169 research outputs found

    Servo Controlled Variable Pressure Modification to Space Shuttle Hydraulic Pump

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    Engineering drawings show modifications made to the constant pressure control of the model AP27V-7 hydraulic pump to an electrically controlled variable pressure setting compensator. A hanger position indicator was included for continuously monitoring hanger angle. A simplex servo driver was furnished for controlling the pressure setting servovalve. Calibration of the rotary variable displacement transducer is described as well as pump performance and response characteristics

    A dynamic vegetation design in a folk park environment : a design proposal for folk park in Lomma

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    Folkets hus och parker Ă€r en del av svensk parkhistoria. Parkerna var tillĂ€gnade arbetarklassen under 1900-talet och de skapade möjligheter för sociala möten, kultur och nöjen. Det hĂ€r arbetet fokuserar pĂ„ Lomma Folkets park, som ursprungligen var en levande park med vĂ€xtlighet och mĂ€nsklig aktivitet. Idag saknar parken liv och funktioner som lockar besökare. Lomma Folkets hus-förenings vision Ă€r att parken Ă„terigen ska bli en lummig oas, men att den samtidigt ska utformas utan de traditionella stildragen av en folkpark. För att nĂ„ föreningens visioner skapades en park med fokus pĂ„ vĂ€xtlighet samtidigt som parkens kulturhistoriska arv framhĂ€vs. I arbetet undersöktes hur Folkets park i Lomma kan gestaltas för att frĂ€mja föreningslivet, kultur och rekreation. Den teoretiska grunden för arbetet Ă€r tvĂ„falt, dels vĂ€xtgestaltning, dels historiska parkstrukturer. VĂ€xtgestaltningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n dynamisk vegetationsbyggnad som modell för att skapa ett art- och strukturrikt vĂ€xtsystem. VĂ€xtsammansĂ€ttningen och vĂ€xtkompositionen syftar till att skapa mervĂ€rden i parken, som tidigare varit bristfĂ€llig. Historiska strukturer inspirerade av parker som anlades i samma tidsera som Lomma Folkets park utgör grunden för hur parkens kulturhistoriska vĂ€rde förvaltats. Med beskrivande texter och planer har strukturer valts ut som kan appliceras i Folkets park. Arbetets resultat presenteras som ett gestaltningsförslag för Folkets park i Lomma. I förslaget ingĂ„r funktioner som knyter an till föreningens verksamhet och kopplas till dess historiska arv integrerat i ett art- och strukturrikt vĂ€xtsystem. En dynamisk vegetationsbyggnad bidrar med upplevelsemĂ€ssiga och ekologiska vĂ€rden. Diskussionen redogör för möjligheter och problem med en dynamisk vĂ€xtgestaltning som modell för vĂ€xtgestaltningen. DĂ€refter reflekterar jag över de övervĂ€ganden jag gjort i designprocessen. Diskussionen behandlar Ă€ven hur det historiska arvet har förvaltats i den nya utformningen, följt av en reflektion över svĂ„righeter med bevarande. Diskussionen avslutas med en reflektion av val av metoder och vad de har bidragit till i arbetet.Folkets hus and Folkets park were the product of the Swedish labour movement at the end of the 1800s and beginning of the 1900s. Such facilities and surrounding parks are found in many former industrial towns in Skania. Folkets hus served as a meeting place in the community and was used for social and cultural activities. This thesis focuses on Folkets park in Lomma, which once was a vivid park, frequently used by the locals. After a few decades the park was no longer maintained and it lost its former functions and charm. The purpose of this study is to recreate the Lomma Folkets park as an outdoor setting for social life, recreation and culture. I have proceeded from the park association’s vision to find solutions to manage the cultural history integrated in a rich vegetation system. The design is based on several methods, including different analyses and a theoretical background. The design proceeds from a variety of analyses, including the natural conditions of the park, a Lynch-inspired analysis and a Serial vision-inspired analysis. The theoretical basis for the project is twofold: dynamic vegetation design and structures of historical parks from the 1800s. The design answers the research questions about vegetation design by focusing on composing dynamic plant communities and the use of various elements of the 1800s-parks by including functions such as a stage, an alcove and a terrace. The new structures encourage social encounters with the aim of attracting visitors at all times. Functions connected to culture and leisure activities are integrated in rich plant communities, including richness in species and in tree layers. The multilayered canopy is a diverse system that contributes to experiential and ecological values, which makes it a unique park in Lomma. In the discussion I reflect on what possibilities and problems a dynamic vegetation design offers as a method in this specific location and project. I question my choices connected to the association’s vision, and reflect on the whats and hows of the design process. Furthermore, I discuss whether the design managed to maintain the cultural historical heritage. Then I reflect on the different ways cultural historical conservation could be interpreted

