210 research outputs found
Elinkaaritiedon hallinta tuotetietomallissa
In modern, global manufacturing business, value is increasingly created by services related to products rather than the products themselves. In industries related to the built environment, various products installed in the buildings are a major asset for the operators and managers of buildings. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), managing and exploiting product-related information throughout the lifecycle of the product, has become both a requirement and an important tool for effective service business development.
Extensive and interactive PLM requires a universal system for information exchange across the lifecycles of buildings and products. The objective of the study is to define and implement the minimum requirements set by a product-centric information exchange system in an IFC-based product information model, based on use case of managing installed medical equipment in hospital environment.
The study comprises a literature analysis and a use case. Late literature was reviewed to analyse developments of intelligence and lifecycle management in products and buildings. It was found that major challenges exist in exchanging lifecycle information between stakeholders and across lifecycle stages. Based on the analysis, it is proposed that using the technologies of building information modelling and a product-centric information exchange system could provide novel solutions to the identified challenges. In the use case, a method was developed for incorporating an open, product-centric PLM information exchange system into the existing IFC standard.
It was found that an URI-based, product-centric information exchange system using external databases and product servers satisfies the requirements of effective PLM information exchange. Additionally, it was found that using IFC for product information modelling can effectively support such a system by linking virtual building and product information models into the lifecycle information stored in external servers.Nykyaikaisessa, kansainvälisessä valmistavan teollisuuden liiketoiminnassa arvoa luodaan entistä enemmän tuotteisiin liittyvillä palveluilla kuin itse tuotteilla. Rakennettuun ympäristöön liittyvässä liiketoiminnassa rakennuksiin asennetut tuotteet muodostavat suuren pääoman rakennusten käyttäjille ja hallinnoijille. Tuotteiden elinkaaren hallinta (Product Lifecycle Management, PLM), eli tuotteisiin liittyvän tiedon hallinta ja hyödyntäminen tuotteen elinkaaren aikana, on muodostunut sekä vaatimukseksi että tärkeäksi työkaluksi tehokkaiden liiketoiminnallisten palvelujen kehittämisessä.
Laaja-alainen ja vuorovaikutteinen PLM edellyttää yleismaailmallista tiedonvaihtojärjestelmää rakennusten ja tuotteiden elinkaarten varrelle. Työn tavoitteena on määritellä ja toteuttaa tuotekeskeisen tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän asettamat vähimmäisvaatimukset IFC-pohjaiseen tuotetietomalliin käyttötapauksessa (use case), jossa kiinteästi asennettavia lääkinnällisiä laitteita hallitaan sairaalaympäristössä.
Työ koostuu kirjallisuustutkimuksesta ja käyttötapauksesta. Tuotteiden ja rakennusten elinkaaren hallinnan ja älyn kehitystä analysoitiin kirjallisuuslähteiden perusteella. Elinkaaren aikaisen tiedon vaihtamisessa osapuolten ja elinkaaren vaiheiden välillä havaittiin merkittäviä haasteita. Analyysin perusteella työssä esitetään, että tietomallintamisen teknologioiden ja tuotekeskeisen tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän käyttäminen voivat tarjota uusia ratkaisuja tunnistettuihin haasteisiin. Käyttötapauksessa kehitettiin menetelmä avoimen, tuotekeskeisen PLM-tiedonvaihtojärjestelmän yhdistämiseksi nykyiseen IFC-standardiin.
Työssä havaittiin, että URI:in perustuva, ulkoisia tietokantoja ja tuotepalvelimia hyödyntävä tuotekeskeinen tiedonvaihtojärjestelmä täyttää tehokkaan PLM-tiedonvaihdon vaatimukset. Lisäksi havaittiin, että tuotteiden tietomallintaminen IFC:ia käyttämällä tukee järjestelmää tehokkaasti linkittämällä virtuaaliset rakennus- ja tuotetietomallit ulkoisilla palvelimilla sijaitsevaan elinkaaritietoon
The long-term performance of acquiring companies in Finland
This research paper concentrates on evaluating the long-term post-merger performance of Finnish mergers and acquisitions completed during 1995–2006. As the overall wealth effects related to acquisitions are enormous, their performance and success has been immensely studied both by researchers and corporate managers. This research though has mainly concentrated on observing the announcement period returns while the long-term studies have been scarce. The purpose of this study is to test how and if the pre-merger valuation of the acquirer influences the eventual three-year post-merger performance.
