286 research outputs found

    Temperature Dependence of Thermopower in Strongly Correlated Multiorbital Systems

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    Temperature dependence of thermopower in the multiorbital Hubbard model is studied by using the dynamical mean-field theory with the non-crossing approximation impurity solver. It is found that the Coulomb interaction, the Hund coupling, and the crystal filed splitting bring about non-monotonic temperature dependence of the thermopower, including its sign reversal. The implication of our theoretical results to some materials is discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Photo-induced insulator-metal transition of a spin-electron coupled system

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    The photo-induced metal-insulator transition is studied by the numerical simulation of real-time quantum dynamics of a double-exchange model. The spatial and temporal evolutions of the system during the transition have been revealed including (i) the threshold behavior with respect to the intensity and energy of light, (ii) multiplication of particle-hole (p-h) pairs by a p-h pair of high energy, and (iii) the space-time pattern formation such as (a) the stripe controlled by the polarization of light, (b) coexistence of metallic and insulating domains, and (c) dynamical spontaneous symmetry-breaking associated with the spin spiral formation imposed by the conservation of total spin for small energy-dissipation rates

    Towards precise measurement of oscillatory domain wall by ferromagnetic Josephson junction

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    We theoretically propose a principle for precise measurement of oscillatory domain wall (DW) by a ferromagnetic Josephson junction, which is composed of a ferromagnetic wire with DW and two superconducting electrodes. The current-voltage curve exhibits stepwise structures, only when DW oscillates in the ferromagnetic wire. The voltage step appears at V = n(\hbar/2e)\omega_DW with the fundamental constant \hbar/e, integer number n, and the DW frequency \omega_DW. Since V can be determined in the order of 10^9 accuracy, the oscillatory DW will be measured more precisely than present status by conventional method.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Low energy electronic states and triplet pairing in layered cobaltates

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    The structure of the low-energy electronic states in layered cobaltates is considered starting from the Mott insulating limit. We argue that the coherent part of the wave-functions and the Fermi-surface topology at low doping are strongly influenced by spin-orbit coupling of the correlated electrons on the t2gt_{2g} level. An effective t-J model based on mixed spin-orbital states is radically different from that for the cuprates, and supports unconventional, pseudospin-triplet pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure