the future. Therefore, the authors have discovered other additional tests. Originality. The most important goal of the authors that supplement the currently used regulation with new measurement methods. Practical value The authors’ developed and new methods may serve as a basis for a future instruction or regulation. The publishing of this paper was supported by EFOP 3.6.1-16-2016-00017 project
Reconstruction of 3D Porous Geometry for Coupled FEM-CFD Simulation
Porous materials can be found in numerous areas of life (e. g., applied science, material science), however, the simulation of the fluid flow and transport phenomena through porous media is a significant challenge nowadays. Numerical simulations can help to analyze and understand physical processes and different phenomena in the porous structure, as well as to determine certain parameters that are difficult or impossible to measure directly or can only be determined by expensive and time-consuming experiments. The basic condition for the numerical simulations is the 3D geometric model of the porous material sample, which is the input parameter of the simulation. For this reason, geometry reconstruction is highly critical for pore-scale analysis. This paper introduces a complex process for the preparation of the microstructure's geometry in connection with a coupled FEM-CFD two-way fluid-structure interaction simulation. Micro-CT has been successfully applied to reconstruct both the fluid and solid phases of the used porous material
Fatigue properties of metal matrix syntactic foams
Closed cell, high strength metallic foams, like ceramic
hollow sphere reinforced metal matrix
syntactic foams are distinguished materials to build light
structural parts. The applications can
range from load bearing structures to vibration damping
structural parts like machine beds, spindles
etc. In the latter case the fatigue properties are necessary
in order to conduct proper design
calculations. Simple and hybrid metal matrix syntactic foams
with Al99.5 or AlSi12 matrix,
reinforced by 1.5 mm and/or 0.15 mm ceramic hollow spheres
were produced by pressure
infiltration technique. The hollow spheres were built up from
alumina, silica and mullite and they
were provided by Globomet GmbH. and Envirospheres Ltd.
respectively. The fatigue tests were
performed on a universal hydraulic testing machine under
force control at different and lower
loading levels (k=0.6…1, compared to the compressive strength
of the actual foams). The
cylindrical specimens were carefully lubricated and placed
between polished plates incorporated in
a four bar upsetting tool. The deformation of the specimens
was measured by a strain gage as a
function of cycles. The results showed that the metal matrix
syntactic foams have exhibited fatigue
limits, due to the high ceramic sphere content. The softer,
more ductile Al99.5 matrix syntactic
foams have higher fatigue strength and similarly, the larger
hollow spheres could result in higher
fatigue limits. The failure mechanism could be connected to
the brittle fracture of ceramic spheres
embedded in the ductile matrix. Light microscopy revealed the
breakage of the spheres in a plane
closing ~45°with the loading direction. Due to this
microcracks appeared in the most stressed
region. Subsequently the cracks were propagated continuously
and finally the whole specimen
fractured. The foams exhibited high damage tolerance and
remained undamaged far from the crack
A területi egyenlőtlenségek és az iskolázási egyenlőtlenségek kapcsolata = Relationship between regional inequalities and inequalities in school education
A tanulmány három problĂ©ma megoldására tesz mĂłdszertani javaslatot. Hogyan lehet bemutatni egyĂĽttesen a társadalom foglalkozási szerkezete Ă©s tĂ©rszerkezete által okozott hátrányokat? Hogyan lehet a terĂĽleti differenciáciĂłhoz tĂşl kicsi, pl. csak ezres nagyságrendű közvĂ©lemĂ©ny kutatási adatokat) mĂ©giscsak terĂĽleti jelleggel használni. LehetsĂ©ges-e a kvantitatĂv adatokat (mintegy kvalitatĂv megfigyelĂ©seknek megfelelĹ‘ proxikĂ©nt) versengĹ‘ kvalitatĂv hipotĂ©zisek statisztikai igazolására használni. Az egyik alapvetĹ‘ megoldás indikátorok kialakĂtása a másik pedig a nĂ©pszámlálás szemĂ©lysoros elemeinek maradĂ©ktalan kihasználása, azaz a szĂĽletĂ©si hely, a korábbi lakĂłhely, az iskolába járás helye elemzĂ©se - kombinálva egyfelĹ‘l a gyerekek iskolaválasztására vonatkozĂł nĂ©pszámlálási adatokkal, másfelĹ‘l a család szociodemográfiai adataival. A telepĂĽlĂ©sszerkezetbĹ‘l más jellegű általános iskolai Ă©s más jellegű közĂ©piskolai hátrányok következnek. Az általános iskoláskorĂş nĂ©pessĂ©g iskolai hátrányait a kistelepĂĽlĂ©s helyzetĂ©nek Ă©s a kistelepĂĽlĂ©sen belĂĽli helyzetnek az elemzĂ©sĂ©vel mĂ©rhetjĂĽk. A közĂ©piskolás korĂş nĂ©pessĂ©g iskolai hátrányait viszont a falvak Ă©s a városok közötti kĂĽlönbsĂ©ggel magyarázhatjuk. Az adatok arra utalnak, hogy akárcsak a rĂ©tegek közötti esĂ©lykĂĽlönbsĂ©gek, Ăşgy a telepĂĽlĂ©sek közötti esĂ©lykĂĽlönbsĂ©gek is nĹ‘nek – a városok esĂ©lyelĹ‘nyĂ©nek növekedĂ©se megállĂthatatlan. Ugyanakkor az az individuális stratĂ©giák – pĂ©ldául a falvakbĂłl valĂł elköltözĂ©s, Ă©rdemi esĂ©lyjavulást biztosĂt. | The study proposes methodological solutions to three problems:
1. How we explain the combinative effect of backwadness influenced by the jobs of parents and
backwadness influenced by living place of parents.
