215 research outputs found

    Plasma devices for ion beam and plasma deposition applications

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    We describe the operation of some new axially-symmetric plasma devices based on plasma-optical principles and the plasma lens configuration. Plasma devices of this kind using permanent magnets can be applied in a number of different applications for ion treatment and materials synthesis.Описуються деякі нові плазмові прилади, основані на використанні принципів плазмооптики та конфігурації плазмової лінзи. Прилади такого типу, що використовують постійні магніти, можуть застосовуватись для іонної обробки та отримання нових матеріалів.Описываются некоторые новые плазменные приборы, основанные на принципах плазмооптики и конфигурации плазменной линзы. Приборы такого типа, в которых используются постоянные магниты, могут применяться для ионной обработки и получения новых материалов

    Assessment of fatigue damage to aircraft glass using digital holography methods

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    The purpose of this work is to test the digital holography method for determining the depth of fatigue surface defects of the "silver" type of aviation organic glass caused by cyclic mechanical overloads, as well as the impact of aggressive substances. To study the fatigue defects of aviation organic glass, a digital holographic camera was used, the configuration of which is an axial scheme for recording digital Gabor holograms. During the experiment, the possibility of using the digital holography method to determine the characteristic transverse dimensions of surface defects in aircraft glazing parts and longitudinal dimensions was shown. The work carried out and the created model of the digital holographic camera show the potential possibility of creating a method for checking with a given accuracy the elements of the aircraft glazing for the presence of surface damage and assessing their impact on flight safety

    Structural regularities of welded seam between Ti-Tib and vanadium with 12X18H10T interlayer by using electron beam welding

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    Досліджувалися можливості отримання зварного з'єднання сплавуТі-TiB заустенітної сталлю 12Х18Н10Т шляхом формування проміжного шару в зварному з'єднанні. Для цього на поверхні зразка сплаву Ті-TiB формувався легований прошарок, що містить армуючі волокна TiB і основні легуючі елементи стали 12Х18Н10Т. Було визначено, що такий прошарок одержується застосуванням електронно-променевого зварювання з'єднання сплаву Ті-TiB з ванадієм через фольгу зі сталі 12Х18Н10Т. Було виявлено, що мікроструктура сформованого прошарку сплаву на основі титану іванадію з легуючими добавками має характер металевої матриці, армованої мікроволокнами, склад яких відповідає боріду титану, легованого ванадієм. Було виявлено, що для армуючих боридних мікроволокон в мікроструктур і прошарку сплаву на основі титану і ванадію характерною особливістю є їх значне подрібнення в порівнянні з вихідним сплавом Ті-TiB. Крім того, в цьому прошарку в зоні розпаду первинних борідів титану, ініційованого впливом електронного променя, були виявлені фазові утворення за елементним складом близькі Ti2B. В результаті було зроблено припущення, що прошарок сплаву на основі Ti (63-68 at.%) І V (18-25 at.%) із легуючими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформований на поверхні сплаву Ті -TiB, перспективний для використання для електронно-променевого зварювання сталі 12Х18Н10Т зі сплавом Ті-TiB.Possibilities of obtaining and using an intermediate layer for joining of Ti-TiB and austenitic steel 12X18H10T (analog of AISI 321; 1.4541; X10CrNiTi18-10) were studied. An alloyed interlayer with TiB reinforcing fibers and the main alloying elements of 12X18H10T steel was formed on the surface of the Ti-TiB sample. Such interlayer was formed during electron beam welding of Ti-TiB with vanadium using foil made of 12X18H10T steel. The microstructure of the interlayer consists of a metal matrix reinforced with microfibers. It’s composition corresponds to vanadium-alloyed titanium boride. In comparison to the initial Ti-TiB alloy, significant grinding of reinforcing boride microfibers in the interlayer microstructure was observed. Besides, the phase formations close to Ti2B in zone of primary titanium borides decomposition in the interlayer, initiated by electron beam were determined. As a result, application of Ti (63–68 at. %) and V (18–25 at. %) based interlayer with alloying additives (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C) has great potential for utilization in electron-beam welding of 12Х18Н10Т steel with Ti-TiB alloy.Исследовались возможности получения и использования промежуточной прослойки для выполнения сварного соединения сплава Ті-TiB с аустенитной сталью 12Х18Н10Т (аналоги AISI 321, 1.4541, X10CrNiTi18-10). Для этого на поверхности образца сплава Ті-TiB формировалась легированная прослойка, содержащая армирующие волокна TiB и основные легирующие элементы стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было определено, что такая прослойка получается применением электронно-лучевой сварки соединения сплава Ті-TiB с ванадием через фольгу из стали 12Х18Н10Т. Было выявлено, что микроструктура сформированной прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия с легирующими добавками имеет характер металлической матрицы, армированной микроволокнами, состав которых соответствует бориду титана, легированногованадием. Былообнаружено, что для армирующих боридных микроволокон в микроструктуре прослойки сплава на основе титана и ванадия характерной особенностью является их значительно еизмельчение в сравнении с исходным сплавом Ті-TiB. Кроме того, в этой прослойке в зоне распада первичных боридо втитана, инициированного влиянием электронного луча, были обнаружены фазовые образования по элементному составу близкие Ti2B. В результате было сделано предположение, что прослойка сплава на основе Ti (63–68 at. %) и V (18–25 at. %) с легирующими добавками (Fe, Cr, Ni, B, C), сформированная на поверхности сплава Ті-TiB, перспективна для использования для электронно-лучевой сварки стали 12Х18Н10Т со сплавом Ті-TiB

    Multi-atom quasiparticle scattering interference for superconductor energy-gap symmetry determination

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    Complete theoretical understanding of the most complex superconductors requires a detailed knowledge of the symmetry of the superconducting energy-gap Δαk\frac{α}{k}, for all momenta k on the Fermi surface of every band α. While there are a variety of techniques for determining |Δαk\frac{α}{k}|, no general method existed to measure the signed values of Δαk\frac{α}{k}. Recently, however, a technique based on phase-resolved visualization of superconducting quasiparticle interference (QPI) patterns, centered on a single non-magnetic impurity atom, was introduced. In principle, energy-resolved and phase-resolved Fourier analysis of these images identifies wavevectors connecting all k-space regions where Δαk\frac{α}{k} has the same or opposite sign. But use of a single isolated impurity atom, from whose precise location the spatial phase of the scattering interference pattern must be measured, is technically difficult. Here we introduce a generalization of this approach for use with multiple impurity atoms, and demonstrate its validity by comparing the Δαk\frac{α}{k} it generates to the Δαk\frac{α}{k} determined from single-atom scattering in FeSe where s± energy-gap symmetry is established. Finally, to exemplify utility, we use the multi-atom technique on LiFeAs and find scattering interference between the hole-like and electron-like pockets as predicted for Δαk\frac{α}{k} of opposite sign


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    The possibility of measuring the depth of surface hardening by the value of the magnetic field measured on the surface of the object in the interpolar space of a U-shaped electromagnet is theoretically and experimentally shown.Работа выполнена по программе фундаментальных исследований УрО РАН 2015-2017 гг. проект 15-17-2-5

    Safety and Tolerability of Implanted Subcutaneous Cardioverter-Defibrillator Systems

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    Aim. To study the safety and tolerability of the subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (S-ICD) after implantation.Material and methods. The results of 33 patients with implanted S-ICD 6 months follow-up. The criteria for inclusion in the observational study were: age over 18 years, indications for primary or secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death. The exclusion criteria were indications for implantation of transvenous ICD (patients with sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, the need for anti-bradycardia or resynchronization therapy), as well as patients with a QRS complex of more than 130 msec. All patients underwent a standard preoperative examination (routine blood tests, chest X-ray, transthoracic echocardiography), quality-of-life questionnaires and transesophageal echocardiography. At follow-up, patients were examined after 6 months after implantation, the device was interrogated and a quality-of-life questionnaire was completed. All episodes of shock therapy and complications were documented.Results. Male patients predominated (84%), with a mean age of 57 [43;62] years. Left ventricular ejection fraction was 30% [26;34]. The mean QRS duration was 100 [94;108] msec. According to the of 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, episodes of unstable VT were recorded in 42.4% of patients. The most common indications for S-ICD implantation were dilated (33%) and ischemic cardiomyopathy (42%). Primary prevention was indicated in 97% of patients. At the end of the implantation of the S-ICD, the patients underwent a defibrillation test and device configuration. In 63.6% of cases, during automatic tuning, the device selected the primary perception vector. In 27.2% of patients, optimal recognition of the subcutaneous signal was observed in the secondary vector, and in 9.2% of patients, the alternative vector was favorable. All patients underwent two-zone programming. The conditional shock zone was programmed at an average rate of 192 beats/min (range 180-210 beats/min) and the shock zone was programmed at an average rate of 222 beats/min (range 220-240 beats/min). Perioperative complications occurred in two patients. During the follow-up period, no shocks were recorded in 27 patients. Adequate shocks for 6 months were recorded in two patients. During 6 months of observation, one lethal outcome was noted due to complications of viral pneumonia. During the observation period, there were no rehospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases.Conclusion. The use of S-ICD, even in patients with structural myocardial disease who do not require antibradycardia pacing, is effective in preventing SCD. The number of inadequate discharges and the number of complications in clinical practice is comparable to the data of multicenter studies. S-ICD implantation was not accompanied by a decrease in quality of life. Careful selection of candidates, along with state-of-the-art device programming, is an important parameter for the selection and success of S-ICD application

