138 research outputs found

    Atilla (Atlı Han)

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    Abdullah Ziya'nın Resimli Mecmua'da tefrika edilen Atilla (Atlı Han) adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Kargılı adam

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    Abdullah Ziya'nın Çocuk Dünyası'nda tefrika edilen Kargılı Adam adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Localized shoulder pain and management strategies

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    Omuz ağrıları kas-iskelet sistemi patolojileri arasında önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Yapılan prevalans çalışmalarında, omuz ağrılarının üçüncü sıklıkla görülen lokomotor sistem patolojisi olduğu gösterilmiştir. Omuz ekleminin anatomik yapısı ve sık kullanılan bir eklem olması yaralanmaya zemin hazırlamaktadır. Bu durum, kişinin hayat kalitesini ve iş gücünü azaltması bakımında toplumsal bir sorun olabilmektedir. Omuz ağrılarının tedavisinde birçok metod bulunmaktadır. Bunların bazıları klinik pratikte gelenekselleşmiş durumda iken (fizik tedavi modaliteleri, enjeksiyon vb.) bazıları son yıllarda oldukça popüler hale gelmiştir (kinezyolojik bantlama, platelet rich plasma –PRP-). Bu derlemede, en sık görülen lokal omuz ağrısı sebepleri incelenmiş ve bu rahatsızlıklarla ilgili tedaviler gözden geçirilmiştir.Localized shoulder pain is one of the most important pathologies of musculoskeletal system. A report of a prevalance study has suggested that it is the third most common pathology among the locomotor system diseases. The anatomic structure and frequent use of this joint increase its tendency to easily get injured. This issue may be a social problem as it reduces the quality of life and ability to work. A variety of methods are available for the management of shoulder pain. Several of them are conventional methods such as physical therapy modalities, injection etc. Recently, different methods became popular such as kinesiologic taping and PRP. In this article, localized causes and management strategies of shoulder pain is reviewed

    Seyit Ali Reis

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    Abdullah Ziya'nın Son Saat'te tefrika edilen Seyit Ali Reis adlı romanıArşivdeki eksikler nedeniyle tefrika yarım kalmıştır. Ancak tefrikanın tamamlandığı bilinmektedir.Telif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Kızıl tuğ

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    Abdullah Ziya'nın Resimli Mecmua'da tefrika edilen Kızıl Tuğ adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Keloğlanın hatıratı

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    Abdullah Ziya'nın Çocuk Dünyası'nda tefrika edilen Keloğlanın Hatıratı adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    A fuzzy human resource allocation model in Quality Function Deployment

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    Personel seçimi, personel bulma süreci sonunda oluşan aday kümesinden en iyi adayın seçilmesi sürecidir. Başvuran adayların potansiyel performansını tahmin etmek personel seçim sürecinin temelini oluşturur. Ancak, personel seçiminde iş gereklerini ve bu gereklerin seviyelerini belirlemek seçim kararını etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. İş gerekleri, eğitim, deneyim, fiziksel ve zihinsel gerekler ile kişilik özelliklerini kapsar. İş gerekleri ve iş gerekleri seviyelerinin doğru şekilde belirlenmemesi yanlış adayın seçilmesine sebep olur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, personel seçim sürecini, iş gereklerini belirleme süreci ile birleştiren Bulanık Kalite Fonksiyonu Açınımı  (BKFA) temelinde bir personel seçim çatısı önermektir. Bu çatı, personel seçim kararlarındaki işe ilişkin kriterleri tanımlama ve performans-tahmin değişkenleri ilişkilerine yönelik hipotezlerin doğru bir şekilde geliştirilmesini sağlamaktadır. Önerilen modelde, iş gereklerinin seviyelerini ve personel adaylarının niteliklerini değerlendirmeye ilişkin belirsizlikleri ve subjektiflikleri modellemek amacıyla dilsel değişkenler ve bu değişkenleri matematiksel olarak ifade etmek için bulanık kümeler kullanılmaktadır. Bulanık kümelerin kullanılması ile zihinsel süreçlere ve insan iletişimine ilişkin belirsizlikler ve subjektifliklerin önerilen modele dahil edilmesi sağlanmaktadır. BKFA çatısı altında, birinci kalite evinde işi oluşturan görevlerin ağırlıkları Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (BAHS) ile hesaplanmaktadır. Daha sonra, iş görevleri iş gereklerine çevrilmekte ve iş gereklerinin ağırlıkları elde edilmektedir. İkinci kalite evinde ise Bulanık TOPSIS (BTOPSIS) ve Bulanık VIKOR (BVIKOR) yöntemleri uygulanarak en uygun aday seçilmektedir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Personel seçimi, bulanık kümeler, karar verme, Bulanık Kalite Fonksiyon Açınımı. Human resources are considered as the most important assets of organizations, but very few organizations are able to fully use their potential. Sophisticated technologies and innovative practices alone can do very little to enhance operational performance unless the requisite human resource management practices are in place to form a consistent socio-technical system. For this reason, manufacturing and service organizations need to carefully evaluate their existing human resources, and develop them so that employees can effectively contribute to operational performance improvement. Building a high performance workforce certainly starts with hiring new personnel. Recruitment and selection are the two main phases of a hiring process. Although both are closely interrelated parts of a multistage decision process, recruiting activities gather applicants for jobs, and selection decisions must then be made to choose the subset of applicants, or the applicant, who are most likely to succeed. This study concentrates on the selection phase which can be considered as a multi-criteria decision making problem. Personnel selection involves collecting information about individuals by using one or more selection devices or methods. The most important property of an assessment method is its ability to predict future job performance or job-related learning. However, it is difficult to select the most suitable person for a certain job unless there is a clear understanding of the job's requirements in terms of personnel characteristics. By identifying such requirements, it is possible to develop selection procedures that will determine whether a particular applicant possesses the necessary and proper characteristics to carry out the tasks involved in the job. Thus, success of the personnel selection process is dependent on two basic processes: (1) determination of personnel characteristics required to perform the job and their levels, and (2) assessment of candidates. Improvement of these processes will result in improvement of overall personnel selection process. The assessment involved in these processes are performed by a number of people within the organization and it is well recognized that people's assessments of concepts are always subjective and imprecise, and the linguistic terms people use to express their judgments are vague. Using objective and precise numbers to represent linguistic assessments are, although widely applied, not very reasonable. In essence, human cognitive processes, such as thinking and reasoning and human communication are inherently fuzzy. Thus, a more rational approach is to assign fuzzy numbers to linguistic assessments so that their vagueness arising from mental phenomena and human communication can be captured. This study proposes an improved personnel selection model which will help to select the most suitable person by providing a strong linkage between the content of the job and characteristics of selected candidate(s) and by involving the vagueness and subjectivity inherent in personnel selection processes. The proposed model assumes that there are a number of candidates applying for a particular job (white-collar or blue-collar) and a certain number of candidate(s) is to be selected for the job in question. In order to meet these objectives, the model employs Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment (FQFD) as a framework for integrating the determination of required personnel characteristics and final selection processes. The use of FQFD helps to develop hypotheses in a structured approach about performance-predictor relationships tested in a specific personnel selection problem. The proposed model also employs Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process, Fuzzy TOPSIS and Fuzzy VIKOR under FQFD framework. It also allows multiple decision makers in the determination of personnel characteristics and final selection processes so that various people within the organization who are responsible for or who are affected by the selection decision can be involved in both phases of the FQFD process. The model has been applied for a real-life problem in one of the leading companies in the milk and milk products sector for Shift Engineer position. The results of these applications show that the model can distinguish the candidates accurately with respect to their characteristics which are assessed by the decision makers involved in the personnel selection process. Since decision makers are not capable of analyzing and synthesizing vast amount of job and candidate information judgmentally, the utility of the proposed model is established.  Keywords: Personnel selection, fuzzy sets, decision making, Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment

