33 research outputs found

    Analysis of selected T cell subsets in peripheral blood after exhaustive effort among elite soccer players

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    Introduction: Physical exercise induces developing of naïve T lymphocyte subsets into polarised effector ones by immune system. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of exhaustive effort on the selected Th cell subsets and inflammation markers among soccer players. Materials and methods: Fourteen soccer players aged 18 (16-21) years old performed the progressive efficiency test on mechanical treadmill. Th and Tc memory lymphocytes’ subsets and selected cytokine concentrations pre-exercise, post-exercise and in recovery were analysed by flow cytometry. Results: Physical effort induced changes in Th cell percentages. Increase in recovery Treg and Th17 cell subsets’ percentages in comparison to preexercise values were observed (10.98 (9.83-14.07) vs. 3.95 (3.15-5.53), P < 0.001 in autumn; 10.58 (7.54-12.67) vs. 4.83 (3.73-6.81), P < 0.010 in spring for Treg and 29.21 (26.34-32.16) vs. 21.64 (18.48-25.76) in autumn; 27.15 (24.60-29.16) vs. 17.43 (15.83-19.77) in spring, both P < 0.010; for Th17, respectively). Increases in Th1 cell percentages post-exercise (31.86 (28.72-33.72) in autumn, 25.60 (21.50-29.19) in spring, both P < 0.010) and in recovery (34.64 (31.21-38.20) in autumn; 26.68 (25.17-28.07) in spring, both P < 0.001) compared to pre-exercise (22.70 (21.21-26.74) for autumn and 15.64 (14.38-19.63) for spring, respectively) were found. Interestingly, no changes in Th2 cell subsets were found. Post-exercise and recovery changes in IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and IL-10 were also observed. Conclusions: It seems that the given effort in the progressive test induced an anabolic effect being related not only with cytokine profile but also with CD4+ T cells’ differentiation and peripheral distribution

    The Impact of the Progressive Efficiency Test on a Rowing Ergometer on White Blood Cells Distribution and Clinical Chemistry Changes in Paralympic Rowers During the Preparatory Stage Before the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 – A Case Report

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    There is a large gap in knowledge regarding research on post-exercise blood changes in disabled athletes. There are relatively few data on adaptive mechanisms to exercise in disabled athletes, including disabled rowers. Two rowers from a Polish adaptive rowing settle TAMix2x that qualified for the Paralympic Games in Rio, 2016 took part in this study. They performed a progressive test on a rowing ergometer until exhaustion. The cardiorespiratory fitness measures, complete blood count, white blood cells’ distribution and 30 clinical chemistry variables describing laboratory diagnostic profiles and general health were determined. The extreme effort induced changes in all studied metabolites (glucose, creatinine, urea, uric acid, total and direct bilirubin), albumin, total protein levels in both participants. Furthermore, a post-exercise increase in aspartate transaminase activity, yet a 2-fold decrease during the recovery time in both rowers were found. White blood cell count increased 2-fold after the test. The percentages of natural killer cells were higher and total T lymphocytes were lower after the exercise protocol. There were higher percentages of suppressor/cytotoxic and lower percentages of helper/inducer T lymphocyte subsets in both studied rowers. No changes in B lymphocytes distribution were observed. Lack of inflammatory symptoms during the experiment suggests a high level of rowers’ biological adaptation to the physical effort. The different changes in physiological, biochemical and immunological variables are related to the adaptive mechanism to physical exercise allowing for improvement of performance

    Supercritical carbon dioxide hops extracts with antimicrobial properties

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    Extracts obtained from hops (Humulus lupulus L., Cannabaceae) by supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), SFE followed by isomerization, as well as by conventional technique, were investigated for their chemical composition and antibacterial activity against selected foodborne pathogens and microorganisms capable to cause the food spoilage. The antibacterial activity of the extracts was compared with the antibacterial activity of xanthohumol, compound known for its broad pharmacological properties, isolated from the raw material remained after the SFE. Xanthohumol (XH, 96%) proved to posses the most prominent activity against all the tested strains, with the MIC values ranged between 2.5 and 20 mu g mL(-1). Supercritical hops extract and potassium isomerized supercritical hops extract showed strong antibacterial activity against the tested strains as well. Escherichia coli was not affected by the extracts, meaning that their oral admission would not cause the same problem as antibiotic application in intestinal flora. The chemical composition of the investigated hops extracts was analysed by GC-MS. Contents of a-acids, beta-acids, iso-alpha-acids and xanthohumol in the samples were determined by HPLC

    Taopatch® combined with home-based training protocol to prevent sedentary lifestyle and biochemical changes in MS patients during COVID-19 pandemic

