33 research outputs found

    Poremećaji reprodukcijske funkcije u mužjaka štakora uzrokovani unosom tekućine bogate fruktozom od 23 dana starosti do puberteta

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    There is compelling evidence that a hypercaloric, high-fructose diet can cause metabolic syndrome (MetS) and a whole range of other metabolic changes. In the context of androgen deficiency, MetS in boys merits special attention, but the effects of fructose-rich diet in youth on future male reproductive function are still poorly evidenced. The aim of this study was to address this issue and analyse the effects of high-fructose intake starting from weaning to puberty (postnatal day 23 up to 83) on the reproductive function of male rats. For this purpose juvenile male Wistar rats were divided in two groups: control and the group receiving 10 % fructose solution instead of drinking water. Reproductive function was evaluated in terms of fertility, sperm count, testes/epididymis morphology, and serum sex hormones. The fructose-treated group showed a decrease in testosterone and twofold increase in luteinising and follicle-stimulating hormone levels in the serum. This was accompanied with lower testis/epididymis weights, sperm count, and changed testis/epididymis morphology. Their fertility remained unchanged, but the fertility of females mating with these males diminished. In addition, pre-implantation and post-implantation embryonic death rate rose in these females. Our results have confirmed that high fructose consumption from early age until puberty can impair the reproductive function of male rats, and call for further animal and epidemiological investigation.Postoje snažni dokazi da hiperkalorična prehrana bogata fruktozom može uzrokovati metabolički sindrom (MetS) i cijeli niz drugih promjena u metabolizmu. U smislu androgene deficijencije, MetS u dječaka izaziva posebnu pažnju, ali nema mnogo spoznaja o učincima prehrane bogate fruktozom u ranoj mladosti na buduću reprodukcijsku funkciju u muškaraca. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja bio analizirati učinke unosa tekućine bogate fruktozom u mladih mužjaka štakora od trenutka kad su prestali sisati (23 dana starosti) do puberteta (83 dana starosti) na njihovu reprodukcijsku funkciju. U tu su svrhu muški Wistar štakori podijeljeni u dvije skupine: kontrolnu i onu koja je primala 10 %-tnu otopinu fruktoze umjesto vode za piće. Parametri procjene reprodukcijske funkcije obuhvatili su plodnost, broj spermija, morfologiju testisa (sjemenika) i epididimisa (pasjemenika) te razine spolnih hormona u serumu. U skupini koja je primala fruktozu zamijećeno je smanjenje razine testosterona i dvostruko povećanje razina luteinizirajućega i folikulostimulirajućega hormona u serumu u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Te su promjene popraćene padom težine testisa i epididimisa, broja spermija te promjenama u morfologiji testisa i epididimisa. Plodnost im se nije promijenila, ali je zato plodnost ženki koje su se parile s mužjacima izloženima fruktozi bila smanjena. Osim toga, u tih se ženki povećala smrtnost embrija prije i nakon implantacije u odnosu na ženke koje su se parile s kontrolnim mužjacima. Naši rezultati potvrđuju pretpostavku da konzumacija hrane i pića bogatih fruktozom od rane dobi do puberteta može oštetiti reprodukcijsku funkciju u štakora. Stoga je potrebno provesti daljnja istraživanja u životinja te epidemiološka istraživanja u ljudi

    Measuring the efficiency of higher education: case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    This paper is devoted to measuring the efficiency of the higher education of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data envelopment analysis method was applied, considering the number of enrolled students, budget financing, co-financing, self-financing as inputs, and the number of graduated students according to the field of education as the output. Measuring the relative efficiency of main fields of the higher education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the authors found that the agriculture is the most efficient field of higher education in this country. However, the engineering, manufacturing technologies and construction field have the lowest efficiency score due to the high consumption of budget expenditures, but the lowest education results. The hypothesis of the growing efficiency of the higher education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina was not confirmed. The downward trend in the total number of publications indicates a twofold deterioration in the scientific efficiency of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the six-year period. Comparison with neighboring countries showed relatively low scientific efficiency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conclusion is that currently the higher education system in Bosnia and Herzegovina is relatively inefficient and its efficiency falls down

