68 research outputs found

    Zgradba bukovih sestojev v njihovi optimalni razvojni fazi

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    Growth characteristics of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in Slovenia

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    Prispevek obravnava rastne značilnosti gorskega javorja na štirih skupinskih gozdnih rastiščih v Sloveniji. Analizirali smo višinsko in debelinsko rast 191gorskih javorjev s 30 lokacij. Na treh izmed njih smo opravljali desetdnevne meritve višinskega priraščanja mladic gorskega javorja. Pokazalo se je, da gorski javor v višino najhitreje raste na javorovjih, sledijo bukovja in nazadnje jelovo bukova rastišča. Kar zadeva debelinsko rast, v mladosti najhitreje rastejo javorovja, kasneje pa jih prehiti gorski javor z bukovih in jelovo bukovih rastišč. Debelinsko priraščanje je v pozitivni povezavi z velikostjo krošnje. Tekoči višinski prirastek najpogosteje kulminira med 12. in 14. letom starosti, debelinski pa med 20. in 40. letom. Povprečni starostni višinski prirastek doseže kulminacijo večinoma med 20. in 25. letom, povprečni debelinski prirastek pa med 30. in 50. letom starosti. Višinsko priraščanje gorskega javorja ima eno in izrazito kulminacijo v rastnisezoni, čas intenzivnega priraščanja pa traja 30-40 dni.In the present contribution, the growth characteristics of sycamore in four site groups in Slovenia are analysed. Analyses of height and diameter growth on the basis of 191 sycamore trees from 30 different locations were carried out. Additionally, the height increments of sycamore\u27s seedling from three locations were measured every ten days during the growing period. The results show that on maple sites the sycamore grows faster in height than the sycamoreon beech and silver fir-beech sites. Concerning the diameter growth, the sycamore on maple sites has a higher rate of growth in the early years, but is later on overtaken by sycamore from beech as well as silver fir-beech sites. The largeness of sycamore\u27s crown influences the tree ring width. The current annual increment of height most often culminates between 12th and 14thyears of age, while diameter CAI culminates between 20th and 40th years ofage. The mean annual increment of height reaches the peak mostly between 20th and 25th years of age, while diameter MAI reaches it mostly between 30th and 50th years of age. The height increment of sycamore has a single distinct culmination in the growing period, with intensive growth of height lasting for30 to 40 days

    Rastni dejavniki pri odraslem gorskem javorju (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) na krbonatni matični podlagi

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    This paper presents the growth potential of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) on four types of forest sites located on carbonate bedrock. The research covers sycamore sites (Aceri-Fraxinetum ill.), beech sites (Lamio orvalae-Fagetum), beech sites planted with Norway spruce, and silver fir-beechsites (Omphalodo-Fagetum aceretosum). The analyses for each forest type were carried out on five plots. Our aim was to determine the effect of site factors and stand parameters on sycamore growth. Site productivity (SP) is positively correlated with soil depth, coarse silt percentage in the cambichorizon, the content of phosphorus in leaves and, partly, with potassium. The effect of nitrogen supply on height growth or SP was not confirmed. Furthermore, height growth on sites with a higher rate of nutrient cycling, higher macronutrient supply and higher sand percentage in the cambic horizon is significantly faster. As to the growth of basal area, in addition to positive dependences of crown size, many other correlations with site factors were confirmed.V prispevku je obravnavan rastni potencial gorskega javorja (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) na štirih tipih gozdnih rastišč na karbonatni matični podlagi. V raziskavo so zajeta javorovja (Aceri-Fraxinetum ill.), bukova rastišča (Lamio orvalae-Fagetum), zasmrečena bukova rastišča v isti gozdni združbi in jelovo bukova rastišča (Omphalodo-Fagetum acereretosum). Za vsak rastiščni tip smo napravili analize na petih ploskvah. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti rastiščne faktorje oziroma sestojne parametre, ki vplivajo na rast pri odraslem gorskem javorju. Proizvodna sposobnost je v pozitivni povezavi z globino tal, deležem grobega melja v kambičnem horizontu, s koncentracijo fosforja v listih in deloma tudi s kalijem v listih. Vpliv preskrbe z dušikom na višinsko rast oziroma proizvodno sposobnost ni potrjen. Višinska rast je bila hitrejša na rastiščih z hitrejšim kroženjem snovi, boljšo preskrbljenostjo z makrohranili in višjim deležem peska v kambičnem horizontu.Glede temeljnične rasti smo poleg pozitivne odvisnosti od velikosti krošnje potrdili še številne povezave z rastiščnimi dejavniki

    Structure of highquality beech stands with regard to their volume and value, and their increment in Slovenia

