361 research outputs found

    JARANDERSONIA* Kosterm. A new Bornean Genus of Tiliaceae - Brownlowieae.

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    Jarandersonia paludosa Kosterm., nov. gen., nov. spec. - Fig. 1.Arbor mediocris foliis alternantibus petiolatis subtus lepidotis stipulis conspicuis, inflorescentiis subterminalibus paniculatis lepidotis bracteatis, floribus pedicellatis, calycis tubo 5 lobato, petalis 5 glabris calycem super antibus, staminibus numerosis liberis, antheris bilocellatis, thecis supra confluentibus, staminodiis 5 ligulatis, ovario lepidoto, stylo distincto, stigmate inconspicuo


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    Franciscodendron Hyland & van Steenis {in Burnonia 10: 211-214. 1987) is, as stated by the authors related to Hildegardia because of its samara-like, indehiscent, one-to two-seed papyraceous (when mature) fruit (differing by the stelate pilose seeds)

    THE GENUS MURICOCOCCUM Chun & How (Euphorb.)

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    The monotypical genus Muricococcum was published in 1956 (in Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 5: 14) with a latin and Chinese diagnosis


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    Comparison of all the collected material, together with the cursory description of Laumoniera Nooteboom, made it clear that the only difference with the genus Brucea is the shape of the stigma. This is not considered to be at the generic level and the genus is sunk into Brucea and the species renamed Brucea bruceadelpha (Nooteboom) Kostermans, comb, nov


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    Diplodiscus longipetiolatus Kosterm. is described based on a specimen collected in East Kalimantan

    BASILOXYLON K. Schumann and PTERYGOTA ENDL. (Stercul.)

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    In Martius, Fl. Brasil. 12 (3): 12. 1886 (in observ.) K. Schumann described a specimen (Peckolt 628) collected in Cantagallo (Rio de Janeiro), conserved in the Brussels Herbarium and marked by Martius Sterculia rex (after the local name Pao del Rey); he suggested to name it Basiloxylon rex, if it should prove to be new; the name is consequently not valid under the Rules, but it was validated by Schumann in the same year (in Berichte deutsche bot. Gesellsch. 4: 82, t. 3. 1886). The latter description was based partly on the specimen Glaziou 10310


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    1. Durio cupreus Ridley is considered to represent a distinct species.2. Durio wyatt-smithii Kosterm. is reported from Borneo.3. Machilus nervosa Merr. represents Meliosma bontoeensis Merr.4. Beilschmiedia brassii Allen represents Vavaea brassii (Allen) Kosterm.5. The author of the generic name Heritiera is Aiton.6. Heritiera macrophylla (non Wall.) Merr. is conspecific with H. ungus-tata Pierre.7. Some specimens from N. Celebes, attributed formerly to H. sylvatica Merr., belong to H. arafurensis Kosterm.8. Additional note on Heritiera littoralis Ait. and H. macrophylla Wall, ex Kurz.9. Heritiera montana Kosterm., nov. spec, from New Guinea and H. khidii Kosterm., nov. spec, from Northern Siam.10. Additional note on Heritiera, novoguineensis Kosterm. and H. pereo-riacea Kosterm. and an undescribed species.11. Heritiera acuminata Wall, ex Kurz represents a distinct species.12. Heritiera solomonensis Kosterm., nov. spec, from the Solomon Isl.13. A note on Firmiana bracteata A. DC.14. Firmiana fulgens (Wall, ex King) Corner is based on a mixtum com-positum and has been the source of constant confusion. For the element, which occurs in Malaysia a new name is coined: F. malayana Kosterm. It does not occur in Tenasserim.15. A revised bibliography of Firmiana colorata R. Br., F. pallens Stearn and F. malayana Kosterm. is presented.16. Additional note on Firmiana hainanensis Kosterm.17. Firmiana kerrii (Craib) Kosterm., comb, nov., based on Sterculia kerrii Craib.18. Additional specimens of Firmiana papuana Mildbr.19. Cryptocarya hintonii Allen is referred to Primus as Primus hintonii (Allen) Kosterm.20. Beilschmiedia wallichiana (G. Don) Kosterm., based on Sideroxylon wallichianum, G. Don, is described. Formerly it was relegated to Litsea by Kurz.21. New species in Lauraceae: Beilschmiedia aborensis Kosterm., B. ele-gantissima Kosterm., B. lanatella Kosterm., Persea pomifera Kosterm., Ocotea scandens Kosterm. and Actinodaphne auricolor Kosterm

    THE GENUS PITYRANTHE Thw. (Tiliaceae).

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    1. Pityranthe Thw. is incorporated in Diplodiscus Turcz.2. A discussion on the characters of both genera is presented, together with a note, concerning priority.3. An emendated description of Diplodiscus verrucosus (Thw.) Kosterm., comb. nov. is presented


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    1.Papuodendron C. T. White is reduced to Hibiscus L.; the species is renamed:H. papuodendron Kosterm.2. Hibiscus hooglandianus represents a new species from New Guinea.3. New species in Pentace: P. microlepidota Kosterm., P. paludosa Kosterm. and P. adenophora Kosterm.4. Parapentace Gagnepain is included in Burretiodendron Rehd. As the species of Parapentace were published without latin diagnosis, the following new species of Burretiodendron are presented: B. tonkinensis Kosterm. and B. brilletii Kosterm.5.Two new species of Heritiera (H. rumphii Kosterm. and H. ornithocephala Kosterm.) are described; additional notes on H. littoralis from Madagascar, H. longi petiolata and H. arafurensis are presented.6. Heritiera burmensis Kosterm. is reduced to a synonym of H. macrophylla Kurz.7.Sterculia cubensis Urb. is referred to Hildcgardia; the curious distributional area of Hildegardia is stressed.8. A note on Hildegardia erythrosipkon Kosterm. is presented.9.Sterculia ankaranensis Arenes is relegated to Hildcgardia.10. Sterculia heritieriformis Arenes represents a mixture of Heritiera littoralis and Firmiana colorata.11. Sterculia guppyi Greenwood is a synonym of Firmiana diversifolia A. Gray.12. Ficus serp-yllifolia Blume belongs actually to Apocynaceae and is renamed: Micrcchites serpyllifolia (Bl.) Kosterm. It is suggested that M. radicans Markgr. is conspecific with this wide-spread species.13. Ortholobium Gagnepain, being inadmissable under the Rules (no latin diagnosis)is replaced by Cylindrokelupha Kosterm. The following new species are presented: C. poilanei Kosterm., C. platyphylla Kosterm.; C. annamcnse Kosterm. and C. chevalieri Kosterm