150 research outputs found
Economic globalization and the increased flow of goods, services, and capital do not only imply new possibilities from the environment, but also new strategic challenges for companies. If a company wants to survive and remain active on the market, it is necessary to expand business activities outside the borders of the mother country i.e. to begin the process of internationalization. There are many modes of internationalization, from those referred to as trans-border (or trans-regional) business operations, those are usually exporting activities, to sophisticated forms that include the activity of founding and taking over foreign companies, technology transfer and other skills and strategic alliances where companies pursue common interests on the global market. If business internationalization is a form of measure of strategic success in relatively unfavorable conditions, then it is relevant to put forward the proposition that business internationalization of the companies in Croatia is the result of developed technological capabilities. Since capabilities are generally seen as prerequisites for expanding business operations, it is not surprising that technological capabilities are considered dominant determinants of the level of internationalization of a company’s business activities. The paper addresses interrelationships among technological capabilities measured through investments in technology, investments in research and development, the frequency of introduction of new products and technological solutions and business internationalization defined in its narrow sense as exporting activities and trans-border sales made by Croatian companies. Primary research has been conducted on the companies in the Republic of Croatia by the use of a questionnaire (the companies that realize the export share of over 50% in the total income)
Growing competition and market dynamics are some of the main features of modern economics so resources such as knowledge and human capital are increasingly emerging. The main aim of this paper is to examine the effects and consequences of innovations in pharmaceutical companies in Croatia, their advantages and disadvantages, the importance of innovation as key drivers of the business, problems they encounter when introducing innovations regarding acceptance and adaptation to new changes in the company. For the purpose of data collection, interviews were conducted with representatives of companies that are performing leading functions and therefore they provided insight into the main differences that make these companies stand out among the competition as well as the characteristics of those innovations that make them unique on the market. Interviews were conducted with a small number of companies, which is why generalization can result in a high degree of bias. Nevertheless, insight has been provided into the correlation regarding investment, innovation, and the benefits they provide for the employees, industry, and society. The differences found can serve as a basis for further research and improvement of the current practice within the industry
Lexicographic Work of Bogoslav Šulek
U radu će se opisati cjelokupni leksikografski rad Bogoslava Šuleka i osvijetliti njegovo mjesto u povijesti hrvatske leksikografije, kroz pet zasebnih cjelina. U uvodnome dijelu opisat će se kulturno – povijesne prilike Hrvatske netom prije dolaska Bogoslava Šuleka, zatim slijedi dio koji govori o životu i djelovanju spomenutog leksikografa, potom se opisuje njegova pripadnost kolu Iliraca i zagrebačkoj filološkoj školi. Nadalje se iznose stavovi i kritike Šulekovih suvremenika, leksikografa, filologa i savjetodavaca prema njegovome leksikografskome radu te slijedi poglavlje o tvorbenim načelima Šulekovih novotvorenica. Središnji dio rada obuhvaća drugo i treće poglavlje posvećeno njegovim rječnicima: Njemačko – hrvatskom iz 1860. te Hrvatsko – njemačko – talijanskom rječniku znanstvenog nazivlja iz 1874./5. U svakoj se cjelini zasebno navode razlozi postanka rječnika, suradnici i drugi, već postojeći rječnici, koji su Šuleku pomogli i poslužili uzorom pri izradi njegovih rječnika. U poglavlju o rječniku znanstvenoga nazivlja detaljnije se opisuje Šulekov rad na hrvatskom jezikoslovnom, glazbenom i kemijskom nazivlju te izradi pravne, domobranske i biljarske terminologije. Od četvrtoga se poglavlja obrazlaže o ostalome leksikografskome radu Bogoslava Šuleka, o Jugoslavenskome imeniku bilja koji predstavlja krunu njegova rada na biljnome nazivlju dok su u završnome, zaključnome, poglavlju sažeto iznesene značajke njegova cjelokupna rada
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Authentic Leadership Style
