215 research outputs found
A Theological Library’s Efforts to Complement Faith Formation
In the fall of 2016, a librarian at the Marian Library was approached about the possibility of preparing an art lesson that would also support catechesis of the parish school students. This poster presentation will summarize how the Marian Library\u27s special collections have been used to complement ongoing faith formation efforts of both adults and children
Catholic Documents 101: Resources for Parts 3 and 4
This list of resources accompanied the presentation Catholic Documents 101: A Theological Librarian’s Guide to Identifying, Locating, and Using the Documents of the Catholic Church
Quadditch? That\u27s Quidditch on the Quad!
Friends of Madam Pince (aka, University Libraries) most graciously invite you, Muggles and Potterheads alike, to spectate a Quidditch friendly on the KU Quad on Monday, Oct. 24 at 4:00 p.m
Marian Library Celebrates 75 Years
News article announcing the Marian Library\u27s 75th anniversary celebration and prompting readers to see a special website featuring anniversary events
Q&A with Catholic Library Association Members: Brother Andrew Kosmowski, S.M.
Brother Andrew Kosmowski, S.M., a librarian in the Marian Library at the University of Dayton, describes his career, his work, his library, his vision for the Catholic Library Association, and why he became a Marianist brother
Catholic Documents 101: A Theological Librarian’s Guide to Identifying, Locating, and Using the Documents of the Catholic Church
Over the course of 2,000 years, theologians have accreted mountains of writings on every aspect of the Christian faith. While even devoted students of Christian doctrine likely will not have time to scale all of the peaks in a single academic lifetime, they cannot afford to skip completely over one of the highest summits: the documents of the “teaching arm” of the Catholic Church, the Magisterium, which safeguards the deposit of faith and interprets controversies in light of it. Those approaching doctrinal matters, such as the atonement and the virgin birth, from a Protestant perspective may find it beneficial to examine the Catholic position from the mouths of those who formulated them. But how do librarians unfamiliar with the differences between papal encyclicals and papal exhortations, or between conciliar constitutions and conciliar declarations, help students journey across the Catholic theological landscape? How can they distinguish between casual and infallible statements by the Pope? This session will serve not only to introduce librarians to the various types of Church documents and how they are put together, but to provide them with recommendations for the best versions both in print and on the web
Démographie et politiques sociales
La réduction de la pauvreté apparaît comme l'un des axes majeurs des politiques de développement. La pauvreté est toutefois d'un concept difficile à définir, et difficile à mesurer : un fossé existe entre ce qu'il faudrait idéalement mesurer, et ce qui est mesuré dans les faits. Cette communication présente les deux approches dominantes de la pauvreté - la pauvreté monétaire et la pauvreté multidimensionnelle - tout en soulignant leurs limites. Centrée sur le ménage, ces deux indicateurs sont limités en termes d'approche individuelle de la pauvreté. L'approche monétaire est confrontée au problème de l'hétérogénéité des besoins de consommation et peine à intégrer le rôle social joué par certaines formes de dépenses. L'approche multidimensionnelle souffre d'un manque de compréhension des relations qui existent entre les multiples privations. La conception de l'enquête quantitative du programme "Familles, Genre et Activité en Afrique" (FAGEAC) - ANR-10-SUDS-005-01 - 2010-2013, réalisée dans les villes de Cotonou, Lomé et Ouagadougou répond à ces préoccupations conceptuelles et méthodologiques. En offrant la possibilité d'utiliser différentes conceptions du ménage, en collectant les liens de façon plus détaillée, l'enquête devrait permettre une lecture plus fine de la pauvreté en milieu urbain. L'utilisation de mesures qualitatives de perception des besoins de consommation et de la méthode du carnet de dépenses individuelles devraient en outre permettre une comparaison de ces deux approches de la pauvreté, réputées irréconciliables
Reliability Aspect of Application of DDC Computer in Power Plants
The subject of this paper is the reliability aspect of the application of DDC computer systems in thermal and nuclear power plants. The influence of the computer's Mean Time to Failure and Mean Time to Repair on a power plant's economic outage penalty cost has been investigated, and the total economical losses during the economical power plant life have been calculated for various economical factors
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