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    Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti strukturo lesnih zalog, tekočega volumenskegaprirastka, (denarne) vrednosti lesne zaloge in tekoči vrednostni prirastek po različnih socialnih kolektivih v visokokakovostnih bukovih sestojih. Analizirani so bili sestoji z 18 rastiščnih enot, pri vsaki s po petimi ploskvami velikosti 30 x 30 m. Na vseh 90 ploskvah je bila napravljena debelna analiza vsega drevja nad merskim pragom in ocenjena kakovost debel po četrtinah. Na podlagi debelnih analiz in ocenjene kakovosti smo ugotovili volumen sestojev, tekoči desetletni volumenski prirastek, vrednost sestojev intekoči desetletni vrednostni prirastek. Nad 90 % volumna in še nekaj večji delež vrednosti pripada strehi sestoja. Kolektiv 100 najdebelejših dreves na hektar zavzema okoli polovico volumna oziroma vrednosti sestoja. Delež furnirske kakovosti je izredno nizek (3 %), delež hlodovine za luščenje pa petkrat višji. Sestoji dosegajo najvišje vrednosti na rastiščih montanskih bukovij.The aim of the paper was to establish the structure of growing stocks, current volume increment, (commercial) value of growing stocks and current (commercial) value increment by different social collectives in highquality beech stands. In order to do so, beech stands from 18 site units were analysed, with analyses of five plots measuring 30 x 30 m carried out on each site unit. For all trees above the measurement threshold, the stem analyses were performed. The stem quality was estimated by quarters. On this basis, the volume, current decade volume increment, value and current decade value increment of stands were established. More than 90% of volume and even aslightly higher share of value go to the trees from the stand canopy. The collective of 100 the thickest trees per hectare covers about half of the stands volume or stands value. The percentage of sliced veneer quality is extremely low (3%), while the percentage of peeled veneer quality is five times higher. The highest values are achieved by stands from mountainous beech sites

    The quality of selection of forest trees for felling

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    Vegetation requirements of the black grouse habitat (Tetrao Tetrix L.) in Pohorje MTS.

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    Ruševec se na Pohorju (severno-vzhodna Slovenija) pojavlja na grebenskih legahv zahodnem delu pogorja. V rastitvenih sezonah 2000 in 2001 smo napravilipopis aktivnosti sub-populacij na šestih znanih rastiščih in tako izločili ploskve potencialnega habitata. Na njih smo raziskovali odločilne vegetacijske strukture. V primerjavo sta vključeni tudi dve opuščeni rastišči.Vse popisne ploskve (400x400m) so bile razdeljene na 256 osnovnih ploskvic. Ugotavljamo, da so štiri aktivna rastišča. med seboj relativno homogena, od njih pa se jasno ločita obe opuščeni rastišči. Razlike med srednjimi vrednostmi ocenjevanih značilnosti vegetacijskih tipov (pokrovnost borovnice, brusnice, jesenske vrese, zeliščne plasti, delež travišč in traviščv zaraščanju, grmovne plasti, sklep krošenj smreke in jerebike v drevesni plasti ter mravljišč) so statistično značilne. Trend upadanja abundance ocenjevanih značilnosti habitata je opazen od zahoda do opuščenih rastišč na vzhodu, od zaledja stabilne alpske populacije proti robu ob subpanonskem fitogeografskem območju. Pokrovnost borovnice na aktivnih rastiščih je 19%, na opuščenih 5%, pokrovnost zeliščne plasti ocenjevanih vrstje 38%, na opuščenih 11%, število mravljišč je 13,7/ha, na opuščenih rastiščih 8/ha. Primerjava med vegetacijskimi tipi je pokazala, da so najprimernejši habitati na mestih, kjer se prepletajo barjanski ekosistemi (12%), travišča (15%), zaraščajoča travišča (41 %), gozd (31 %) in vodne površine (1 %), vendar ob pogoju, da območje ni v nadaljnjem zaraščanju in ni preveč obljudeno.The Black Grouse inhabits mountain ridges in the western part of the Pohorje Mts (1543 m a.s.l., NE Slovenia). In the mating periods (2000, 2001), we carried out a survey of six known pairing areas and thus separated plots of potential habitat. In comparison, two abandoned display grounds were also incorporated. The base sampling areas (400 x 400 m) were divided into 256 square planes. It was discovered that the four active display grounds were relatively homogenous, while the two abandoned grounds clearly differed from them. The differences of the observed vegetation type characteristics (cover of blueberry, cranberry, autumn heather, herb layer, share of pastures including those now being overgrown, the abundance of bush layer, crown density of Norway spruce, mountain ash and anthills) are statistically significant. This declining tendency was noticeable from the display grounds in the west to the abandoned display grounds in the east, from the hinterland of a stable Alpine population towards the edge of the sub-Pannonian phytogeographic region. Cover value of blueberry on active display grounds is 19%, abandoned display grounds 5 %, herb layer 38% (11%), the number of anthills is 13.7/ha (8/ha). A comparison between vegetation types and richness of herbal and shrub layer has shown that the most suitable habitats for the Black Grouse are places with interchanging swampland ecosystems (12%),pastures (15%), partially overgrown pastures (41%), forest (31%) and water areas (1%), although on preliminary condition that the area is not beingfurther overgrown and overpopulated, by human