99 research outputs found

    Effect of anions in commercial phosphoric acid on the extraction of uranium by DEHPA /TOPO

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    Extraction of uranium from commercial phosphoric acid by DEHPA/TOPO process is a well-developed process on the commercial and pilot plant scale. Commercial phosphoric acid contains certain anions such as Cl^-, F^- and SO_4^2- in varying concentrations. The presence of such anions could have a negative effect on the extraction process. This paper investigated the effect of Cl^-, F^- and SO_4^2- anions present in commercial wet phosphoric acid on the uranium extraction process. The effect of adding SiO_2 which complexes with F^- and other anions was also studied. The results obtained showed that these anions formed complexes with UO_2^2+ and therefore had a negative influence on the extraction of uranium from laboratory and commercial phosphoric acids. This effect was strong in the case of F^- followed by SO_4^2- and much less for Cl^-. Addition of SiO_2 was found to negate the effect of F^- and other anions and to exert a positive effect on uranium extraction

    Problemkarzinom Ovarialkarzinom Behandlung von Frauen mit Ovarialkarzinom an der Frauenklinik im Klinikum Krefeld

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    Zusammenfassung: Unter den Tumoren des weiblichen Genitales hat das Ovarialkarzinom die schlechteste Prognose. Die Möglichkeiten der Früherkennung und apparativen Diagnostik sind sehr eingeschränkt so dass 75 % der Erkrankungen erst in den fortgeschrittenen FIGO-Stadien II, III und IV diagnostiziert werden. Es ist daher wichtig dass diese Frauen in spezialisierten Zentren durch onkologisch erfahrenen Gynäkologen behandelt werden. In unserer Klinik wurden in einem 5-Jahreszeitraum 118 Patientinnen zum Teil mehrmals sowohl operativ als auch chemotherapeutisch behandelt. Die Anzahl der Patientinnen die einheitlich behandelt wurde ist somit ausreichend groß um Aussagen über das operative und chemotherapeutische Vor-gehen treffen zu können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen das trotz ständiger Suche nach neuen Prognosefaktoren die bekannten Faktoren wie das Grading und der belassenen Tumorrest für das Überleben entscheidend sind. Der Tumormarker CA 125 liefert in dem Fall wenn er von den Tumorzellen expremiert wird ein gutes diagnostisches Instrument um das Ergebnis der Therapie und den Verlauf der Erkrankung zu kontrollieren. Die präoperative Diagnostik zeigte dass insbesondere über die sichere Dignität und das Ausmaß des Tumorbefalls keine sicheren Aussagen getroffen werden kann und eine optimale Vorbereitung der Patientinnen in jedem Ver-dachtsfall unerlässlich ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Patientengut untersucht die in der First-Line The-rapie eine platinhaltige Chemotherapie und in der Second-Line Therapie eine Taxol Therapie nach einer möglichst maximalen tumorreduktiven Chirurgie erhielten. Die operativen Ergebnisse zeigen dass auch in fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadien bei vielen Patientinnen eine nahezu vollständige Tumorreduktion unter vertretbarer Morbidität möglich ist. Es ist uns unter Einsatz des CUSA-Gerätes gelungen eine geringe Quote an Darmresektionen zu erreichen so dass die notwendige Chemotherapie bei geringen postoperativen Komplikationen baldmöglichst begonnen werden konnte. Auch bei Frauen mit einem Rezidivtumor war durch die erneuten Operationen bei ca. der Hälfte der Pati-entinnen eine neuerliche Tumorfreiheit zu erzielen. Auch wenn diese Patientinnen in der Regel jünger und waren und eine bessere Prognose hatten zeigen unsere guten Überlebensraten nach 1. Interventionslaparotomie zwei weitere Ergebnisse. Erstens ist auch beim Rezidiv die maximal reduktive Tumorchirurgie möglich und sinnvoll und das Chemotherapeutikum Taxol hatte auch in der Second - Line Therapie gute Ansprechraten. Vergleicht man unsere Ergebnisse jedoch mit den neueren Daten seit Mitte der neunziger Jahre in dem Taxol und Carboplatin in der First-Line Therapie eingesetzt wurden können wir die verbesserten Überlebensraten nicht erreichen und haben aufgrund der vorliegenden Daten unser chemotherapeutisches Vorgehen seit 1994 umgestellt. Es scheint aufgrund dieser Daten eine erneute Diskussion um eine alleinige platinhaltige First-Line Therapie nicht sinnvoll. Wir denken das aufgrund unserer Ergebnisse bei der großen Anzahl der Patientinnen die unter gleichen Voraussetzungen behandelt wurden und der damit verbundenen Erfahrung es wichtig ist einen Vergleich zu unseren Patientinnen die nach Einführung des Taxol in die First-Line Therapie zu haben. Wir haben daher eine weitere Arbeit über einen gleichen Zeitraum mit Patientinnen unserer Klinik geplant und können dann sicher noch exaktere Aussagen über die Wertigkeit des operativen Vorgehens und der First-Line Chemotherapie treffen. Trotz des Wechsels des chemotherapeutischen Vorgehens sind die Überlebensraten dieser Erkrankung weiterhin ernüchternd und es muss weiterhin an einer verbesserten Früherkennung gearbeitet werden. Das unterschiedliche biologische Verhalten der heterogenen Gruppe der Ovarialtumore muss besser verstanden werden um eine optimale Chemotherapie im entsprechenden Stadium durchführen zu können. Die Möglichkeiten einer suffizienten Rezidivtherapie nach Einführung des Taxol und Carboplatin in die Primärtherapie müsste eindeutiger geklärt werden. Vielleicht können uns in Zukunft neue Ansätze im Bereich der molekularen Ebene innovative Diagnostiken und Therapien bringen und den Wunsch erfüllen das Ovarialkarzinom heilbar zu machen


