12 research outputs found


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    On the basis of the data published between 1983 and 2008, this paper shows presence of tench (Tinca tinca), carp (Cyprinus carpio), pike (Esox lucius), catfish (Silurus glanis), zander (Sander lucioperca) and sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) in the Gornje Podunavlje and Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit Special Nature Reserves and the Begečka Jama Nature Park, as well as in the part of the Danubeā€™s bed between river kilometre 1249- and 1255. The number of these fish species in the River Danube and its flood zones in this part of the Pannonian Basin is decreasing due to the use of inappropriate ā€œtoolsā€, electric current, uncontrolled agricultural and industrial waste dumps, degradation of the habitat. The above mentioned species deserve attention because, according to the Rulebook on declaration and protection of protected and strictly protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi of 2010, in Serbia, T. tinca is a strictly protected species, while C. carpio, E. lucius, S. glanis, S. lucioperca and A. ruthenus are listed as protected. On the basis of the 2009 Fisheries Law in Serbia, permanently closed fishing season was introduced for tench, and closed season in certain periods and fishing ban for individuals under the prescribed size for the rest of the above mentioned species. A. ruthenus is subject to the Law on Ratification of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), ANNEX II and is listed in the category of species that may be in danger of extinction. Furthermore, it can be found on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature ā€“ VU, which means that it is marked as vulnerable.Na temelju objavljenih literaturnih podataka u razdoblju od 1983 do 2008. godine, u radu je prikazana zastupljenost linjaka (Tinca tinca), Å”arana (Cyprinus carpio), Å”tuke (Esox lucius), soma (Silurus glanis), smuđa (Sander lucioperca) i kečige (Acipenser ruthenus) u Specijalnim rezervatima prirode "Gornje Podunavlje" i "Koviljski-Petrovaradinski rit", Parku prirode "Begečka jama", kao i dijelu korita Dunava između 1249. i 1255. rkm. Brojnost ovih vrsta riba u Dunavu i njegovim plavnim zonama u ovom dijelu Panonskog basena opada uslijed upotrebe neodgovarajućih "alata", nekontroliranog ubacivanja poljoprivrednog i industrijskog otpada, kao i degradacije staniÅ”ta. Navedene vrste zaslužuju iznimnu pozornost jer prema "Pravilniku o proglaÅ”enju i zaÅ”titi zaÅ”tićenih i strogo zaÅ”tićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva" iz 2010. godine, u Srbiji je Tinca tinca strogo zaÅ”tićena vrsta, dok su Cyprinus carpio, Esox lucius, Silurus glanis, Sander lucioperca i Acipenser ruthenus na listi zaÅ”tićenih. Na temelju "Zakona o ribarstvu" iz 2009. godine u Srbiji je za linjaka je uveden trajni lovostaj, a za ostale spomenute vrste, lovostaj u određenom vremenskom periodu, kao i zabrana lova ispod propisane veličine. Acipenser ruthenus podliježe Zakonu o potvrđivanju Konvencije o međunarodnom prometu ugroženih vrsta divlje flore i faune (CITES) DODATAK II i spada u vrste kojima može zaprijetiti opasnost od izumiranja. Također se nalazi na IUCN crvenoj listi ugroženih vrsta međunarodne unije za zaÅ”titu prirode - VU, Å”to znači da se vodi kao ranjiva

    Withers height of pig - Sus scrofa domestica L. 1758, domestic cow - Bos taurus L. 1758 and sheep - Ovis aries L. 1758 at the ā€œGornja Å”umaā€ archaeological site (Novi Sad)

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    In spring 2012, osteological material was collected at the ā€œGornja Å umaā€ site (site no. 47), located in the territory of Novi Sad, and it was dated to the early 9th century. The withers heights of pig - Sus scrofa domestica, domestic cow - Bos taurus and sheep - Ovis aries, as the three most dominant species at this archaeological site, were analysed based on the length of bones and according to various authors [Boessneck 1956; Zalkin 1960; Matolcsi 1970; Teichert 1975]. It was determined that in these three species the withers heights mostly corresponded to the data from the Middle Ages

    The ratio of domestic and wild animals at Neolithic sites in Vojvodina (Serbia)

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    Based on the results of the vertebrate fauna research from 10 Neolithic archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia), two of which belong to Kőrƶs culture, 7 to Starčevo culture, and one to Vinča culture, the proportional contribution of domestic and wild animals was analysed. These sites were approximately dated between 6000 and 3200 BC. The smallest proportion of domestic animals was recorded at the sites of Golokut-Vizić and Nosa Biserna Obala, while the biggest one at the sites of Prosine-Pećinci, Zlatara-Ruma and KudoÅ”-Å aÅ”inci. A small proportion of domestic animals at Nosa Biserna Obala shows that the animal husbandry was only just at the beginning, and a high proportion of wild animals testifies about the importance of hunting in economy. These are the characteristics of settlements of Kőrƶs culture, where goats and sheep dominate among domestic animals. Low proportion of domestic and high proportion of wild animals were recorded at the site of Golokut which, like most of the described sites in this paper, belongs to the Middle Neolithic; this is not characteristic for Starčevo culture and it testifies that hunting was much more important than animal husbandry. What is characteristic for settlements of Starčevo culture is the domination of oxen in the total vertebrate fauna and among domestic animals. At the site of Donja Branjevina-Deronje, the settlement which belongs to Starčevo culture as well, goats and sheep have the biggest proportional contribution. The only analysed setĀ­tlement in this paper which belongs to the Early Neolithic (Vinča culture) is Gomolava - Hrtkovci where domestic animals dominate, oxen being the most numerous ones

    Ornitofauna from the archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia)

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    After decades-long vertebrate fauna research, out of 42 archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia) from different periods ranging from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, remains of birds were registered at 17 sites (4 from the Neolithic, 1 from the Early Iron Age, 7 from the Late Iron Age, 5 from the Roman Period, 1 from the Migration Period, and 4 from the Middle Ages). A total of 14 species and 4 genera were registered for this vertebrate class. The richest ornithofauna is from the Neolithic, where 9 species and 3 genera were registered. The Migration and Medieval periods are next with 4 registered species and one genus each. There were 3 species registered from the Roman Period, and 2 species from the Late Iron Age. The poorest ornitofauna was registered from the Early Iron Age, only one species

    Vertebrate fauna of the early and late iron ages in Vojvodina (Serbia)

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    Based on current published and unpublished research results, a total of 34 vertebrate species from 4 classes have been registered at 9 archaeological sites from the Early Iron Age in Vojvodina (Serbia). The most numerous one is the mammal class (Mammalia) with 22 species, then osteichthyes class (Osteichthyes) with 10 species, while birds (Aves) and reptiles (Reptilia) are repsented with one species each. From the Late Iron Age, at 14 archaeological sites, a total of 21 species were registered, of which 16 belong to the mammal class (Mammalia), birds (Aves) are represented by 2 species, and osteichthyes (Osteichthyes) by 3 species