    Observation of exotic meson production in the reaction πpηπp \pi^{-} p \to \eta^{\prime} \pi^- p at 18 GeV/c

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    An amplitude analysis of an exclusive sample of 5765 events from the reaction πpηπp\pi^{-} p \to \eta^{\prime} \pi^- p at 18 GeV/c is described. The ηπ\eta^{\prime} \pi^- production is dominated by natural parity exchange and by three partial waves: those with JPC=1+,2++,J^{PC} = 1^{-+}, 2^{++}, and 4++4^{++}. A mass-dependent analysis of the partial-wave amplitudes indicates the production of the a2(1320)a_2(1320) meson as well as the a4(2040)a_4(2040) meson, observed for the first time decaying to ηπ\eta^{\prime}\pi^-. The dominant, exotic (non-qqˉ)q\bar{q}) 1+1^{-+} partial wave is shown to be resonant with a mass of 1.597±0.0100.010+0.0451.597 \pm 0.010^{+0.045}_{-0.010} GeV/c^2 and a width of 0.340±0.040±0.0500.340 \pm 0.040 \pm 0.050 GeV/c^2 . This exotic state, the π1(1600)\pi_1(1600), is produced with a tt dependence which is different from that of the a2(1320)a_2(1320) meson, indicating differences between the production mechanisms for the two states.Comment: 5 pages with 4 figure

    Partial-wave analysis of the eta pi+ pi- system produced in the reaction pi-p --> eta pi+ pi- n at 18 GeV/c

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    A partial-wave analysis of 9082 eta pi+ pi- n events produced in the reaction pi- p --> eta pi+ pi- n at 18.3 GeV/c has been carried out using data from experiment 852 at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The data are dominated by J^{PC} = 0^{-+} partial waves consistent with observation of the eta(1295) and the eta(1440). The mass and width of the eta(1295) were determined to be 1282 +- 5 MeV and 66 +- 13 Mev respectively while the eta(1440) was observed with a mass of 1404 +- 6 MeV and width of 80 +- 21 MeV. Other partial waves of importance include the 1++ and the 1+- waves. Results of the partial wave analysis are combined with results of other experiments to estimate f1(1285) branching fractions. These values are considerably different from current values determined without the aid of amplitude analyses.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Green function of fermions in 2D superconducting Frohlich model with inhomogeneous order parameter

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    The fermion Green function and spectral characteristics for the 2D Frohlich model of superconductivity at static fluctuations in the phase of the order parameter are calculated. The results demonstrate strongly non-Fermi-liquid properties of the system at finite temperatures and relate with the pseudogap behavior of high-TcT_{c} superconductors at relatively small charge carrier densities

    A partial wave analysis of the π0π0\pi ^0\pi ^0 system produced in πp\pi ^-p charge exchange collisions

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    A partial wave analysis of the of the π0π0\pi ^0\pi ^0 system produced in the charge exchange reaction: πpπ0π0n\pi ^-p\to \pi ^0\pi ^0n at an incident momentum of 18.3GeV/c18.3 GeV/c is presented as a function of π0π0{\pi ^0\pi ^0} invariant mass, mπ0π0m_{\pi^0\pi^0}, and momentum transfer squared, t| {t} |, from the incident π\pi^- to the outgoing π0π0{\pi ^0\pi ^0} system.Comment: 24 pages total,8 pages text, 14 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Phys Rev