2. How to use opinion poll data (e.g. only in the thousands) that are too small for spatial differentiation,
but still spatial in nature.
3. Whether quantitative data can be used to statistically justify competing qualitative hypotheses.
One basic solution is to develop indicators and another is to make full use of the personal series elements
of the census, i.e. the analysis of place of birth, previous place of residence, place of school attendance,
combined with census data on children's school choices on the one hand and family socio-demographic
data on the other. The settlement structure implies different types of disadvantage in primary school
and secondary school. The school disadvantages of the primary school age population can be measured
by analysing the situation of the small settlement and the situation within the small settlement. The
school disadvantage of the secondary school population, on the other hand, can be explained by the
difference between villages and towns. The data suggest that, just as the differences in opportunities
between strata are increasing, so are the differences between municipalities - the increase in the urban
advantage is unstoppable. At the same time, individual strategies - moving away from villages, for
example - provide meaningful gains in opportunity
Sport Ă©s inklĂşziĂł
Tanulmányunk cĂ©lja, hogy feltárja a sport társadalmi egyenlĹ‘sĂ©ghez /egyenlĹ‘tlensĂ©ghez kapcsolĂłdĂł kettĹ‘s arcát. Az elsĹ‘ rĂ©szben bemutatjuk, hogyan segĂti a sport a társadalmi integráciĂłt, inklĂşziĂłt, milyen eszközökkel segĂthet a sport a társadalmi felemelkedĂ©sben, hogyan lehet kĂĽzdeni a sporttal a kirekesztĹ‘dĂ©s ellen. A második rĂ©szben felvázoljuk, hogy hogyan válik a sport az egyenlĹ‘tlensĂ©gek egyik formájává, milyen társadalmi csoportok lehetnek depriváltak a sportolást illetĹ‘en, hogyan szorulnak ki a sportolási lehetĹ‘sĂ©gekbĹ‘l, illetve milyen okai lehet ennek. Ă–sszessĂ©gĂ©ben elmondhatjuk, hogy az iskolai testnevelĂ©s Ă©s mindenfĂ©le formában, de leginkább közössĂ©gben vĂ©gzett sportolás segĂti az elfogadĂł, empatikus attitűd kialakĂtását, toleranciára, egyĂĽttműködĂ©sre nevel. Emellett olyan kĂ©pessĂ©geket, kĂ©szsĂ©geket, tulajdonságokat Ă©s szemĂ©lyisĂ©gjegyeket lehet elsajátĂtani, amelyek segĂthetik a hátrányos helyzetű fiatalok szocializáciĂłját, tanulmányi eredmĂ©nyessĂ©gĂ©t Ă©s a munka világába, illetve a társadalomba valĂł beilleszkedĂ©st. A sportolás inklĂşziĂłban betöltött szerepĂ©nek megvalĂłsulásához elengedhetetlen, hogy minĂ©l többen vĂ©gezzenek rendszeres testmozgást, ugyanakkor hazánkban ez kevĂ©sbĂ© valĂłsul meg, számtalan olyan társadalmi csoport van (nĹ‘k, idĹ‘sek, kis telepĂĽlĂ©sen Ă©lĹ‘k, munkanĂ©lkĂĽliek, rossz anyagi helyzetben Ă©lĹ‘k, romák, fogyatĂ©kosok), amelyek tagjainak fizikai aktivitása elĂ©gtelen Ă©s az esĂ©lyeik is a sportolásra rosszabbak
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