    Land use possibilities for recreation in the urban outskirts : a plan for new usage of Sege industrial area in Malmö

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    Kandidatarbetet behandlar vÀxande stÀders ökande behov av nya grönytor för att tillgodose invÄnarna med rekreationsmöjligheter. Den vÀxande urbanisering bidrar till förtÀtning, vilket vanligen sker pÄ bekostnad av stadens grönytor. Denna uppsats utreder vidare hur stadens utkant skulle kunna anvÀndas i stadsplanering för att ge mÀnniskor i stÀder tillgÄng till gröna rekreationsomrÄden i sitt vardagslandskap. I studien analyserades Malmö stads översiktsplan för att besvara frÄgan hur utkanter skulle kunna tillÀmpas i en verklig kontext. Analysen visar att mÄlet om en social och ekologisk hÄllbarhet kan uppnÄs endast i relation till de grönytor som finns i staden. Studien innefattar en skiss till utökade grönytor i ett utkantsomrÄde, Sege industriomrÄde i Malmö, och diskuterar staden utkant som en outnyttjad resurs för att ge stadens invÄnare ökad tillgÄng till rekreationsomrÄden.This bachelor thesis addresses growing cities increasing need for green areas to meet the demand for possibilities for recreation. The growing urbanization means a densification followed by a loss of urban green areas. This paper investigates how urban fringe zones could be used within urban planning to provide city people with green urban areas for recreational purposes. In this study, the city plan for Malmö was analyzed to find out how the concept of fringe zone could be applied in an authentic context. The analysis shows that the goal to obtain social and ecological sustainability depends on the existence of green areas within the city. The paper also includes a sketch of how to increase the amount of greenarea in a urban fringe area, called Sege industry in Malmö, and discusses the fringe zone as an untapped resource for providing a growing city population with increased access to urban recreational areas

    Erfarenheter av att leva med emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning

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    Bakgrund: Emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning beror pĂ„ genetiska och miljömĂ€ssiga faktorer. En kĂ€nslomĂ€ssig instabilitet och stark emotionell smĂ€rta prĂ€glar diagnosen, vilket ofta resulterar i sjĂ€lvskadebeteende och suicidala handlingar. I tidigare forskning beskrivs patientgruppen som svĂ„r att vĂ„rda och flertalet patienter beskriver erfarenheter av negativa attityder i mötet med vĂ„rden. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva erfarenheter av att leva med emotionell instabil personlighetsstörning. Metod: En litteraturstudie gjordes med integrerad analys av tio artiklar baserade pĂ„ kvalitativa studier. Resultat: Materialet resulterade i fyra teman: “maktlöshet”, “skam och skuld”, “hopplöshet” samt “ensamhet och kĂ€nsla av att vara missförstĂ„dd”. Slutsats: Personer med diagnosen beskriver stark emotionell smĂ€rta samt upplevelser av att vara missförstĂ„dda. Det finns ett uttalat behov av förstĂ„else, bekrĂ€ftelse och trygga relationer. Genom en större förstĂ„else för personernas erfarenheter ges ökad möjlighet att ge en god, personcentrerad vĂ„rd

    A PC based time domain reflectometer for space station cable fault isolation

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    Significant problems are faced by astronauts on orbit in the Space Station when trying to locate electrical faults in multi-segment avionics and communication cables. These problems necessitate the development of an automated portable device that will detect and locate cable faults using the pulse-echo technique known as Time Domain Reflectometry. A breadboard time domain reflectometer (TDR) circuit board was designed and developed at the NASA-JSC. The TDR board works in conjunction with a GRiD lap-top computer to automate the fault detection and isolation process. A software program was written to automatically display the nature and location of any possible faults. The breadboard system can isolate open circuit and short circuit faults within two feet in a typical space station cable configuration. Follow-on efforts planned for 1994 will produce a compact, portable prototype Space Station TDR capable of automated switching in multi-conductor cables for high fidelity evaluation. This device has many possible commercial applications, including commercial and military aircraft avionics, cable TV, telephone, communication, information and computer network systems. This paper describes the principle of time domain reflectometry and the methodology for on-orbit avionics utility distribution system repair, utilizing the newly developed device called the Space Station Time Domain Reflectometer (SSTDR)

