19 research outputs found

    Konsumsi Pakan dan Produksi Telur Itik Pekin dan Mojosari Putih dengan Penambahan Enzim BS4 dalam Ransum

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    Penambahan enzim dalam ransum sangat bermanfaat untuk memudahkan proses pencernaan pada unggas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menurunkan konsumsi pakan dan meningkatkan produksi telur. Materi yang digunakan itik Pekin dan Mojosari putih betina umur 18-20 bulan. Bahan pakan yang digunakan: pollard, jagung, BR-1, lisine, methionine, CPO, premiks, DCP, kapur dan garam. Enzim yang digunakan adalah enzim BS4. Rancangan penelitian adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola Faktorial 2x2, faktor pertama 2 jenis galur itik (itik Pekin dan Mojosari putih), faktor kedua yakni 2 level enzim BS4 (0 dan 150 U/kg pakan). Terdapat 4 macam ransum perlakuan dengan jumlah ulangan 5 dan setiap ulangan terdiri dari 10 ekor itik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan enzim BS4 dalam ransum nyata (

    Pengaruh Kawin Sodor (Force Mating) Terhadap Persentase Kebuntingan Kelinci New Zealand White

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    Rabbits have the potential to produce meat for the animal protein consumption. At present, rabbit farming has developed in Indonesia.The development of rabbit farming is also Rabbits have the potential to produce meat for the animal protein consumption. At present, rabbit farming has developed in Indonesia.The development of rabbit farming is also accompanied by problems in the rabbit productivity. The problem that occurs in rabbit breeders is the low productivity of rabbits. The aim of this research was to identify the effect of force mating to the percentage of pregnancy in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits at Indonesia Research Institute of Animal Production (IRIAP). The material used in this research were 99 heads New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits in the rabbit station at the IRIAP. The treatment in this study is that the dam of NZW is mated in natural mating and force mating. Pregnancy percentage data were analyzed using T test. The results showed that the percentage of pregnancy between natural and force mating was significantly different (P <.05). The percentage of pregnancy with natural mating in rabbits is higher when compared to force mating, but force mating can to increase the high percentage of pregnancy. The conclusion of the study is that the pregnancy percentage for force mating is lower when compared to natural mating. However, force mating can increase the percentage of pregnancy to reach 74%. by problems in the rabbit productivity. The problem that occurs in rabbit breeders is the low productivity of rabbits. The aim of this research was to identify the effect of force mating to the percentage of pregnancy in New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits at Indonesia Research Institute of Animal Production (IRIAP). The material used in this research were 99 heads New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits in the rabbit station at the IRIAP. The treatment in this study is that the dam of NZW is mated in natural mating and force mating. Pregnancy percentage data were analyzed using T test. The results showed that the percentage of pregnancy between natural and force mating was significantly different (P <.05). The percentage of pregnancy with natural mating in rabbits is higher when compared to force mating, but force mating can to increase the high percentage of pregnancy. The conclusion of the study is that the pregnancy percentage for force mating is lower when compared to natural mating. However, force mating can increase the percentage of pregnancy to reach 74%

    Performan Ayam KUB Umur 0-12 Minggu di Program Bekerja Desa Jatiwangi, Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Kabupaten Garut

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    Program Bedah Kemiskinan Rakyat Sejahtera (BEKERJA) adalah upaya untuk menekan angka kemiskinan, khususnya di desa serta mengangkat kesejahteraan petani. Badan Litbang Pertanian memberikan bantuan bibit ayam kampung unggul Balitbangtan (KUB) yang mempunyai produktivitas telur lebih tinggi. Makalah ini di buat untuk melihat performan ayam KUB di program BEKERJA Desa Jatiwangi, Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Kabupaten Garut yang diterima oleh Rumah Tangga Miskin (RTM). Pengamatan dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2018-November 2018. Umur ayam KUB adalah 0 hari-12 minggu dengan jumlah RTM yang diamati sebanyak 10 RTM. Peubah yang diamati adalah bobot badan (g), pertambahan bobot badan (g), dan perkembangan populasi. Hasil yang diperoleh untuk rataan bobot badan pada umur 0 hari sebesar 39,67 g/ekor, umur 4 minggu sebesar 247,68 g/ekor, umur 8 minggu mencapai 745,27 g/ekor (♀) dan 772,02 g/ekor (β™‚), sedangkan setelah umur 12 minggu sebesar 1346 g/ekor (♀) dan 1875,2 g/ekor (♀). Pertambahan bobot badan berturut-turut sebesar 108,03 g/ekor/minggu (♀) dan 152,13 g/ekor/minggu (β™‚). Sementara itu, penurunan populasi ayam KUB di lokasi pengamatan mencapai 12,41%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ayam KUB di program BEKERJA Desa Jatiwangi, Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Kabupaten Garut memperlihatkan performan yang baik dilihat dari bobot badan dan pertambahan bobot badan