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    In Multiple sclerosis (MS) it is important to preserve the residual physiological functions of subjects. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of nanotechnological device treatment combined with home-based training program (TP) on lactate level, hand grip strength and cervical mobility on MS patients. Seventeen MS patients were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to an experimental group (EG) in which the Taopatch® nanotechnological device was applied or to a control group (CG). All the participants carried out a cervical range of motion (1) assessment and the hand grip test at baseline (T0) and after TP (T1), also investigating the lactate levels to figure out if there could be a correlation with the possible changes in the investigated parameters. The results showed no significant differences in both groups for ROM. As regards the hand grip test, EG showed a statistically significant improvement on strength for both hands, dominant (p = 0.01) and non-dominant (p = 0.04), while the CG showed an improvement only for the non-dominant hand (p = 0.001). No correlation was found between baseline lactate level and cervical ROM change. We can definitely conclude that exercise and Taopatch® can help to improve and maintain hand strength in MS subjects and also can prevent sedentary lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic time. These are preliminary results that need further investigations, possibly increasing sample size and lengthening time of intervention

    High-intensity interval training improves bone remodeling, lipid profile, and physical function in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease due to an autoimmune chronic inflammatory response, yet the etiology is currently not completely understood. It is already known that physical activity plays an essential role in improving quality of life, especially in neuropathological conditions. The study was aimed to investigate the possible benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in bone and lipid metabolism markers, and neuromotor abilities in MS patients. 130 participants were recruited; 16 subjects with MS met the inclusion criteria and were included in the data analysis. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups: a Control group (CG) (34.88 +/- 4.45 yrs) that didn't perform any physical activity and the Exercise group (EG) (36.20 +/- 7.80 yrs) that performed HIIT protocol. The training program was conducted remotely by a kinesiologist. It was performed three times a week for 8 weeks. At the beginning (T0) and the end of the study (T1) physical function tests, bone remodelling markers, and lipid markers analyses were performed. After 8 weeks of training the wall squat (s) (T0 = 27.18 +/- 4.21; T1 = 41.68 +/- 5.38, p &lt;= 0.01) and Time Up and Go test (s) (T0 = 7.65 +/- 0.43; T1 = 6.34 +/- 0.38 p &lt;= 0.01) performances improved; lipid markers analysis showed a decrease in Total (mg/dl) (T0 = 187.22 +/- 15.73; T1 = 173.44 +/- 13.03, p &lt;= 0.05) and LDL (mg/dl) (T0 = 108 +/- 21.08; T1 = 95.02 +/- 17.99, p &lt; 0.05) cholesterol levels. Additionally, the levels of osteocalcin (g/L), a marker of bone formation increased (T0 = 20.88 +/- 4.22; T1 = 23.66 +/- 6.24, p &lt; 0.05), 25-OH Vitamin D (g/L) improved after 8 weeks (T0 = 21.11 +/- 7.11; T1 = 27.66 +/- 7.59, p &lt; 0.05). HIIT had an effect on lower limb strength and gait control, improved bone formation, and lipid management, in MS patients

    Salpingotomia vs salpingektomia – porównanie płodności kobiet po operacyjnym leczeniu jajowodowej ciąży ektopowej, 24-miesięczne badanie obserwacyjne

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    Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is usually located in the Fallopian tube and it has a significant adverse effect on women’s fertility. Three types of EP treatment include: expectant, medical, and surgical radical (salpingectomy) or conservative (salpingotomy) management. Objectives: The aim of the study was to compare women’s fertility after surgical radical or conservative treatment of tubal ectopic pregnancy. Materials and methods: Out of the 58 patients operated because of tubal EP pregnancy, 22 underwent laparoscopic salpingotomy (group 1) and 36 laparoscopic salpingectomy (group 2). EP-related data were obtained from medical documentation (the symptoms, diagnostic tests, EP risk factors, medical reproductive and surgical history, clinical status during EP surgery). Follow-up data were collected by means of a telephone interview. The survey included questions focused on women’s fertility during a 24-month period following the surgical treatment of EP (conception, subsequent intrauterine pregnancies and ectopic pregnancy). Results: A 24-month follow-up period revealed that the cumulative intrauterine pregnancy rate was higher in group 1 (salpingotomy) as compared to group 2 (salpingectomy), i.e. 50% vs. 41.5%, respectively. Tubal EP returned in 13.6% cases (group 1) vs. 19.4% (group 2). All submitted results are statistically insignificant. Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with the literature which reports a trend of higher odds for intrauterine pregnancy after salpingotomy for surgical treatment of EP as compared to salpingectomy. Moreover, the risk for recurrent tubal EP is comparable for both methods. Regardless, the decision about the operating range in case of EP always depends on the actual clinical state of the patient.Ciąża ektopowa (CE) najczęściej lokalizuje się w jajowodzie i jest czynnikiem wpływającym istotnie na płodność kobiet. Jajowodową ciążę ektopową można leczyć na trzy sposoby: farmakologiczne, operacyjnie zachowawczo (salpingotomia) oraz radykalnie (salpingektomia). Cel pracy: Celem tej pracy jest porównanie płodności kobiet po operacyjnym laparoskopowym leczeniu jajowodowej ciąży ektopowej przez salpingotomię i salpingektomię. Materiały i metody: Do badania zakwalifikowano 58 pacjentek operowanych z powodu jajowodowej ciąży ektopowej metodą laparoskopowej salpingotomii (Grupa 1) lub salpingektomii (Grupa 2). Na podstawie dokumentacji medycznej oceniono przebieg CE (objawy, badania diagnostyczne, czynniki ryzyka CE, wywiad położniczo-ginekologiczny, przebieg operacji). Następnie na podstawie telefonicznej ankiety uzupełniano dane na temat płodności pacjentek starających się o dziecko w okresie 24 miesięcy od operacji (ciąże wewnątrzmaciczne, ciąże pozamaciczne). Wyniki: W ciągu 24 miesięcy po operacji CE ciąża wewnątrzmaciczna występowała częściej w Grupie 1 (salpingotomia) 50% vs 41,5% w Grupie 2 (salpingektomia). Ciąża ektopowa jajowodowa ponownie wystąpiła w 13,6% przypadków w Grupie 1 vs 19,4% w Grupie 2. Powyższe wyniki nie są istotne statystycznie. Wnioski: W tym badaniu jak i w literaturze obserwowany jest pewien trend sugerujący większą szansę na ciążę wewnątrzmaciczną po operacji jajowodowej CE metodą salpingotomii w porównaniu do salpingektomii. Natomiast ryzyko wystąpienia ponownej jajowodowej CE jest porównywalne dla obu metod operacji. Jednakże, decyzja o zakresie operacji CE jajowodowej zależy przede wszystkim od aktualnego obrazu klinicznego pacjentek