    Вплив сульфат-іонних середовищ на фізико-механічну довговічність цементних виробів, модифікованих ефірами целюлози

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    The object of research is organic additives of methyl hydroxyethyl cellulose of medium and high viscosity, namely, their nature of the effect on the physical and mechanical durability under the destructive influence of various sulfate-ionic media. The need to study the nature of the effect of this additive on resistance to an aggressive environment is also associated mainly with the expansion of the types of building mixtures to create competitive products without losing product quality and to improve the mechanical and rheological properties.In the course of the study, cellulose ethers of medium (17000–23000 mPa∙s) and high (20,000–30,000 mP s) viscosity were used. Additives were added to the cement in the amount of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 wt. %. It was found that the introduction of cellulose ether into cement leads to an increase in the normal density of the dough and an extension of the setting time of solutions, in turn, affects the process of strength gain of the latter, in comparison with control samples without additives. With the introduction of the additive, the rate of water separation of the mixtures also significantly decreases, indicating the water-retention capacity of the additive. For the concentration of additives in the amount of 0.25 wt. %. This decrease is 2 times less than for control samples. For a concentration of 0.5–0.75 wt. % Water loss is reduced by 3 times compared to samples without additive. Significant changes also occur during the early strength gain of the samples with an increase in the additive concentration. The destructive effect of an aggressive sulfate medium was determined by the change in compressive strength. With prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment on control and test samples, it is noted that the introduction of this additive of organic origin negatively affects the strength characteristics of cement mixtures with cellulose ethers with an increase in the additive content. The above results indicate the advisability of using cellulose ethers of medium viscosity in dry building mixtures as such, which will provide the necessary storage time for the fluidity of the solution and sufficient strength of the final material.Объектом исследования являются органические добавки метилгидроксиетилцеллюлозы средней и высокой вязкости, а именно их характер воздействия на физико-механическую долговечность под разрушающим действием различных сульфат-ионных сред. Необходимость изучения характера влияния данной добавки на устойчивость к воздействию агрессивных сред также в основном связана с расширением ассортимента строительных смесей для создания конкурентоспособной продукции без потери качества продукции и для улучшения механико-реологических свойств.В ходе исследования использовались эфиры целлюлозы средней (17000–23000 мПа∙с) и высокой (20000–30000 мПа∙с) вязкости. Добавки вводились в цемент в количестве 0,25, 0,5 и 0,75 мас. %. Установлено, что введение эфира целлюлозы в цемент приводит к увеличению нормальной густоты теста и удлинению сроков схватывания растворов, что в свою очередь влияет на процесс набора прочности последних, в сравнении с контрольными образцами без добавки. При добавлении добавки также значительно уменьшается показатель водоотделения смесей, что свидетельствует о водоудерживающей способности добавки. Для концентрации добавок в количестве 0,25 масс. % это уменьшение составляет в 2 раза меньше, чем для контрольных образцов. Для концентрации 0,5–0,75 масс. % водоотделение уменьшается в 3 раза, по сравнению с образцами без добавки. Существенные изменения происходят и во время набора ранней прочности образцов при увеличении концентрации добавки. Разрушающее воздействие агрессивной сульфатной среды определялось по изменению прочности на сжатие. При длительном воздействии агрессивной среды на контрольные и проектные образцы отмечалось, что наличие данной добавки органического происхождения негативно влияет на прочностные характеристики цементных смесей с эфирами целлюлозы при росте содержания добавки. Приведенные результаты указывают на целесообразность использования эфиров целлюлозы средней вязкости в сухих строительных смесях как таковых, которые обеспечат необходимые сроки хранения подвижности раствора и достаточную прочность конечного материала.Об’єктом дослідження є органічні добавки метилгідроксиетилцелюлози середньої та високої в’язкості, а саме їх характер впливу на фізико-механічну довговічність під руйнуючою дією різних сульфат-іонних середовищ. Необхідність вивчення характеру впливу даної добавки на стійкість до впливу агресивних середовищ також пов’язана здебільшого через розширення асортименту будівельних сумішей для створення конкурентоспроможної продукції без втрати якості продукції та для поліпшення механіко-реологічних властивостей.У ході дослідження використовувалися ефіри целюлози середньої (17000–23000 мПа∙с) та високої (20000–30000 мПа∙с) в’язкості. Добавки вводилися в цемент в кількості 0,25, 0,5 та 0,75 мас. %. Встановлено, що введення ефіру целюлози в цемент призводить до збільшення нормальної густоти тіста та подовження строків тужавлення розчинів, що у свою чергу впливає на процес набору міцності останніх, в порівнянні до контрольних зразків без добавки. При введенні добавки також значно зменшується показник водовідділення сумішей, що свідчить про водоутримувальну здатність добавки. Для концентрації добавок у кількості 0,25 мас. % це зменшення складає в 2 рази менше, ніж для контрольних зразків. Для концентрації 0,5–0,75 мас. % водовідділення зменшується в 3 рази, в порівнянні із зразками без добавки. Суттєві зміни відбуваються і під час набору ранньої міцності зразків при збільшенні концентрації добавки. Руйнуючий вплив агресивного сульфатного середовища визначався по зміні міцності на стиск. При довготривалому впливі агресивного середовища на контрольні та дослідні зразки відмічається, що введення даної добавки органічного походження негативно впливає на характеристики міцності цементних сумішей з ефірами целюлози при зростанні вмісту добавки. Наведені результати вказують на доцільність використовування ефірів целюлози середньої в’язкості в сухих будівельних сумішах як таких, що забезпечать необхідні строки зберігання рухливості розчину та достатню міцність кінцевого матеріалу