    Extracorporeal photopheresis in the treatment of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease: A position statement from the Turkish Society of Apheresis (TSA)

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    Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is still the most important cause of mortality and morbidity after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Though perfect response rates are not achieved, steroids are still the first-line treat-ment. In the face of the presence of the drugs approved by FDA in recent years for acute and chronic GVHD as second-line therapy in the steroid-refractory group, there exists no standard approach. Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) with an immunomodulatory effect, is favored in the treatment of both acute and chronic steroid refractory GVHD as it does not increase the risk of relapses or infections. Having a low profile of side effects, ECP is also generally well-tolerated by patients. Being a time requiring procedure, the fact is that it is not able to be practiced in all health centers and requires central venous catheters in patients unfit for venous access may be enumerated among its shortcomings. No complete standard is available with respect to ECP application frequency-time; it varies from one center to another. The Turkish Society of Apheresis established the Turkish ECP (TECP) group and sought some answers to the questions regarding the use of ECP in the treatment of GVHD, and issued a position statement

    New indication for therapeutic potential of an old well-known drug (propranolol) for multiple myeloma

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    Purpose: Propranolol, a non-selective β-adrenergic receptor blocker, has been used for the treatment of the patients with hypertension for more than 50 years. There are several in vitro and in vivo evidences that β-adrenergic receptor antagonists inhibit proliferation and angiogenesis and also increase apoptosis in breast, skin, and colon cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of propranolol and the genes involved in propranolol-induced apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells. Methods: Time-dependent antiproliferation and apoptotic effects of propranolol were subsequently determined by MTT cell proliferation assay, changes in caspase-3 activity, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and also the localization of phosphatidylserine in the plasma membrane. Changes in expression levels of NF-ΚB pathway were examined by qRT-PCR array. Results: IC50 values of propranolol on U266 cells were calculated as 141, 100, and 75 μM after 24-, 48-, and 72-h propranolol exposure, respectively. There were significant increases in caspase-3 activity, loss of MMP, and increases in apoptotic cell population in response to propranolol in U266 cells in a time- and dose-dependent manner. There were increases in expression levels of BCL10, TRAF family members, interleukins, TLR1-4, TNFRSF10B, NF-κB, and the inhibitors of NF-κB genes, and significant decreases in expression levels of Bcl-2 in response to propranolol treatment were observed. Conclusion: These results revealed that propranolol has antiproliferative and apoptotic effects on multiple myeloma cells. Being supported with in vivo analyses, propranolol can be a good and economical way to treat multiple myeloma patients.Turkish Academy of Sciences Outstanding Young Investigator Programm