    Effect of 12-week-long aerobic training programme on body composition, aerobic capacity, complete blood count and blood lipid profile among young women

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    Background: Numerous data suggest that aerobic-type exercise improves lipoprotein-lipid profiles, cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in young women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological response to high-low impact aerobic fitness among young women. Materials and methods: Thirty-four young women aged 22 (19-24) years were divided into three groups: underweight (N = 10), normal weight (N = 12) and overweight (N = 12). Aerobic capacity, anthropometry and body composition together with complete blood count and lipid profile were determined before and after completion of a 12-week-long training period. Results: The training programme caused a significant decrease in weight (by 4.3 kg, P = 0.003), body mass index (by 1.3 kg/m2, P = 0.003), free fat mass (by 2.1 kg, P = 0.002), total body water (by 0.4 kg, P = 0.036), percentage of fat (by 3 percent points, P = 0.002), all analyzed skinfolds thicknesses, as well as the lipid profile in overweight group, and no changes in normal weight group. Significant changes in weight (by 4.2 kg, P = 0.005), body mass index (by 0.9 kg/m2, P = 0.005), crus skinfold thickness (by 3.3 mm, P = 0.028), and in maximum oxygen uptake (by 2.49 mL/kg/min; P = 0.047) were observed among underweight women. No change in total blood count was observed in all groups. Conclusion: Twelve-week-long fitness training programme of two alternating styles (low and high impact) has a beneficial effect on overweight young wome

    Pilot-Scale Optimization of Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Dry Paprika Capsicum annuum: Influence of Operational Conditions and Storage on Extract Composition

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    Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction was used to extract carotenoids from dry paprika Capsicum annuum. Studies regarding the effect of process parameters, including pressure (25&ndash;45 MPa), temperature (40&ndash;60 &deg;C), and time (10&ndash;110 min), were carried out using response surface methodology. It was found that under optimal conditions (pressure of 45 MPa, temperature of 50 &deg;C, and time of 74 min), the extract yield was 10.05%, and the total content of carotenoids in the extract was 4.21%, in good agreement with the predicted values (10.24% and 4.24%, respectively). Composition analysis showed that paprika extract mainly consisted of linoleic acid. There was no significant difference between the fatty acid content of the extracts obtained by SC-CO2 extraction and n-hexane Soxhlet extraction. For functional purposes, the effect of storage conditions and time on the quality of paprika extract was also specified

    T helper cell-related changes in peripheral blood induced by progressive effort among soccer players.

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    OBJECTIVES:The regulatory mechanisms affecting the modulation of the immune system accompanying the progressive effort to exhaustion, particularly associated with T cells, are not fully understood. We analysed the impact of two progressive effort protocols on T helper (Th) cell distribution and selected cytokines. METHODS:Sixty-two male soccer players with a median age of 17 (16-29) years performed different protocols for progressive exercise until exhaustion: YO-YO (YYRL1) and Beep. Blood samples for all analyses were taken three times: at baseline, post-effort, and in recovery. RESULTS:The percentage of Th1 cells increased post-effort and in recovery. The post-effort percentage of Th1 cells was higher in the Beep group compared to the YYRL1 group. Significant post-effort increase in Th17 cells was observed in both groups. The post-effort percentage of regulatory T cells (Treg) increased in the Beep group. An increased post-effort concentration of IL-2, IL-6, IL-8 and IFN-γ in both groups was observed. Post-effort TNF-α and IL-10 levels were higher than baseline in the YYRL1 group, while the post-effort IL-17A concentration was lower than baseline only in the Beep group. The recovery IL-2, IL-4, TNF-α and IFN-γ levels were higher than baseline in the YYRL1 group. The recovery IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and IFN-γ values were higher than baseline in the Beep group. CONCLUSION:The molecular patterns related to cytokine secretion are not the same between different protocols for progressive effort. It seems that Treg cells are probably the key cells responsible for silencing the inflammation and enhancing anti-inflammatory pathways