    Kinerja Finansial Manajemen Perkawinan Inseminasi Buatan dan Kawin Alam pada Ayam Lokal

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    Kinerja finansial pada ayam lokal dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana usaha yang dilakukan mampu menghasilkan keuntungan yang prospektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja finansial dari manajemen perkawinan inseminasi buatan (IB) dan kawin alam (KA) pada ayam lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai 27 September-21 November 2018 di Balai Penelitian Ternak, Ciawi dan di Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei terstruktur. Penentuan sampel responden dilakukan secara purposive berdasarkan kriteria bahwa sampel merupakan pelaku usaha pembibitan dan penetasan ayam lokal serta menerapkan manajemen perkawinan IB dan/atau KA. Data dianalisis secara ekonomik dengan pengukuran kriteria kelayakan menggunakan Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja finansial usaha pembibitan dan penetasan ayam lokal dengan manajemen perkawinan menggunakan IB metode pellet, IB semen segar, dan KA hasilnya sama-sama memberikan keuntungan dan layak untuk diusahakan dengan nilai R/C > 1. Pelaksanaan IB akan menghemat pemeliharaan pejantan, kandang pejantan, dan biaya pakan pejantan dibandingkan dengan KA secara terkontrol dan intensif. Di sisi lain, pelaksanaan IB membutuhkan tenaga kerja tambahan yang terampil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh informasi bahwa penerapan IB baik menggunakan semen segar maupun semen beku dalam usaha pembibitan dan penetasan ayam lokal menguntungkan, sehingga dapat dijadikan alternatif pilihan dalam manajemen perkawinan ayam lokal

    Economic Assessment of Fattening Beef Cattle Through The Rice Straw Utilization

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    Based on the agricultural production, Indonesia has very high potential to increase rice production through the implementation of adapted and liable technology. The role of non-rice sub sector is also needed to harmonize management in various aspects, in which one of them is livestock sub sector. This management could be done through the development of livestock farming using the rice straw as one of the potential animal feed. The objective of the study was to get a conceptual integrated systems of rice production based on livestock (cattle) development. The estimation of bio-economic for rice straw fermented utilization as animal feed has been done through observation of the cattle biological parameter. An economic approach that has been used in the study was the partial budget analysis including the feed cost per gain (FC/g) and gross margin analysis. The results of the study has shown that FC/g of the cattle from Boyolali and Sumba Ongole (SO) were the most efficient in using the feed compared to the other four cattle. Those were Rp.4600,- and Rp.4995,- per head per day for cattle from Boyolali and SO, respectively. The two types of cattle also reached the gross margin estimation, however SO cattle was slightly less than that of the cattle from Boyolali (Rp.2854,- vs Rp.2897,- ) per head per day. The differences were very much depending on the growth rate of each type of the cattle. Β  Key words: Feed cost per gain, gross margin estimation, rice straw, beef cattle farmin

    Oestrous synchronization using composite solution of testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone on Peranakan Etawah goat

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    Progestagen is generally used for hormonal treatment in the synchronization program, but the cost of this stuffs is relatively expensive. An alternatif low cost agent for sinchronization is needed and this is a focus of the present study. Forty eight heads of mature does and 4 bucks of Peranakan Etawah (PE) goats was used in two phases of study. In the first phase, three types of composite compounds (TOP-A, TOP-B and TOP-C) were tested on a number of PE does. In the second phase of the study, the best TOP composite of the first phase was compared with Fluogestone Acetate (FGA) which is a commercially made of progestagen for synchronization. FGA was inserted intravaginal for 7 days (FGA-7) and 14 days (FGA-14). Results of the study in phase I showed that only 40-60% of does showed oestrus following TOP composite treatment, and 50-67% of them in groups TOP-A and TOP-B did not ovulate, while all oestrous does in TOP-C group ovulated. Oestrous cycle length was within a normal range of oestrous cycle (15 - 22 days) indicating that TOP composite did not have negative effect on reproductive activity of goats. The best TOP-C in the study phase I was tested in the study phase II and compared with FGA. The results showed that the number of does in oestrus in TOP-C group was only 63.6% which was much lower than those of FGA-7 (81.8%) and FGA-14 (100% ). Imperiority of TOP-C and FGA-7 were shown by a relatively high incident of oestrus without ovulation which were 14.3% and 11.1% for the respective groups. Consequently, ovulation rates in both groups were lower than those of FGA-14 (1.1 vs 1.4 vs 1.8, P<0.05). Pregnancy rate in TOP-C was also the lowest (27.3%) compared with those of group FGA-7 (63.6%) and group FGA-14 (81.8%). Based on the results obtained, it could be concluded that TOP composite used in this study was not as good as FGA in inducing oestrus in goat