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    Objective: The objective of this work was to carry out studies in the field of development of a hydroalcoholic extract from the liquorice root that has a high level of antimicrobial activity.Methods: For the antibacterial study of extracts, we have used the agar well diffusion method. In our research, we have utilized six test-strain microorganisms: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Proteus vulgaris ATCC 4636, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Candida albicans ATCC 885/653, and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Authors have applied vector theory for antimicrobial activity comparison of liquorice root extracts.Results: Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extracts from the liquorice root with the use of different concentrations of ethanol have been studied. The optimal range of ethanol concentration of 65±15% v/v has been found. The dependency between the integral index of antimicrobial activity of the extract and concentration of glycyram and licuroside has been found. The minimal concentration of glycyram and licuroside in the extract has been calculated for an exhibition of the target level of extract's antimicrobial activity, which is 1.0 and 0.11% w/v, respectively.Conclusion: It has been found that the concentration of licuroside has greater influence on the integral index of extract's antimicrobial activity in comparison with that one of glycyram. A highly effective technology for obtaining an extract with target phytochemical parameters has been suggested

    Метрологический анализ шаровых фотометров для измерения светового потока светодиодов

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    Проведено порівняльний метрологічний аналіз на основі математичних моделей трьох конструкцій кульових фотометрів для вимірювання потоку світлодіодів. Кожна модель враховує основні конструктивні параметри фотометра, типові значення яких використано при розрахунках. Показано, що для заданих вихідних умов найбільший вклад у сумарну похибку для схем зі світлодіодом на стінці та в центрі сфери вносить нестабільність коефіцієнта відбиття покриття сфери, а для схеми зі світлодіодом перед вхідною діафрагмою сфери при вимірюванні повного потоку найбільший вклад вносить нестабільність відстані до діафрагми. В цілому найвищу точність мають вимірювання повного потоку за схемою зі світлодіодом у центрі сфери, дещо нижчу - за схемою зі світлодіодом на стінці сфери, і найнижчу – зі світлодіодом перед вхідною діафрагмою сфери. Дано обґрунтовані рекомендації щодо оптимального практичного застосування кожної зі схем. Також для всіх схем наведено залежності сумарної відносної похибки від первинних похибок основних конструктивних параметрів, які можна використовувати для вибору оптимальної схеми фотометра та підбору оптимальних значень конструктивних параметрів.A comparative metrological analysis using mathematical models of three integrating sphere photometer schemes, for LED luminous flux measurement, was held. Each model takes into account the main design parameters of the photometer, typical values of which are used in the calculations. It's shown, that for given initial conditions, the greatest contribution to the total error for schemes with LED on the wall of sphere and in the center of sphere introduces instability of sphere reflectance coating, and for the scheme with LED in front of entrance aperture of sphere, for total luminous flux measurement, - instability of the distance to the diaphragm. In general, the highest accuracy for total luminous flux measurement have a scheme with LED in the center of the sphere, somewhat lower - a scheme with LED on the wall of sphere, and the lowest - a scheme with LED in front of input aperture of the sphere. The substantiated recommendations on the best practical application of each of the schemes are given. Also, for all schemes dependencies of the total relative error on the primary errors of basic design parameters, that can be used to select the optimal scheme of the photometer and selection of optimal values of design parameters are given.