The acceleration of the business environment often does not leave individuals sufficient amount of time and space to establish meaningful connections - especially among the manager\u27s population. Although the emphasis is placed on the fact that people are the most valuable resource for organizations, the increasingly present superficial connections among colleagues do not support it. Therefore, in the context of the mentioned changes, it should be emphasized that it is not enough to pay attention only to the development of cognitive knowledge that an individual possesses and for which there are numerous programs for improvement; but rather to focus more on the emotions of individuals. In addition, in today\u27s organizations emotionally intelligent leaders are needed more than ever. Their modus operandi should be the implementation of emotional intelligence model into organizations in an authentic way, creating organizations of the future. The aforementioned authenticity in incorporating an emotional intelligence model can help organizations achieve their full potential. Otherwise, elements of the emotional intelligence model represent nothing more than a manipulation tool for individuals to achieve their own goals, and the progress of the organization is fading away. For the purpose of this paper, managers and employees of various organizations in Croatia were surveyed in order to determine the level of emotional intelligence and its relationship to the style of leadership.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p
The expression of inflammation markers in fatty tissue of male Sprague Dawley rats following chronic stress
Ciljevi istraživanja: pokazati razlike u veličini adipocita i pojavi upale u masnom tkivu mladih i starih ženki štakora nakon izlaganja lažnom i pravom kroničnom stresu. Nacrt studije: studija je provedena kao istraživanje parova. Materijali i metode: u studiju je bilo uključeno 40 ženki Sprague Dawley štakora (10 po skupini) koje su u dobi od 3,5 mjeseci ili 14,5 mjeseci izložene lažnom ili pravom kroničnom stresu u trajanju od 3 ciklusa po 10 dana. Fiksirano tkivo se krioprotektiralo ili uklopilo u parafin. Parafinski blokovi masnog tkiva izrezali su se na debljinu od 6 μm, stavili na stakla, deparafinizirali te obojali hemalaun/eozinom za određivanje površine pojedinih adipocita. Stupanj upale određivali smo imunohistokemijom i bojenjem retikulina po Gomoriju. Dehidrirani i pokriveni preparati pod mikroskopom su se fotografirali, a kvantifikacija se napravila u programu ImageJ. Rezultati: starije stresirane ženke štakora imale su statistički značajno veći volumen adipocita i stupanj upale nego ostale skupine. Broj M1 makrofaga smanjio se u mlađih životinja nakon kroničnoga stresa, dok je u starijih znatno narastao. Broj M2 makrofaga se smanjio nakon kroničnoga stresa i u mladih i u starih životinja. Zaključak: kronični stres imao je suprotan učinak na mlade i stare životinje. Dok je u mlađih životinja smanjio upalu niskog stupnja u masnom tkivu, u starih se životinja upala povećala.Objectives: the aim of this study is to show differences in the size of adipocytes and the appearance of inflammation in the adipose tissue of young and old female rats after the exposure to sham and real chronic stress. Study design: the study was conducted as a matched pair study. Materials and Methods: the study included 40 female Sprague Dawley rats (10 per group) who were 3,5 months or 14,5 months exposed to sham or real stress for 3 cycles per 10 days. Fixed tissue was cryoprotected or embedded in paraffin. Paraffin blocks of adipose tissue were cut to 6 μm thick slices, placed on the slides, deparaffinized and stained hemalaun/eosin to determine the surface area of adipocytes. The degree of inflammation was determined by immunohistochemistry and staining on reticulin according to Gomori. Dehydrated and covered preparations were photographed under a microscope, and quantification was made using ImageJ. Results: older stressed female rats had statistically significantly larger adipocytes and higher degree of inflammation than other groups. Number of M1 macrophages decreased in younger animals after chronic stress, while in the elderly it increased significantly. Number of M2 macrophages decreased after chronic stress in both young and old animals. Conclusion: chronic stress had the opposite effect on young and old animals. While in younger animals it reduced low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue, in older animals inflammation increased
Sociolingüística urbana: estrategias de cortesía verbal en la interacción oral de la comunidad lingüística urbana de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana ; Urban sociolinguistics: politeness strategies in the oral interaction of urban population in the city of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ; Городская социолингвистика: стратегии учтивости в устном взаимодействии городской популяции города Санто Доминго, Доминиканская Республика
току последње четири деценије, студије о језичкој учтивости заузеле су
значајно место у оквиру лингвистичких истраживања, како због свог доприноса
теоријској анализи и методологији дискурса и конверзације, тако и због своје
константне повезаности са другим дисциплинама, какве су социолингвистика,
друштвена прагматика и етнографија комуникације, између осталих.