    Apollo 14: Some geochemical aspects

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    Chemical analyses were obtained for five samples of Apollo 14 regolith fines, three 14230 core samples, soil clod 14049, breccias 14305 and 14319, 14310 basalt, and some separated phases. The chemical uniformity of these Apollo 14 samples indicates thorough mixing and/or uniform source rocks. Basalt 14310 can be matched well in composition by a four to one mixture of soil and plagioclase. The Eu(2+)/Eu(3+) ratios calculated for 14310 pigeonite and plagioclase are similar to those for Apollo 12 and 15 mare-type basalt phases; this indicates similar redox conditions. Apollo 14 samples are chemically similar to Apollo 12 and 15 KREEP as distinct from Apollo 11, 12, and 15 and Luna 16 mare-type basalts

    Stimulation of platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa (αIIbÎČ3-integrin) functional activity by a monoclonal antibody to the N-terminal region of glycoprotein IIIa

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    AbstractPlatelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb-IIIa complex (αIIbÎČ3-integrin) changes its conformation upon platelet activation that results in binding of RGD-containing ligands and expression of ligand-induced binding site (LIBS) neoepitopes. Anti-GIIb-IIIa monoclonal antibody (monAB) CRC54 bound to ≀10% of GPIIb-IIIa on resting platelets but binding was enhanced by the occupation of GPIIb-IIIa with RGDS peptide and by platelet activation indicating that CRC54 is directed against LIBS epitope. The epitope was located within the first 100 N-terminal residues of GPIIIa and differed from other LIBS epitopes. CRC54 as well as its Fab fragments were able to induce platelet aggregation. CRC54 also stimulated interaction of GPIIb-IIIa with its ligands (fibrinogen and fibronectin) and conformation-dependent antibodies. The results indicated that changes of GPIIb-IIIa conformation, binding of ligands and platelet aggregation could be stimulated via interaction of anti-LIBS antibody with the N-terminal part of GPIIIa

    Procedural theory - mental activity progressions, sketching and drawing procedure during the design process

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    Landscaping is the act of taking a piece of land and analysing, evaluating, and beautifying it, while focusing on maintaining and increasing sustainability, functionality, and usability for people in a cost-effective way. The course Urban Landscape Design (LK0400) is a bachelor’s level course focusing on design of urban green spaces, offered at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and run by the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (LTV faculty). The course is run as a stand-alone course for national and international students and as a programme course in the Landscape Engineer Programme at Uppsala and Alnarp, and in the Garden Design, Landscape Engineer Programme at Alnarp

    Inclusive STEM Teaching from a Language Perspective: Teacher Learning in a Professional Development Program

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    Worldwide, pupils with migrant backgrounds do not participate in school STEM subjects as successfully as their peers. Migrant pupils’ subject-specific language proficiency lags behind, which hinders participation and learning. Primary teachers experience difficulty in teaching STEM as well as promoting required language development. This study investigates how a professional development program (PDP) focusing on inclusive STEM teaching can promote teacher learning of language-promoting strategies (promoting interaction, scaffolding language and using multilingual resources). Participants were five case study teachers in multilingual schools in the Netherlands (N = 2), Sweden (N = 1) and Norway (N = 2), who taught in primary classrooms with migrant pupils. The PDP focused on three STEM units (sound, maintenance, plant growth) and language-promoting strategies. To trace teachers’ learning, three interviews were conducted with each of the five teachers (one after each unit). The teachers also filled in digital logs (one after each unit). The interviews showed positive changes in teachers’ awareness, beliefs and attitudes towards language-supporting strategies. However, changes in practice and intentions for practice were reported to a lesser extent. This study shows that a PDP can be an effective starting point for teacher learning regarding inclusive STEM teaching. It also illuminates possible enablers (e.g., fostering language awareness) or hinderers (e.g., teachers’ limited STEM knowledge) to be considered in future PDP design