Проведен сравнительный метрологический анализ на основе математических моделей трех конструкций шаровых фотометров для измерения потока светодиодов. Каждая модель учитывает основные конструктивные параметры фотометра, типичные значения которых использованы при расчетах. Показано, что для данных исходных условий наибольший вклад в суммарную погрешность для схем со светодиодом на стенке и в центре сферы вносит нестабильность коэффициента отражения покрытия сферы, а для схемы со светодиодом перед входной диафрагмой сферы при измерении полного потока наибольший вклад вносит нестабильность расстояния до диафрагмы. В целом наивысшую точность имеют измерения полного потока по схеме со светодиодом в центре сферы, несколько более низкую – по схеме со светодиодом на стенке сферы и самую низкую - по схеме со светодиодом перед входной диафрагмой сферы. Даны обоснованные рекомендации относительно оптимального практического применения каждой из схем. Также для всех схем приведены зависимости суммарной относительной погрешности от первичных погрешностей основных конструктивных параметров, которые можно использовать для выбора оптимальной схемы фотометра и подбора оптимальных значений конструктивных параметров

    The activity of proliferation and apoptosis of thyrocytes in the thyroid tissue of patients of nodular goiter with autoimmune thyroiditis considering the polymorphism of the BCL-2 (RS17759659), CTLA-4 (RS231775), APO-1/FAS (RS2234767) genes

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    Nodular goiter with autoimmune thyroiditis is one of the most important problems of modern endocrinology, with inadequately studied etiological and pathogenic mechanisms of development. It is characterized by the lack of objective and reliable diagnostic methods, effective treatment methods, uncertain therapy or indications for the choice of treatment methods. A total we have examined 125 patients who were operated for a nodular endemic goiter with autoimmune thyroiditis. Investigated the activity of proliferation and apoptosis of thyrocytes in the thyroid tissue of patients of nodular goiter with autoimmune thyroiditis considering the polymorphism of the bcl-2 (rs17759659), ctla-4 (rs231775), apo-1/fas (rs2234767) genes. The expression/density markers - Fas/ FasL, Bcl-2, p53 and Ki-67 on the thyrocytes in the lymphoid infiltration and destruction areas, as well as in normal thyroid tissue (as a control) were studied. The number of immunoreactive cells, which expressed the above-mentioned regulating apoptosis and proliferation markers in NGAIT patients, depending on the genes polymorphism BCL-2 (rs17759659), CTLA-4 (rs231775) and APO-1/Fas (rs2234767) were counted. It was found that in NGAIT patients a few links of programmable thyroid cell killing of Fas-induced apoptosis were activated, and associated with the polymorphic cite of BCL-2 (rs17759659) gene and almost 6 times weaker with CTLA-4 (rs231775) gene, through enhanced expression of Fas and Fas L on the cells surface in lymphoid infiltration and destruction areas (stronger in GG genotype carriers of BCL2 gene)

    A phase III, randomized, double-blind, multicenter study to compare the efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity between SB8 (proposed bevacizumab biosimilar) and reference bevacizumab in patients with metastatic or recurrent nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer

