16 research outputs found

    Adaptive potential assessment of future teachers at the first stage of their professional training

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    The health-saving component of the educational environment requires improvement in the organization of physical culture and health, medical and preventive, psychological and pedagogical work to overcome maladjustment and develop the models of personal safe behavior from the first steps in the teaching professio

    The prevailing mechanisms of psychological protection at persons with different dominance of temperament

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    The article presents the results of the study of the relationship between the type of temperament and the mechanisms of psychological protection used by a perso

    Evaluation of the adaptive potential of first-graders with normal speech development and speech disorders

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    The objective of our research was to evaluate and compare the results of the study of physical development, somatic health, and adaptive capabilities of younger students with normal speech development and speech disorders during entering the school. The physical development of students was assessed using the somatometric, somatoscopic, and physiometric method

    Influence of child's individual experience on motor activity skill development during the preschool period

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    The advent of technology has overshadowed children's leisure time and deprived them of the opportunity for physical activity. The main target of the current study is to discuss about the methodology of individualized diagnostics of motor activity peculiarities among children during the preschool period. The aspect of physical activity development is of federal importance. The research problem is presented as a search for pedagogical possibilities to optimize the motor activity of a growing person during preschool ag

    Phenotypic effects of the dwarfing gene Rht-17 in spring durum wheat under two climatic conditions

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    Alleles of the genes, conferring a dwarfing phenotype, play a crucial role in wheat breeding, as they not only reduce plant height, ensuring their resistance to lodging, but also have a number of positive and negative pleiotropic effects on plant productivity. Durum wheat carries only two subgenomes (A and B), which limits the use of the D-subgenome genes and requires the expansion of the arsenal of dwarfing alleles and the study of their effects on height and agronomically important traits. We studied the effect of the gibberellin-insensitive allele Rht-B1p in the B2F2:3 families, developed by crossing Chris Mutant /#517//LD222 in a field experiment in Moscow and Krasnodar. In our experiments, plants homozygous for Rht-B1p were shorter than those homozygous for the wild-type allele Rht-B1a by 36.3 cm (40 %) in Moscow and 49.5 cm (48 %) in Krasnodar. In the field experiment in Krasnodar, each plant with Rht-B1p had one less internode than any plant with Rht-B1a, which additionally contributed to the decrease in plant height. Grain weight per main spike was lower in plants with Rht-B1p than in plants with Rht-B1a by 12 % in Moscow and by 23 % in Krasnodar due to a decrease in 1000 grain weight in both regions of the field experiment. The number of grains per main spike in plants with Rht-B1p was higher in comparison to that with Rht-B1a by 6.5 % in Moscow due to an increase in spikelet number per main spike and by 11 % in Krasnodar due to an increase in grain number per spikelet. The onset of heading in plants with Rht-B1p in comparison with the plants with the wild-type allele Rht-B1a was 7 days later in Krasnodar. The possibility and prospects for the use of Rht-B1p in the breeding of durum wheat are discussed

    The results of winter soft wheat breeding in the southern forest-steppe of the West Siberia

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    The expansion of winter wheat sowing areas is one of the reserves to increase grain production in the Siberian region. The winter wheat varieties “Omskaya ozimaya”, “Omskaya 4” and “Omskaya 5”, developed in the Omsk Agricultural Research Center (ARC), have become popular here. The winter wheat varieties “Siberskaya Niva”, “Severnaya Zarya”, “Omskaya 6” and “Yubileynaya 180”, which were used to develop a new hybrid material, made a definite contribution to the development of winter wheat breeding. The new variety of the Omsk Agricultural Research Center (ARC) is characterized with high yields, winter tolerance and resistance to lodging. The grain of this variety meets the requirements applied to valuable wheat. In 2018 the variety “Priirtyshskaya” was introduced in the State List of Breeding Achievements in the East Siberian Region. The purpose of our research is to identify forms of winter soft wheat with high yields and grain quality, adapted to local conditions. The study was conducted in 2015-2017. The object of study were winter wheat samples from competitive varietal testing. In this breeding nursery, there have been identified the promising lines “KSI 34/17”, “KSI 35/17” and “KSI 38/17”. They are characterized with higher yields, exceeding the standard variety “Omskaya 4” on 0.86-1.12 t/ha. The advantages of these lines are high winter tolerance, resistance to lodging and high grain quality. Due to some indicators of grain quality, you can select the variety line “KSI 35/17”. The line has larger percentage of protein in kernels, good rheological properties of dough, bread volume and general baking estimation compared with the standard variety “Omskaya 4”. The lines “KSI 34/17”, “KSI 38/17” possess good technological and baking indicators of grain quality


