21 research outputs found

    Nematode-Infected Mice Acquire Resistance to Subsequent Infection With Unrelated Nematode by Inducing Highly Responsive Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in the Lung

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    The immune responses against helminths have been investigated individually, and it is well-established that infected hosts develop an immunological memory to resist reinfection by the same pathogen. In contrast, it is poorly understood how the host immune system responds to subsequent infection by unrelated parasites after elimination of the first infection. We previously reported that infection of mice with Strongyloides venezuelensis induces the accumulation of group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in the lung. Here, we demonstrated that S. venezuelensis-experienced (Sv-exp) mice became significantly resistant against infection by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. N. brasiliensis infection induced enhanced accumulation of ILC2s and eosinophils with increased expressions of mRNA for Th2 cytokines in the lungs of Sv-exp mice. The resistance was dependent on ILC2s, and eosinophils but not on CD4+ T cells. Furthermore, pulmonary ILC2s in Sv-exp mice acquired a highly responsive “trained” phenotype; in response to N. brasiliensis infection, they rapidly increased and produced IL-5 and IL-13, which in turn induced the early accumulation of eosinophils in the lungs. IL-33 was required for the accumulation of ILC2s and the resistance of mice against N. brasiliensis infection but insufficient for the induction of trained ILC2s. In conclusion, animals infected with one type of lung-migratory nematodes acquire a specific-antigen-independent resistance to another type of lung-migrating nematodes, providing animals with the capacity to protect against sequential infections with various lung-migratory nematodes

    Interleukin-18 in Health and Disease

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    Interleukin (IL)-18 was originally discovered as a factor that enhanced IFN-γ production from anti-CD3-stimulated Th1 cells, especially in the presence of IL-12. Upon stimulation with Ag plus IL-12, naïve T cells develop into IL-18 receptor (IL-18R) expressing Th1 cells, which increase IFN-γ production in response to IL-18 stimulation. Therefore, IL-12 is a commitment factor that induces the development of Th1 cells. In contrast, IL-18 is a proinflammatory cytokine that facilitates type 1 responses. However, IL-18 without IL-12 but with IL-2, stimulates NK cells, CD4+ NKT cells, and established Th1 cells, to produce IL-3, IL-9, and IL-13. Furthermore, together with IL-3, IL-18 stimulates mast cells and basophils to produce IL-4, IL-13, and chemical mediators such as histamine. Therefore, IL-18 is a cytokine that stimulates various cell types and has pleiotropic functions. IL-18 is a member of the IL-1 family of cytokines. IL-18 demonstrates a unique function by binding to a specific receptor expressed on various types of cells. In this review article, we will focus on the unique features of IL-18 in health and disease in experimental animals and humans

    Activation of group 2 innate lymphoid cells exacerbates and confers corticosteroid resistance to mouse nasal type 2 inflammation

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    Both Th2 cells and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) contribute to allergic diseases. However, their exact role and relationship in nasal allergic disorders are unclear. In this study, we investigated the cooperation of Th2 cells and ILC2s in a mouse model of nasal allergic disorder. To differentially activate Th2 cells and/or ILC2s in nasal mucosa, mice were intra-nasally administered ovalbumin (OVA) antigen, papain, an ILC2-activator, or both for 2 weeks. Epithelial thickness and number of eosinophils in the nasal mucosa were evaluated at 24 h after the final challenge. Intra-nasal administration of OVA and papain preferentially activated Th2 cells and ILC2s, respectively, in the nose. Both OVA and papain increased the nasal epithelial thickness and number of eosinophils, and their coadministration significantly enhanced the symptoms. Although T-/B-cell-deficient mice showed severely decreased nasal symptoms induced by OVA or OVA-plus-papain, the mice still showed slight papain-induced nasal symptoms. In ILC2-deficient mice, OVA-plus-papain-induced nasal symptoms were suppressed to the same level as OVA-alone. Similarly, IL-33- and ST2-deficient mice showed decreased OVA-plus-papain-induced nasal symptoms. IL-5 induced eosinophilia only, but IL-13 contributed to both nasal epithelial thickening and eosinophilia induced by OVA-plus-papain. Dexamethasone ameliorated OVA-alone-induced nasal epithelial thickening. However, OVA-plus-papain-induced nasal epithelial thickening was only partially controlled by dexamethasone. These results demonstrate that IL-33/ST2-pathway-mediated ILC2 activation exacerbated Th2-cell-induced nasal inflammation by producing IL-13. Although Th2-cell-alone-induced nasal inflammation was controlled by corticosteroid treatment, the activation of ILC2s conferred treatment resistance. Therefore, ILC2s and their activators could be therapeutic targets for treatment-refractory nasal allergic disorders

    Human cystatin SN is an endogenous protease inhibitor that prevents allergic rhinitis

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    Background: Protease allergens disrupt epithelial barriers to exert their allergenicity. Cystatin SN (encoded by CST1) is an endogenous cysteine protease inhibitor upregulated in nasal epithelia in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR). Objective: We sought to investigate the protective effect of human cystatin SN on AR symptoms using pollen-induced AR mouse models. Methods: We performed an in vitro protease activity assay to evaluate the effect of recombinant human cystatin SN (rhCystatin SN) on Japanese cedar (JC) or ragweed proteases. A human nasal epithelial cell line, RPMI 2650, was used to examine tight junction (TJ) disruption in vitro. Mice were sensitized and nasally challenged with JC or ragweed pollens with or without rhCystatin SN to examine the effect of rhCystatin SN on AR symptoms and the epithelial barrier in vivo. Because mice lack CST1, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing human CST1 under control of its genomic control region (hCST1-Tg mice) to examine the role of cystatin SN in physiologically expressed conditions. Results: rhCystatin SN inhibited JC but not ragweed protease activities and prevented JC-induced but not ragweed-induced TJ disruption in vitro. Exogenous administration of rhCystatin SN ameliorated JC-induced but not ragweed-induced sneezing and nasal TJ disruption in vivo. Furthermore, hCST1-Tg mice showed decreased JC-induced but not ragweed-induced sneezing symptoms and nasal TJ disruption compared with wild-type mice. Conclusion: Human cystatin SN suppresses AR symptoms through inhibiting allergen protease activities and protecting the nasal TJ barrier in an allergen-specific manner. We propose that upregulation of nasal endogenous protease inhibitors, including cystatin SN, is a novel therapeutic strategy for protease allergen–induced AR

    Regnase-1 degradation is crucial for IL-33– and IL-25–mediated ILC2 activation

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    Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are a critical innate source of type 2 cytokines in allergic inflammation. Although ILC2s are recognized as a critical cell population in the allergic inflammation, the regulatory mechanism(s) of ILC2s are less well understood. Here, we show that Regnase-1, an immune regulatory RNAse that degrades inflammatory mRNAs, negatively regulates ILC2 function and that IκB kinase (IKK) complex–mediated Regnase-1 degradation is essential for IL-33– and IL-25–induced ILC2 activation. ILC2s from Regnase-1AA/AA mice expressing a Regnase-1 S435A/S439A mutant resistant to IKK complex–mediated degradation accumulated Regnase-1 protein in response to IL-33 and IL-25. IL-33– and IL-25–stimulated Regnase-1AA/AA ILC2s showed reduced cell proliferation and type 2 cytokine (IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13) production and increased cell death. In addition, Il2ra and Il1rl1, but not Il5, Il9, or Il13, mRNAs were destabilized in IL-33–stimulated Regnase-1AA/AA ILC2s. In vivo, Regnase-1AA/AA mice showed attenuated acute type 2 pulmonary inflammation induced by the instillation of IL-33, IL-25, or papain. Furthermore, the expulsion of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis was significantly delayed in Regnase-1AA/AA mice. These results demonstrate that IKK complex–mediated Regnase-1 degradation is essential for ILC2-mediated type 2 responses both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, controlling Regnase-1 degradation is a potential therapeutic target for ILC2-contributed allergic disorders