11 research outputs found

    A Distinctive Large Breeding Population of Ringed Seals (Phoca hispida) Inhabiting the Baffin Bay Pack Ice

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    Aerial surveys in June and July, 1978 and 1979, documented an unexpectedly large population (at least 417,000) of ringed seals, some with pups, inhabiting the pack ice of Baffin Bay. Pack-ice seals are smaller than their fast-ice counterparts and have a different diet and gut parasite load. Age and productive data, although limited, indicate that the offshore seals are a normal breeding population. Pack-ice seals probably mix with fast-ice seals in coastal areas during the brief open-water season but morphological and ecological differences suggest that the populations are reproductively isolated. This study prompts reconsideration of the importance of offshore pack ice to ringed seals and, therefore, to the coastal hunting economy of Inuit in Greenland and Baffin Island.Key words: ringer seals, Baffin Bay, pack ice, distribution, population discreteness, managementDes inventaires aériens effectués en juin et juillet, 1978 et 1979, ont documenté une population importante d'au moins 417 000 phoques annelés, certains accompagnés de jeunes, habitant le pack de la baie Baffin. Les phoques du pack sont plus petits que ceux de la banquise côtière et ont un régime alimentaire et des parasites intestinaux différents. Des données sur l'âge et le reproduction, quoique limitées, indiquent que les phoques au large des côtes suivent un cycle de reproduction normal. Les phoques du pack se mêlent probablement à ceux de la banquise dans les régions côtières durant la brève saison d'eau libre mais les différences morphologiques et écologiques suggèrent que les populations se reproduisent peut-être indépendamment l'une de l'autre. La présente étude encourage une reconsidération de l'importance du pack chez les phoques annelés et ainsi, de son importance dans 1'économie côtière des Inuit chasseurs du Groenland et de l'île de Baffin.Mots clés: phoque annelés, baie Baffin, banquise, distribution, isolation reproductrice de la population, contrôle de la populatio

    Universal DNA methylation age across mammalian tissues

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The individual-level data from the Mammalian Methylation Consortium can be accessed from several online locations. All data from the Mammalian Methylation Consortium are posted on Gene Expression Omnibus (complete dataset, GSE223748). Subsets of the datasets can also be downloaded from accession numbers GSE174758, GSE184211, GSE184213, GSE184215, GSE184216, GSE184218, GSE184220, GSE184221, GSE184224, GSE190660, GSE190661, GSE190662, GSE190663, GSE190664, GSE174544, GSE190665, GSE174767, GSE184222, GSE184223, GSE174777, GSE174778, GSE173330, GSE164127, GSE147002, GSE147003, GSE147004, GSE223943 and GSE223944. Additional details can be found in Supplementary Note 2. The mammalian data can also be downloaded from the Clock Foundation webpage: https://clockfoundation.org/MammalianMethylationConsortium. The mammalian methylation array is available through the non-profit Epigenetic Clock Development Foundation (https://clockfoundation.org/). The manifest file of the mammalian array and genome annotations of CpG sites can be found on Zenodo (10.5281/zenodo.7574747). All other data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The chip manifest files, genome annotations of CpG sites and the software code for universal pan-mammalian clocks can be found on GitHub95 at https://github.com/shorvath/MammalianMethylationConsortium/tree/v2.0.0. The individual R code for the universal pan-mammalian clocks, EWAS analysis and functional enrichment studies can be also found in the Supplementary Code.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 : Supplementary Tables 1–3 and Notes 1–6.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 2 : Reporting SummarySUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 3 : Supplementary Data 1–14.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 4 : Supplementary Code.Aging, often considered a result of random cellular damage, can be accurately estimated using DNA methylation profiles, the foundation of pan-tissue epigenetic clocks. Here, we demonstrate the development of universal pan-mammalian clocks, using 11,754 methylation arrays from our Mammalian Methylation Consortium, which encompass 59 tissue types across 185 mammalian species. These predictive models estimate mammalian tissue age with high accuracy (r > 0.96). Age deviations correlate with human mortality risk, mouse somatotropic axis mutations and caloric restriction. We identified specific cytosines with methylation levels that change with age across numerous species. These sites, highly enriched in polycomb repressive complex 2-binding locations, are near genes implicated in mammalian development, cancer, obesity and longevity. Our findings offer new evidence suggesting that aging is evolutionarily conserved and intertwined with developmental processes across all mammals.https://www.nature.com/nataginghj2024Zoology and EntomologySDG-15:Life on lan