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    Objectives: Efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and immunogenicity of the biosimilar candidate SB8 was compared to its reference product bevacizumab (BEV) in patients with metastatic or recurrent nonsquamous non―small cell lung cancer. Methods: Patients were randomized (1:1) in a phase III, double-blind study to receive intravenous SB8 or BEV 15 mg/kg with paclitaxel/carboplatin every 3 weeks for 24 weeks, followed by SB8 or BEV maintenance monotherapy. The primary endpoint was best overall response rate (ORR) by 24 weeks. Secondary endpoints included survival outcomes, safety, PK, and immunogenicity. Results: 763 patients (SB8, n = 379; BEV, n = 384) were randomized; baseline characteristics were well balanced. Best ORR in the FAS was 47.6% and 42.8%, and best ORR in the PPS was 50.1% and 44.8% for SB8 and BEV, respectively. The risk ratio of best ORR was 1.11 (90% CI, 0.975−1.269), and the risk difference in best ORR was 5.3% (95% CI, −2.2%–12.9%). Median survival outcomes were comparable between SB8 and BEV: progression-free survival was 8.50 vs 7.90 months, respectively (HR [95% CI], 0.99 [0.83–1.18]; p = 0.9338); overall survival was 14.90 vs 15.80 months, respectively (HR [95% CI], 1.03 [0.83–1.28]; p = 0.7713); and duration of response was 7.70 vs 7.00 months, respectively (HR [95% CI], 1.05 [0.81–1.37]; p = 0.6928). Severity and incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events, PK, and immunogenicity were comparable between SB8 and BEV. Conclusion: This study demonstrated equivalence between SB8 and BEV in terms of best ORR risk ratio, with comparable safety, PK, and immunogenicity

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security

    The Study of Personality Types Influence on the Susceptibility to Rumors Impact

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    Rumors are now considered to be not only the natural communicative phenomenon, but also the effective means of informative and psychological impact. The effectiveness of psychological impact through rumors is determined by the proximity of incoming information to the structure of psychological spatial values of a person. The susceptibility is understood as a trend of convergence of the psychological space of a person and incoming information. It depends on many factors, including the dominant personality type. In our survey, the type of a person means a set of sustainable human personal manifestations (Myers – Briggs typology). The cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of impact can be distinguished on the assumption of personality traits. The survey found that most recipients of extraverted type are susceptible to the effects of cognitive and behavioral components of hearing while people of introverted type are susceptible to the influence through emotional component; recipients of dominant sensory type are susceptible to the effects of cognitive and emotional components of hearing while people of intuitive type are susceptible to the effects of cognitive and behavioral components; recipients of feeling type are susceptible to the influence of the emotional component of spreadable rumors

    Convergence of educational technologies as an imperative for the development of innovation cooperation in the context of circular transformation

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    The object of the study is the process of convergence of educational technologies as an imperative for the development of innovative cooperation under the conditions of circular transformation. The central element of circular transformations is a person who must quickly react and adapt to changes in the external environment and solve management problems through systematic professional growth. This can be achieved thanks to the introduction of high-quality modern educational technologies, which require both special knowledge of the theory and practice of management, as well as personal development qualities. To achieve a state of sustainable development, managers making management decisions must quickly respond and adapt to changes in the external environment to solve various management problems. This requires systematic professional growth through the transition to high-quality new educational technologies. Combining the principles of global cooperation, defining the key imperatives of sustainable development and finding innovative measures of cooperation under the renewed conditions of the circular economy must be based on education. The main generally accepted indicator of the level of development of any country in the world is GDP. But under conditions of uncertainty and change, the real state of development and progress can be determined using the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), which is an integral indicator. One of the main issues is the determination of the level of sustainable development in the context of circular transformations, taking into account the influence of the level of education and existing approaches to its assessment. If we take into account that the conditions for cyclical transformations must occur, including through raising the level of education and the constant transfer of education into practice, then the inclusion of the Index of the level of education is necessary to calculate the real state of development of any countr