7 research outputs found

    Location-Based Games as a Contemporary, Original, and Innovative Method of Seniors’ Teaching and Learning

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    This book is a result of the Location-based games as a contemporary, original, and innovative method of seniors’ teaching and learning [LoGaSET] project, coordinated by Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, financed from the Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic partnership budget (nr 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038869). Dr Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska (University of Wrocław, Poland) was the scientific coordinator of the project

    Physical education among people in late adulthood on the example of the University of the Third Age at the University School of Physical Education in Wrocław

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    Cele badań. W pracy podjęto próbę przedstawienia obrazu ludzi w późnej dorosłości z perspektywy uczestnictwa w edukacji pozaformalnej, jaką jest Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu. Celem badań było poszukiwanie związków pomiędzy czynnościami wyznaczonymi w programie pedagogiki zdrowotnej i rekreacyjno-sportowej a nadawaniu wartości ciału przez ucznia późnej dorosłości w UTW–AWF we Wrocławiu. Materiał i metody. Badania zostały przeprowadzone w nurcie badań jakościowych w grupie słuchaczek UTW–AWF we Wrocławiu. Zastosowano metodę narracji autobiograficznej z wykorzystaniem techniki wywiadu narracyjnego. Wyniki. Na postawie analizy wypowiedzi seniorek można sądzić, że powodem, dla którego człowiek starzejący się podejmuje działania w obszarze kreacji cielesnej, jest samoświadomość potrzeb i ograniczeń wynikających z inwolucji cielesności. Ponadto uczestnictwo w UTW ogranicza negatywne skutki społeczne związane z przejściem na emeryturę. Wszystkie kobiety biorące udział w badaniu nadały wysoką rangę intelektualizacji (wykłady). Przypisywały także duże znaczenie kreowaniu relacji międzypokoleniowych. Wyniki badań ukazały również, że prowadzący sprostali oczekiwaniom seniorek co do jakości zajęć. Wnioski. 1. Obraz współczesnego seniora wpisuje się w dwie najbardziej znane teorie starzenia się, tj. aktywności i wycofywania. 2. Narratorki wybierały najczęściej formy zajęć o znaczeniu zdrowotnym i utylitarnym. 3. Edukator kultury fizycznej z UTW przyczynił się do zmiany postrzegania cielesności w życiu codziennym.Background. In this study, an attempt was made to present people in their late adulthood from the perspective of their participation in non-formal education, namely the University of the Third Age at the University School of Physical Education in Wrocław. The aim of the study was to identify the impact of health pedagogy and sports and recreational curriculum at the University of the Third Age on the perception of the body value among the late adulthood students. Material and methods. The study was performed as qualitative research. The method of autobiographical narrative was applied with the technique of narrative interview. Results. The seniors’ statements suggest that the reason why an aging person takes actions in the area of bodily creation is the self-awareness of the needs and limitations resulting from the involution of corporeality. In addition, participation in the University of the Third Age reduces the negative social consequences of retirement. All participants ascribed a high significance to intellectualization (lectures) and to creating intergenerational relations. Additionally, the trainers met the seniors’ expectations regarding the quality of the classes. Conclusions. 1. The image of a contemporary senior is consistent with the two most widely known theories of ageing, i.e. activity and withdrawal. 2. The narrators most often chose classes of health-related and utilitarian impact. 3. The physical culture educators contributed to a change in the participants’ perception of corporality in everyday life