Using an event study method, the aim is to find out if high-valuation “glamour” firms are the primary cause of the long-term performance. The effects of the chosen payment method and acquirer size are also studied in order to offer a more comprehensive view of the factors affecting the mergers and acquisitions. Attention is also given for recent findings of the short comings of long-term event-studies and especially the problems which might present themselves. These findings imply that measuring problems associated to the use of the conventional t-test for long-term event-studies might have been a source of the negative underperformance of some of the earlier studies.
The results clearly show that Finnish acquirers which undertake mergers and acquisitions perform poorly afterwards, but a majority of the poor performance can be accounted for high-valuation “glamour” acquirers. Low-valuation “value” firms also underperform but no statistical significance is found. The evidence also suggests that the chosen method of payment affects the long-term performance as acquisitions financed using equity only fared considerably worse than those financed with cash only. The acquirer size had also effect on the eventual performance of the merger. All size groups underperformed but statistical significance was only found for medium and small acquirers.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
Valokuva, muisti ja ontologia
Acta philosophica Tamperensia -sarjalla ei ole ISSN-numeroa
Transcribed Tc1-like transposons in salmonid fish
BACKGROUND: Mobile genetic elements comprise a substantial fraction of vertebrate genomes. These genes are considered to be deleterious, and in vertebrates they are usually inactive. High throughput sequencing of salmonid fish cDNA libraries has revealed a large number of transposons, which remain transcribed despite inactivation of translation. This article reports on the structure and potential role of these genes. RESULTS: A search of EST showed the ratio of transcribed transposons in salmonid fish (i.e., 0.5% of all unique cDNA sequences) to be 2.4–32 times greater than in other vertebrate species, and 68% of these genes belonged to the Tc1-family of DNA transposons. A phylogenetic analysis of reading frames indicate repeated transposition of distantly related genes into the fish genome over protracted intervals of evolutionary time. Several copies of two new DNA transposons were cloned. These copies showed relatively little divergence (11.4% and 1.9%). The latter gene was transcribed at a high level in rainbow trout tissues, and was present in genomes of many phylogenetically remote fish species. A comparison of synonymous and non-synonymous divergence revealed remnants of divergent evolution in the younger gene, while the older gene evolved in a neutral mode. From a 1.2 MB fragment of genomic DNA, the salmonid genome contains approximately 10(5 )Tc1-like sequences, the major fraction of which is not transcribed. Our microarray studies showed that transcription of rainbow trout transposons is activated by external stimuli, such as toxicity, stress and bacterial antigens. The expression profiles of Tc1-like transposons gave a strong correlation (r(2 )= 0.63–0.88) with a group of genes implicated in defense response, signal transduction and regulation of transcription. CONCLUSION: Salmonid genomes contain a large quantity of transcribed mobile genetic elements. Divergent or neutral evolution within genomes and lateral transmission can account for the diversity and sustained persistence of Tc1-like transposons in lower vertebrates. A small part of transposons remain transcribed and their transcription is enhanced by responses to acute conditions
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English summaryPeer reviewe
Whey pretreatments before ultrafiltration
Whey is a by-product of cheesemaking. Whey dry matter contains mainly lactose, but also valuable whey proteins. The aim of this study was to develop improvements to whey protein membrane isolation processes. In our trials CaCl2 -added, pH-adjusted and heat-treated wheys were found to have MF (microfiltration) permeate fluxes about 30% higher than in untreated MF whey. The total solids and protein content of the MF permeates decreased compared to the original wheys. UF (ultrafiltration) trials were conducted using MF whey to compare it with centrifugally separated whey. The MF whey consistently maintained an UF flux about 1.5 to 2.5 times higher than that of the separated whey. Differently treated MF whey UF permeate fluxes also showed a difference. With CaCl2 addition, pH adjustment and heat treatment, the UF permeate fluxes were about 20 to 40% higher than when only MF was used. The total solids content decreased in each trial. The protein content of the UF concentrate also decreased compared to the MF permeate. The (β-lg (β-lactoglobulin) and α-la (α-lactalbumin) content was almost the same in UF concentrates as in MF permeates
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