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    Efficient up-conversion emitters are necessary to generate full color 3D display. Rare-earth, co-doped fluorides that convert diode laser light from near infrared to visible red, green, and blue light by sequential two photon absorption are necessary to accomplish this. An up-conversion medium for 3D display, particularly the CSpace® "static volumetric display", can be fabricated by grinding rare-earth-doped fluoride bulk crystals into a powder, and then dispersing the resultant microcrystals within an index matched host. This technique leads to a reduction in display cost, weight, and growing time, as well as provides display scalability. To demonstrate a scalable medium for the CSpace® display, several rare-earth-doped fluoride bulk crystals were ground into a microcrystal powder and then dispersed in different refractive index liquids, including 1.45, 1.456, 1.46, 1.464, 1.468, 1.47, 1.474, 1.476, 1.48, 1.484, and 1.49. Fluorescence strength and transmission measurements were taken. Different particle concentrations were tested and demonstrated, as well. Detailed experiments for these measurements are described in this dissertation. A real volumetric 3D image was constructed inside a prototype display medium of 40 x 40 x10 mm3 using the CSpace® display. A potential future solution is presented, and suggestions to improve the scalable medium are given

    A First Assessment of the Corrections for the Consistency of the IAU2000 and IAU2006 Precession-Nutation Models

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    [EN] The Earth precession-nutation model endorsed by resolutions of each the International Astronomical Union and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics is composed of two theories developed independently, namely IAU2006 precession and IAU2000A nutation. The IAU2006 precession was adopted to supersede the precession part of the IAU 2000A precession-nutation model and tried to get the new precession theory dynamically consistent with the IAU2000A nutation. However, full consistency was not reached, and slight adjustments of the IAU2000A nutation amplitudes at the micro arcsecond level were required to ensure consistency. The first set of formulae for these corrections derived by Capitaine et al. (Astrophys 432(1):355–367, 2005), which was not included in IAU2006 but provided in some standards and software for computing nutations. Later, Escapa et al. showed that a few additional terms of the same order of magnitude have to be added to the 2005 expressions to get complete dynamical consistency between the official precession and nutation models. In 2018 Escapa and Capitaine made a joint review of the problem and proposed three alternative ways of nutation model and its parameters to achieve consistency to certain different extents, although no estimation of their respective effects could be worked out to illustrate the proposals. Here we present some preliminary results on the assessment of the effects of each of the three sets of corrections suggested by Escapa and Capitaine (Proceedings of the Journées, des Systémes de Référence et de la Rotation Terrestre: Furthering our Knowledge of Earth Rotation, Alicante, 2018) by testing them in conjunction with the conventional celestial pole offsets given in the IERS EOP14C04 time series