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    Pytanie jak bardzo posługujemy się stereotypami dotyczącymi postrzegania i oceniania ludzi tylko dlatego, że należą oni do określonej grupy, stało się motywem napisania owej pracy. Dokonano porównania stereotypowych opinii studentów różnych wrocławskich uczelni co do rysu psychologicznego studentów AWF i Politechniki we Wrocławiu. Praca ta jest zatem rozprawą na temat tego, jaki jest stereotyp osobowości porównywanych obu grup studentów. Kwestionariuszami użytymi w pracy były: kwestionariusz NEO-FFI „Wielka Piątka” autorstwa Paula Costy i Roberta McCrea, obejmujący 5 czynników osobowości, tj.: neurotyczność, ekstrawersję, otwartość na doświadczenia, ugodowość i sumienność, oraz stworzony na potrzeby pracy kwestionariusz dotyczący stereotypów. Jak wskazały przeprowadzone badania, student Politechniki jawi się naszym respondentom jako mniej ekstrawertywny, ale bardziej sumienny od studenta AWF. Stereotyp osobowości studentów AWF wykazuje zależność od płci opiniujących. W ocenie kobiet poszczególne składowe osobowości studentów AWF charakteryzują większe wartości stenowe w porównaniu do ocen dokonywanych przez mężczyzn. Podobnego zróżnicowania płciowego nie obserwuje się w stereotypie osobowości studenta Politechniki.The question to what extent we follow the stereotypes concerning perceiving and judging pe ople, just because they belong to a particular group, has become the trigger point to write this dissertation. There has been made a comparison of the stereotypical opinions of the students of various Wrocław universities about the psychological characteristics of students of the University of Physical Education and the University of Technology in Wrocław. The thesis is adissertation delineating the personality stereotype comparision of both groups of students. The questionnaires used in the dissertation were: the NEO-FFI questionnaire „The Big Five” of Paul Costa and Robert McCrea's, including five personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experiences, flexibility, and conscientiousness, and the survey, created for the need of the dissertation, concerning the stereotypes. According to the research, our respondents perceive a student of the University of Technology as less extravert but more conscientious than a student of the University of Physical Education. The personality stereotype of the University of Physcial Education students shows the dependency on the opinion sexes. According to women, the particular personality traits of the University of Physcial Education students are characterised by the bigger sten merits in comparison to the judgement made by men. The similar sexual differentiation is not observed in the personality stereotype of a student the University of Technology

    Relaxation patterns in healthcare education of older mature age students based on the example of the Third Age University at the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw

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    Background. The elderly can react to stressful stimuli in an alternating fashion, i.e. they learn how to behave in a new situation, but then return to their previous behavior pattern. Regular participation in relaxation classes can help elderly people reduce their level of stress. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of participation in health tasks on the internalization patterns of relaxation activities at the University of the Third Age (UTA) participants. Material and methods. Fourteen students of the UTA at the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw who took part in 10 relaxation classes answered a questionnaire which was the main research tool used. It consisted of open and closed questions focusing on the advantages of internalization acquired during the classes. It was followed by a direct interview which complemented the opinions of the subjects expressed in the questionnaire. Results. Most respondents gave the psychosocial category as a reason for choosing relaxation classes, mentioning benefits such as calming down, peace of mind and relaxation. Conclusions. Students participating in relaxation classes attributed the greatest value to those action patterns that provided psychosocial feelings. The person running the class plays an important role in moderating the relaxation experience. A systematic relaxation training contributes to the occurrence of a “calming down reflex”

    The image of physical acivity trainer in the opinions of the students of the University of the Third Age

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    Background. Physical education teachers are traditionally associated with physical education as a school subject. Questions as to their competences, personalities, and roles in the education process are being continuously raised. It must be taken into account that trainers of physical activity in environments different from the traditional one – e.g. in a fitness club – bear great responsibility for preparing their students for participation in physical culture, as well. Teachers’ personality traits along with their moral code are to constitute a crucial element in the creation of the model of physical education teacher. It must be emphasized that due to the ever changing conditions and new challenges that contemporary physical education teachers must face, the aforementioned model needs to be particularized because of the specific conditions it is to meet. Different needs will be postulated by learners due to their age, former experience and skills. Material and methods. The aim of the research was a study of opinions of the students of the University of the Third Age of the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The study involved 50 persons. The L.K./2001 Questionnaire was utilized. Conclusions. During their physical activities the students of the University of the Third Age would like to meet professional, reliable and cultured trainers capable of a just and objective progress assessment. Values such as responsibility, wisdom, knowledge, and tolerance ought to be some of the priorities