19 research outputs found

    Analyzing consumers’ opinion on organic food, their safety and availability in the slovak food market

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    oai:ojs.potravinarstvo.com:article/16In our paper we focus on the consumers´ opinion on bio - food, their safety and availability in the Slovak food market. The analysis is based on a survey organized in the period between December 2009 and January 2010. From the methodological aspect, basic approaches of descriptive statistics have been used, as well as methods of association measurement. The test of robustness tested Chi-Square statistic. The robustness have been judged based on the p-values. Correlations have been tested through the Contingency coefficient and Cramer's V coefficient. From the survey it can be concluded that even though consumers have some idea about bio – food and trust them more compared to other conventional food, they think that their market supply is not sufficient. Respondents consider media and internet, as the most important information source that they wish to be informed on bio-food safety and control, ecological agriculture, eco-agroturism, as well as on the effect of agriculture on the environment. Through the statistics of robustness, it was found out that the effect of gender, education, economic activity and faculty of the surveyed respondents (students from Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences (FBP) had a better information on bio – food) proved to be statistically significant.

    Analysis of selected determinants of alimentation hygiene of school children

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    The aim of the work was an analysis of nutriotion and hygienic habits of students while staying at school as well as analysis of catering hygiene in the school catering establishment. Method for obtaining information, a questionnaire was developed for this purpose (355 respondents, aged 7 – 15 years). We have focused on the awareness of the issues of healthy nutrition, the observance of the principles of personal hygiene, prioritising certain dishes and drinks, the food, the overall level of quality of the knowledge of the risk and the overall level of hygiene of catering in the school meals catering establishment. The results have shown that it is necessary to increase the awareness and education in the areas of healthy eating and hygiene principles and achieve the mutual cooperation of students, families, and schools

    Analysis of consumer behavior at chocolate purchase

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    At food purchase consumer is affected by several factors. In this work analysis of consumer behavior at chocolate purchase was performed involving 277 respondents. Statistical testing of results was performed by Chi - Square statistic, correlations have been tested with use of the Cramer's coefficient. It was found, that 86% of respondents consume chocolate. Factors affecting respondents at purchase were recommendations of friends, acquaintances (32%), brand of chocolate (24%), price (16%), personal experience (12%), health restrictions and allergies (11%). Less important factors when choosing chocolates are flavor (4%), nutritional quality (3%), country of origin (2%) and chocolate packaging (1%). In the consumption of chocolate moderate correlation among various categories of economic activity of respondents was confirmed. Chocolate was consumed mainly by respondents whose monthly income ranges from 801 to 1001 €. We found that consumers prefer milk chocolate followed by dark and white at the end. In terms of gender the most commonly was chocolate consumed by women, once to three times a week. The same frequency of chocolate consumption dominates at the categories of students and employee. Expenses frequently spent to buy chocolates were from 1-3 € per week by young people (18-23 years) and middle age generation of people (46-55 years)

    Comparison of occurence lactic acid bacteria in chosen yogurts

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    The yogurt is healthy food, which contains at least 100 million cultures per gram. Probiotic bacteria have been proven to reduce the effects of some gastrointestinal problems, probiotics can greatly reduce lactose intolerance, have also been proven to prevent colon cancers, there are also a natural immune system booster. In our research we detected numbers of lactid acid bacteria in yogurts in slovak market. There were classical yogurts, yogurts with probiotics, yogurts with fat and non fat. We numbered lactid acid bacteria from and after expiration, in agars MRS and Lee´s. In examined yogurts we detected from expiration from 78.107  to 169.107  and after expiration from 59.107 to 133.107 lactic acid bacteria in 1 ml of yogurt. In agreement with Food Codex of SR (2010) of rules all these yogurts satisfy number of lactid acid bacteria