Традиционалне студије о учтивости карактеристичне су по истицању искључиво
друштвених и нарочито формалних вредности учтивости, без посебног осврта на
њихов индивидуални, креативни и стратешки аспект; у призми ових уобичајено
одбациваних аспеката, обавили смо социолингвистичку анализу деловања говорне
учтивости на међуљудске односе унутар говорне заједнице у Санто Домингу,
првој говорној заједници у „Новом свету“ (Америци), користивши при томе
модел сакупљања основних података, фокусирајући се на спонтаности и/или
полу-спонтаности самих говорника приликом њиховог разговора...En las últimas cuatro décadas, los estudios sobre cortesía verbal han ganado un
lugar relevante en el seno de las investigaciones lingüísticas, por su aporte al análisis
teórico y metodológico del discurso y de la conversación, y por su constante relación
con otras disciplinas, como es el caso de la sociolingüística, la pragmática social y la
etnografía de la comunicación, entre otras. Los estudios tradicionales sobre cortesía se
han caracterizado por destacar solamente los valores sociales y meramente formales
que la cortesía posee, desdeñando su aspecto individual, creativo y estratégico; bajo
este prisma ordinariamente desechado, la autora realiza un análisis sociolingüístico del
comportamiento de la cortesía verbal en las relaciones interpersonales que tienen lugar
en la comunidad lingüística de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, primera
comunidad lingüística de habla hispana en el “Nuevo Mundo” (América), utilizando
para ello un esquema de recolección de datos basado en la espontaneidad y/o semiespontaneidad
de los interlocutores participantes..
Ogoljavanje identiteta stranca: Udio povijesti, između reformacije i tranzicije, u Jančarevu romanu Galijot
In a wide spectrum of created forms of historical genre, Jančar’s novel
Galijot, with its theme of the character of a foreigner, sets this issue
as a semantic and conceptual knot of his novel and thus represents an
optimal point in his interpretative – analytical act.U širokom spektru pojavnih oblika povijesnog žanra, roman Drage
Jančara Galijot tematiziranjem lika stranca postavlja tu problematiku
kao svojevrsni semantičko – idejni čvor ovoga romana te ona
kao takva ujedno predstavlja i optimalnu polaznu točku u njegovu
interpretacijsko – analitičkom činu
Are Flexible Forms of Work Always Good? Flexible Forms of Work Directed Towards Parents and Carers in EU Countries
Promjene u svijetu rada vode rastućoj potrebi za reguliranjem fleksibilnih oblika rada, a za roditelje i pružatelje skrbi to dodatno traži Direktiva o ravnoteži između poslovnog i privatnog života roditelja i pružatelja skrbi (EU/2019/1158) koju je Hrvatska prenijela u nacionalno zakonodavstvo 2022. godine. Istovremeno, istraživanja ukazuju kako prilagodbe radnog zakonodavstva u tom smjeru, uz pozitivne, mogu imati i negativne učinke na dobrobit zaposlenika i rodnu ravnopravnost te je bitno voditi računa o javnopolitičkom, organizacijskom i kulturnom kontekstu unutar kojeg se fleksibilni oblici rada reguliraju. Kako je potonja rasprava izostala u procesu prilagodbe hrvatskog zakonodavstva, ovaj rad promišlja jakosti i slabosti trenutnog uređenja fleksibilnih oblika rada za roditelje i pružatelje skrbi u Hrvatskoj, stavljajući ga u komparativnu perspektivu te u kontekst dosadašnjih spoznaja o učincima fleksibilnih oblika rada na dobrobit zaposlenika i rodnu ravnopravnost. Ukazuje kako šire reguliranje prava na fleksibilne oblike rada zbog potrebe skrbi nije pratilo promišljanje negativnih učinaka koje takvi oblici rada mogu imati na dobrobit zaposlenika i rodnu ravnopravnost te time niti uvođenje mehanizama koji bi iste mogli prevenirati ili ublažiti.Changes in the world of labour lead to the need to regulate flexible forms of work, and in the case of parents and carers this is additionally demanded by the Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers (EU/2019/1158) that was transferred by Croatia to its national legislation in 2022. At the same time, research indicates that adjustments of labour legislation in that direction can also, apart from positive ones, have negative effects on the well-being of employees and gender