4 research outputs found

    Uticaj agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka

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    This paper presents the results of the influence of applied agro-technical measures on yield and content of essential oil in basil (Ocimum basilicum) and reduce energy consumption during plowing, using a combination plow and subsoiler. Of technological operations, in addition to core processing, we applied the inter row cultivation of land to destroy weeds and maintain land in a loose condition which prevents drying and provides moisture retention. To the introduction of nutrients into the soil, which are needed for plant growth, feeding was carried out basil fertilizers. Applied two depth-plowing: 20 to 40 cm. Realized yields and essential oil contents were in the function of the depth of plowing. The results achieved show the highest yield of basil on the depth of plowing 40 cm (from 2900 kg/ha to 3200 kg/ha), while the actual return on the depth of plowing for 750 kg/ha greater than the highest yield of the plowing depth of 20 cm. Realized yields of basil is a measure of deep plowing effects on the development of plants and realized yield and increased economic efficiency of application of deep tillage in the production of basil. Essential oil content expressed as a percentage of the depth of plowing 20 cm ranged from 0.40% to 0.60%, and the plowing depth of 40 cm varied in the range of 0.63% to 0.87%, which is 0.23% and 0.27% over the plowing depth of 40 cm. The results concluded that increasing the depth of plowing increases the yield and content essential oil in basil production.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih agrotehničkih mera na prinos i sadržaj etarskog ulja kod bosiljka (Ocimum basilicum), kao i smanjenje utroška energije pri oranju uz upotrebu kombinacije pluga i razrivača. Od tehnoloških operacija, pored osnovne obrade, primenjena je i međuredna kultivacija zemljišta radi uništavanja korova i održavanja zemljišta u rastresitom stanju čime se sprečava njegovo isušivanje i obezbeđuje zadržavanje vlage. Radi unošenja hranjivih materija u zemljište, koje su potrebne za rast biljaka, izvršeno je prihranjivanje bosiljka mineralnim đubrivima. Primenjene su dve dubine oranja: 20 i 40 cm. Ostvareni prinosi i sadržaj etarskog ulja bili su u funkciji dubine oranja. Rezultati pokazuju najveći ostvareni prinos bosiljka na dubini oranja od 40 cm (od 2900 kg/ha do 3200 kg/ha), pri čemu je ostvareni prinos na ovoj dubini oranja za 750 kg/ha veći od najvećeg prinosa na dubini oranja od 20 cm. Ostvarena visina prinosa bosiljka predstavlja merilo uticaja dubine oranja na razvoj biljke i ostvareni prinos kao i ekonomsku isplativost primene povećane dubine oranja u proizvodnji bosiljka. Sadržaj etarskog ulja izražen u procentima kod dubine oranja od 20 cm kretao se od 0,40% do 0,60%, a pri dubini oranja od 40 cm kretao se u granicama od 0,63% do 0,87%, što je za 0,23%, odnosno 0,27% više pri dubini oranja od 40 cm. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata zaključuje se da povećanje dubine oranja utiče na povećanje prinosa i sadržaja etarskog ulja kod proizvodnje bosiljka

    Uticaj biomase na smanjenje emisije ugljen dioksida

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    Biomass can be considered strategic potential, not only because it is a renewable source of energy and it is widespread, but also because its application can provide a sufficient amount of energy to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, resulting in a minimum negative impact on environment. This paper presents an overview of techniques for biomass burning, as well as technical and technological characteristics of plant for the production of energy from biomass in order to promote the implementation of renewable energy sources. It also presents the option and joint combustion of biomass and fossil fuels. The decisive factor in the increased use of biomass should be its low acquisition and operating costs, but the application of modern low-emission incinerator is economically viable only for large plants, because then gets maximum effect from the problem of fuel (straw and specially planted Culture (Miscanthus Sinesis).Biomasa se može smatrati strategijskim potencijalom, ne samo zbog toga što je obnovljiv izvor energije i što je široko rasprostranjena, već i zbog toga što se njenom primenom može obezbediti dovoljna količina energije uz redukovanje emisije CO2 i drugih štetnih gasova, čime se postiže minimalan negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu. U radu je dat pregled tehnika za spaljivanje biomase, kao i tehničko-tehnološke karakteristike toplana za proizvodnju energije iz biomase u cilju promovisanja primene ovog obnovljivog izvora energije. Takođe, predstavljena je i opcija zajedničkog sagorevanja biomase i fosilnih goriva. Odlučujući faktor u pojačanom korišćenju biomase trebali bi biti njeni niski nabavni i eksploatacioni troškovi, ali primena modernih spalionica sa niskom emisijom je ekonomski opravdana samo na velikim postrojenjima, jer se tada dobija maksimalan učinak i iz problematičnih goriva (slama i specijalno zasađene kulture (Miscanthus Sinesis)

    Anticoccidian effects of the Artemisia absinthium L. extracts in broiler chickens

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    SUMMARY Herbs are common resources in, both pure products and traditional drug production. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of artemisinin in Artemisia absinthium L .and test the anticoccidian effects of plant extract in broilers. Anticoccidial effects of the plant extract were tested on chicken challenged with Eimeria tenella. The in vivo investigation was carried out on 150 heavy line broilers (Arbor acres) of both sexes. One hundred fifty, 21 day old chickens were divided into five groups consisting of 30 chicks each. At the age of 21 day, the chicken from first four groups (A to D) were infected with Eimeria tenella sporulated oocysts at a dose of 20.000 per chicken. The negative control consisted of group E chickens that were not infected or treated. The infected chickens were treated with absinthium extracts at the dosages of 1, 2 and 3 mg/kg per day. The results indicated that Artemisia absinthium extract can reduce the severity of coccidial infection induced by Eimeria tenella. The anticoccidial effects of A. absinthium extracts caused significant decrease in output number of oocysts per gram of faeces in chickens challenged with Eimeria tenella