    Quantitative indicators of fruit and vegetable consumption

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    The quantitative research of the market is often based on surveys and questionnaires which are finding out the behavior of customers in observed areas. Before purchasing process consumers consider where they will buy fruit and vegetables, what kind to choose and in what quantity of goods. Consumers' behavior is affected by the factors as: regional gastronomic traditions, price, product appearance, aroma, place of buying, own experience and knowledge, taste preferences as well as specific health issues of consumers and others. The consumption of fruit and vegetables brings into the human body biological active substances that favorably affect the health of consumers. In the presented research study we were interested in differences of consumers' behavior in the consumption of fruit and vegetables according to the place of residence and gender. In the survey 200 respondents has participated; their place of residence was city or village. The existence of dependences and statistical significance were examined by selected statistical testing methods. Firstly we analyzed the responses via statistical F-test whether observed random samples have the same variance. Then we applied two-sample unpaired t-test with equal variance and χ2-test of statistical independence. The statistical significance was tested by corresponding p values. Correlations were proved by the Cramer's V coefficient. We found that place of residence has no impact on the respondents' consumption of fruit. The gender of respondents does not affect their consumption of fruit. Equally, the gender does not affect the respondents' consumption of vegetables. Only in one observed case the significant differences proved that the place of respondent residence has impact on the consumption of vegetables. Higher consumption of vegetables is due to the fact that the majority of citizens, who live in villages, have a possibility to grow their own vegetables and, thus, the demand for it in village shops is low

    Comparison of phytoestrogens dietary intake from vegetables and fruit in selected population in Slovakia

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    Phytoestrogens are compounds that are naturally present in almost all plant foods to a varying degree. They include several different classes of chemical compounds known as isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. In our work we analyzed intake of phytoestrogens is based upon our answer questionaries' in different ages. Evaluating health effects of phytoestrogens is difficult and depends on numerous factors, including the kind and dose (amount) of phytoestrogens eaten and the age, gender, and health of the person. We are exposed daily to highly variable amounts of phytoestrogens. While adults are eating a vegetarian diet or those taking dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens have high levels of exposure, infants drinking soy-based formula have the highest exposure levels by far. Accurate information about dietary phytoestrogens is therefore important but there is very limited data concerning food contents. In this study, we analyzed the phytoestrogen content in fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The comprehensive database of phytoestrogen content determined simultaneously in vegetables and fruits foods has been developed. The important source of phytoestrogens in Slovak men and women is garlic. Phytoestrogen intake of fruits in men as an in woman is very low. Slovak populations consume a lot of fruits but the total intake is low due to the lower content of phytoestrogens

    Influence of meat maturation to the presence of coliform bacteria

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    The aim of our study was detection of coliforms bacteria and pH changes in the process of beef maturation. The number of coliforms bacteria were lower as 1 log cfu.g-1 in four samples and the highest coliforms bacteria count was 3.1 log cfu.g-1 after 1-st week of meat maturation. Average number of coliforms bacteria was lower as 1.43 log cfu.g-1.  The pH values of meat varied from 5.5 to 6.1 after 1-st week. Average value of pH was 5.75.  The number of coliforms bacteria were from 2.61 log cfu.g-1 to 3.35 log cfu.g-1after 2-nd week of meat maturation. Average number of coliforms bacteria was 3.17 log cfu.g-1. The pH values of meat were from 6.0 to 6.2 after 2-nd week of meat maturation. Average value of pH was 6.05.

    Organic products, consumer behavior on market and european organic product market situation

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    The market of organic products around the world increased its volume in Central and Eastern Europe with organic food market has a number of shared features, which include the relatively low demand for organic food, low share of regular customers, the problems of producers marketing, the lack of enterprises which process organic products. Consumer behavior purchasing organic foods is influenced by several factors, among which is dominated consumer personality, income, finances and lifestyle, as well as psychological factors such as perception, motivation, learning, cognition and attitudes. Cultural and social factors in consumer behavior exhibit a lesser degree. Organic fruit and organic vegetables quality is generally higher for content of biologically active substances such as vitamins, polyphenols and flavonoids. The content of pesticide residues in organic food is significantly lower than conventional production. Regular monitoring of chemical and microbiological safety of organic products already in the primary production occurring in the raw state and after working in various sectors of food, an intensification of awareness raising and targeted increased support for organic agriculture. Multifunctional sector and increased support for family farms oriented for sectors with higher added value than the home sale, production processing on the farm and so on. By support of the sale of high quality domestic production by the state will be possible to persuade more people to personal health status and greater consumption of organic food  affects the health and prevent the occurrence of various diseases

