26 research outputs found

    Eva Hesse : Paintings from 1960 to 1964

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    On the occasion of a retrospective of the late German-American painter Hesse, Kozloff provides a long essay on the artist's paintings and their development. The author especially brings to light the degree of influence of her mainly male social and professional context on her work. Biographical notes

    Leon Levinstein : The Moment of Exposure

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    Shamis presents a detailed biographical portrait of Levinstein (1933-1989), situating the photographer's images within the American documentary tradition. Kozloff commends the empathetic vision often absent from the majority of street photographers similarly engaged in representing New York City. Biographical notes. 39 bibl. ref

    Leon Levinstein : Le moment révélateur

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    Robert Walker : Color is Power

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    Catalogue for an exhibition of colour photographs of cities (1979-2000) by Canadian artist R. Walker. Jeffrey borrows from W. S. Burroughs’ comments on the photographer’s production and contextualizes his New York works within the history of American street photography. Kozloff explores the artist’s methods and use of colour in photographs of Times Squares. Includes an interview by curator M. Ignaczak on the artist’s trajectory and influences (painting and other artists), Superrealism, meaning of colour, choice of locations and relationship with Poland. Texts in English and Polish. Biographical notes on artist and authors. 3 bibl. ref