    Patient attitudes towards medical students at Damascus University teaching hospitals

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    Background: The cooperation of patients and their consent to involve medical students in their care is vital to clinical education, but large numbers of students and lack of experience as well as loss of privacy may evoke negative attitudes of patients, which may sometimes adversely affect the clinical teaching environment. This study aimed to explore the attitudes of patients towards medical students at Damascus University hospitals, and to explore the determinants of those attitudes thus discussing possible implications applicable to clinical teaching. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at three teaching hospitals affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine at Damascus University. Four hundred patients were interviewed between March and April 2011 by a trained sociologist using a structured questionnaire. Results: Of the patients interviewed, 67.8 % approved the presence of medical students during the medical consultation and 58.2 % of them felt comfortable with the presence of students, especially among patients with better socio-economic characteristics. 81.5 % of the patients agreed to be examined by students in the presence of the supervisor, while 40.2 % gave agreement even in the absence of the supervisor. Privacy was the most important factor in the patients ’ reticence towards examination by the students, whilst the relative safety and comfort if a supervisor was available determined patients ’ agreement

    Combined effects of gamma irradiation and blanching process on acrylamide content in fried potato strips

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    Potato tubers were irradiated in 60Co gamma station at different doses in order to investigate the effect of gamma irradiation on acrylamide formation in fried potato strips. Acrylamide content due to the irradiation treatment was reduced by 20–54% compared to a control after frying the irradiated tubers. While apply a blanching process, using warm tap water, to potato strips before frying has decreased acrylamide by 61%. A combination of gamma irradiation and a blanching process, which was applied in this work, showed a maximum decrease in acrylamide formation to reach 78% in fried potatoes

    Cytochrome P450 in Pharmacogenetics: An Update

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    cited By 1Interindividual variability in drug disposition is a major cause of lack of efficacy and adverse effects of drug therapies. The majority of hepatically cleared drugs are metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, mainly in families CYP1, CYP2, and CYP3. Genes encoding these enzymes are highly variable with allele distribution showing considerable differences between populations. Genetic variability of especially CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, and CYP3A5 is known to have clear clinical impact on drugs that are metabolized by these enzymes. CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, and CYP3A4 all show variability that affects pharmacokinetics of drugs as well, but so far the evidence regarding their clinical implications is not as conclusive. In this review, we provide an up-to-date summary of the pharmacogenetics of the major human drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes, focusing on clinically significant examples. © 2018 Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    Esperienza real-world con i nuovi anticoagulanti orali

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    Sebbene numerosi trial clinici abbiano analizzato l’efficacia e la sicurezza dei nuovi anticoagulanti orali, uno dei problemi maggiori nell’utilizzo di questi farmaci dipende dalle scarse informazioni disponibili sul loro utilizzo nella pratica clinica quotidiana. Questo è importante perché i pazienti reclutati nei trial clinici spesso hanno caratteristiche diverse rispetto a quelli incontrati negli ambulatori o nelle corsie, rendendo difficile l’immediata applicabilità dei risultati della ricerca alla pratica clinica. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di verificare, nella pratica clinica routinaria, i fattori potenzialmente associati ad un rischio maggiore o minore di sanguinamento tramite l’uso dei nuovi anticoagulanti orali. Sono stati inoltre confrontati tra loro i diversi anticoagulanti orali per quanto riguarda il rischio di sanguinamento. I dati utilizzati sono stati raccolti nei reparti di Medicina Interna dell’Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Pisa, fornendo quindi una dimensione real-life dell’esperienza nell’utilizzo di tali farmaci

    Algebres de Boole non commutatives

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 79567 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
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