    Perception of bio-food labeling by consumers in Slovakia

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        The paper presents an overview of the present perception of bio-food labeling by consumers in Slovakia. Analyses were realized by the questionnaire survey organized in the period December 2009 to January 2010. In the survey, 388 respondents were interviewed. From the methodological aspect, basic approaches of descriptive statistics have been used, as well as methods of association measurement. The test of robustness tested Chi-Square statistic. The robustness have been judged based on the p-values. Correlations have been tested through the Contingency coefficient and Cramer´s V coefficient. The survey showed that dependency knowledge of logos was confirmed in terms of knowledge of bio-food, education, type of employment, study at FBP faculty and in terms of choice of organic foods by manufacturers. Students of FBP  knows more bio-food logos than other respondents. The second highest dependency was confirmed within selection of bio-food produced individual manufacturers

    Quality and availability of organic foods by Slovak consumers

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    <div><table style="height: 659px;" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="664" align="left"><tbody><tr><td style="padding-top: 3.1pt; padding-right: 0cm; padding-bottom: 3.1pt; padding-left: 0cm;" height="659" align="left" valign="top"><div style="mso-element: para-border-div; border: none; border-bottom: solid windowtext 2.25pt; padding: 0cm 0cm 1.0pt 0cm;"><p style="margin-top: 4.8pt; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 6.0pt; margin-left: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; line-height: 115%; border: none; mso-border-bottom-alt: solid windowtext 2.25pt; padding: 0cm; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 0cm 1.0pt 0cm; mso-element: frame; mso-element-frame-width: 498.1pt; mso-element-frame-height: 487.7pt; mso-element-frame-vspace: 3.1pt; mso-element-wrap: around; mso-element-anchor-vertical: page; mso-element-anchor-horizontal: page; mso-element-left: 50.3pt; mso-element-top: 70.7pt; mso-height-rule: exactly;"><span><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%;" lang="SK">The increasing consumer demand for organic products caused that the organic food market has expanded in all continents of the world. Organic foods represent a specific segment of the food market. Currently land area farmed organically in Slovakia represents 9% of the total agricultural land. In this work we identified organic foods purchase by Slovak consumers, the availability, reasons of purchase and quality assortment of organic foods at the Slovak market. Questionnaire survey involved 271 respondents. The Hierarchical multiple factor analysis was used for the segregation and classification of consumers into representative groups. The group of respondents was based on algorithms divided into three groups. In the first group of respondents, prevalent are responses that assortment is not sufficient and no answer, in the second group think that organic food assortment is not sufficient, and in the third group of respondents also dominates opinion that is not sufficient. At the question of organic food quality in all three groups is prevalent opinion that it is rather high, in the first group nearly the third of respondents considered the quality of organic foods as rather low, in the second group of respondents is rate: „rather low“ response and „rather high“ almost equal. In the third group of respondents strongly dominated response that the quality of organic food is rather high. Regarding the availability of organic products at the Slovak market, 16% of respondents considered it to be sufficient, 54% of consumers considered assortment as not enough available for all. We also analyzed the reasons of buying organic food. 42% of respondents reported that the main reason for buying organic food is a concern for the environment and landscape, 33% of respondents state it is a pleasure and the opportunity to try something unusual, 11% reported confidence in the quality of organic food and 7% their health care. Environmental education in the family since childhood and the opinions of friends significantly influence consumers when buying food and organic food. We assume that, organic food will be processed minimally in the future. Consumer demand for organic food we recommend to increase by increased support of the direct sales, informing about quality of organic foods and their beneficial effects on the human body at basic and secondary schools, organizing of excursions to organic farms and processing companies</span></span><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%;" lang="SK">.</span><strong></strong></p></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div