4 research outputs found

    Self-directed Learning through Creative Activity of Students

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    Teaching a foreign language is associated with the development of thinking, emotions and other areas of the personality. The importance and the need to include motivational and emotional spheres of the individual student in the study of a foreign language are stressed in the article. Self-directed learning means various types of individual and group activity of students that they have undertaken in the classroom and extracurricular activities at home without the direct participation of the teacher. The authors discuss the problem of independent work skills development of students learning a foreign language, assert that the effect of independent work is possible only when it is implemented in the educational process as a whole system that runs through all stages of foreign language teaching, and pay special attention to the tasks that students develop themselves

    E-learning as a Model of Lifelong Education for Older Adults

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    The article deals with the specific information about main resources of E-learning education for older adults. Programs and policies that encourage lifelong educational resources and practices by older persons are needed. These included education level; self-study in the form of reading manuals, reference books and journals; computer/Internet use, use of the library; leisure reading of books; reading letters, notes and e-mails. Ways of application of Information Technology in older adults teaching process are given. Lifelong education enables older people to gain self-confidence, show their creativity, and share their skills and experience. Education becomes a special need in the realization and protection of older adults of their rights and clarifying the responsibilities, taking responsibility for their own destiny. The elderly are the most socially vulnerable group in need of a decent quality of life and health. At the same time, there is an increasingly significant need for the development of social services such as education, health care, medical services, vocational training and the retraining of the elderly

    Innovations Marketing System at Enterprises

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    The demand for innovations at the enterprises of different industries grows every year. Innovative enterprises exist due to the unique products. The relevance of marketing activities while working with the innovation leaves no doubt. In this paper, we consider the marketing mix in introducing a new product to market. The innovations marketing system is developed on the basis of various Russian and foreign methods of innovative products introduction. A complex of marketing communications was thoroughly revealed by the example of the Russian company. The results of the research are methodological and practical marketing recommendations for company representatives. We used the methods of an experimental and theoretical level: synthesis, analysis and hypothesis. Information for the creation of marketing innovations complex was synthesized. The analysis of the company current situation and a list of new strategies on pricing and the introduction of new products were proposed. Profiles of potential consumers were compiled hypothetically

    Social Wellbeing of Older Adults in Britain and Russia through the Prism of Social Challenges

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    The paper considers the peculiarities of social well-being of older adults who represent the generation of baby boomers. The baby boom generation consists of people born during the demographic post–world war II baby boom between the years 1946 and 1964 in Britain and in Russia. Approaches to the research of wellbeing among Russian and foreign scientists are presented. Social wellbeing is a great concern in social philosophy. Several social challenges are described to form possible dimensions of social wellbeing. The author emphasizes a dichotomy of social well-being, considering external and internal determinants. The author analyzes social well-being through a prism of social difficulties (social integration, social acceptance, social contribution, social actualization, social coherence) that form the model of social well-being. The potential benefits of social life are a sense of belonging, social integration and a sense of shared consciousness. Comparing how older adults of Britain and Russia overcome difficulties and adapt to the new social realities, the author comes to a conclusion that subjective factors define the readiness of older adults to shift to a new level and influence their ability to cope with social difficulties