equality, so it is important to take into consideration the political, organisational and cultural context within which flexible forms of work are regulated. As there was no discussion during the process of the adjustment of the Croatian legislation, this paper considers the strengths and weaknesses of the current regulation of flexible forms of work for parents and carers in Croatia, placing it in a comparative perspective and within the context of current knowledge about the effects of flexible forms of work on the well-being of employees and gender equality. It indicates that the wider regulation of the right to flexible forms of work due to the need for care was not followed by consideration of the negative effects that such forms of work may have on the well-being of employees and gender equality, or by the introduction of mechanisms that could prevent or alleviate them
Poremećaji glasa u dječjoj dobi
Poremećaji glasa u dječjoj dobi česti su i zahtjevaju što raniju dijagnostiku i liječenje, jer ukoliko se zakasni s liječenjem prelaze u kroničnu promuklost koja dovodi do poremećaja komunikacije u vrlo osjetljivom razdoblju školovanja djeteta. Pristup takvom djetetu ostvaruje se putem multidisciplinarnog tima koji čine ORL liječnik, logoped i psiholog. U našem izlaganju prikazali smo istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo 120 bolesnika, u razdoblju od siječnja 2018. do siječnja 2020. godine, od toga 80 dječaka i 40 djevojčica u dobi od 4 do 18 godina.
Dječje glasnice vizualizirane su putem fiberendoskopije i videostroboskopije, a svaki bolesnik procijenjen je od strane logopeda i psihologa. Kod gotovo svih bolesnika provedena je logopedska glasovna rehabilitacija. Od 120 bolesnika s poremećajima glasa, 104 ih je imalo stečeni, funkcionalni poremećaj, dok je 16 bolesnika imalo primarno organsku promjenu na glasnicama, od čega 7 cista glasnica i 8 juvenilnih papilomatoza larinksa. U zaključku možemo reći da najveći broj bolesnika ima stečeni, funkcionalni poremećaj glasa i zahtijeva logopedsku glasovnu rehabilitaciju, dok je prema našem iskustvu kirurško liječenje indicirano u 13% bolesnika
Članak prikazuje rezultate druge faze istraživanja potreba za engleskim
jezikom, koja je provedena u proljeće 2007. Preliminarno istraživanje, provedeno
u proljeće 2003., bilo je usmjereno na utvrđivanje statusa stranih/drugih
jezika u Hrvatskoj i na utvrđivanje potreba za engleskim jezikom urbane odrasle
populacije, pretežno zaposlene ili u studentskom statusu. Tadašnji su rezultati pripremili
teren za izradu potanjeg instrumenta za opsežnije istraživanje potreba s
obzirom na različita profesionalna okružja. Sadašnje je istraživanje usmjereno na
sveučilišnu studentsku populaciju i na njezinu potrebu za engleskim jezikom u profesionalnom
i obrazovnom te u osobnom okružju. Ovaj članak potanko raščlanjuje
konkretne situacije i kontekste jezične porabe, tj. jezične vještine i kompetencije na
engleskom jeziku (jezične i s jezikom povezane aktivnosti) koje studenti navode kao
potrebne u svom profesionalnom i obrazovnom te u privatnom životu. Rezultati se
također uspoređuju s rezultatima prethodnoga istraživanja.The article presents the results of the second phase of the
needs analysis research that was carried out in the spring of 2007. The
preliminary survey, conducted in the spring of 2003, aimed at fi nding
out the current status of foreign languages in Croatia, and at identifying
English language needs of the urban adult population, mostly employed
or studying. The fi ndings prepared ground for designing a more specifi c
instrument for wider scale research on learners’ needs with respect to
different professional contexts. The focus of this particular research was on
the student population, to be more specifi c, students at higher educational
institutions and their need for the English language in both their studies
and private lives. This article closely analyzes particular situations and
contexts, that is, English skills and competences (i.e. language-related
activities) that students identify as necessary in both domains. The results
are also related to the previous research
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