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    The article deals with the principles, methods and study results of the development of winter wheat varieties, tolerant to the widely spread and harmful diseases. The article gives the characteristics of phytosanitary risks dangerous for the gross yields of wheat. The main trends of the breeding-immunological researches in the institute, materials and methods which are used in wheat breeding for their immunity have been presented here. The results of the complex immunological assessment of winter wheat varieties tolerant to leaf rust are discussed in the article. The molecular screening showed that the winter wheat varieties, developed in the institute, possessed different types of tolerance genetically determined by the nature. It was established that the commercial varieties possessed poorly effective genes of tolerance Lr1, Lr10, Lr26, Lr34 and their various combinations or ‘pyramids’. The article presents the classification of the varieties according to the degree of their infection with leaf rust that is of great importance for the breeding and the conducting of genetic monitoring of disease resistance, to optimize phytosanitary state in the wheat agro phytocenosis. It has been determined that the most efficient method to create the varieties tolerant to head fusarium is a complex hybridization, intended on the pyramiding of the genes with specific and unspecific resistance. The important thing of the breeding work is to carry out multiple selections in the hybrid populations, starting with F2 under artificial infection. Using such methods the new variety ‘Urup’ has been obtained and approved for use in the production

    Формирование профессиональных компетенций будущих офицеров к действиям в условиях радиационной, химической и биологической опасности

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    Шемчук, В. Формування професійних компетентностей майбутніх офіцерів до дій в умовах радіаційної, хімічної та біологічної небезпеки / Вадим Шемчук, Олександр Хацаюк, Володимир Соколовський та ін. // Військова освіта. - 2021. - № 1( 43). - С. 360-380. - DOI: 10.33099/2617-1775/2021-01/360-380.Розглянуто актуальну проблему формування прикладних професійних компетентностей майбутніх офіцерів (на прикладі курсантів груп спеціального призначення Національної академії Національної гвардії України) до дій в умовах радіаційної, хімічної та біологічної небезпеки. Сконструйовано та апробовано змістово-функціональну модель, яка забезпечує формування готовності майбутніх офіцерів (курсантів груп спеціального призначення Національної академії Національної гвардії України) до дій в екстремальних умовах (радіаційної, хімічної та біологічної небезпеки) із використанням засобів спеціальної фізичної підготовки.The actual problem of forming applied professional competencies of future officers (on the example of cadets of special purpose groups of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine) for actions in conditions of radiation, chemical and biological danger is considered. A content-functional model was designed and tested, which ensures the formation of the readiness of future officers (cadets of special purpose groups of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine) to act in extreme conditions (radiation, chemical and biological danger) using means of special physical training.Рассмотрена актуальная проблема формирования прикладных профессиональных компетентностей будущих офицеров (на примере курсантов групп специального назначения Национальной академии Национальной гвардии Украины) к действиям в условиях радиационной, химической и биологической опасности. Сконструирована и апробирована содержательно-функциональная модель, которая обеспечивает формирование готовности будущих офицеров (курсантов групп специального назначения Национальной академии Национальной гвардии Украины) к действиям в экстремальных условиях (радиационной, химической и биологической опасности) с использованием средств специальной физической подготовки