11 research outputs found

    Simian T-lymphotropic Virus-Associated Lymphoma in 2 Naturally Infected Baboons: T-cell Clonal Expansion and Immune Response during Tumor Development

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    Two young female baboons naturally infected with simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV1) were euthanized due to chronic respiratory disease that was unresponsive to treatment. Massive lymphocytic infiltration of the lung interstitium suggested a diagnosis of STLV-associated lymphoma. In each case, the diagnosis was confirmed through inverse PCR (IPCR) that detected monoclonally integrated STLV1 provirus in cellular DNA extracted from lymphoma tissue and peripheral blood cells (PBC). One dominant STLV1-infected T-cell clone and 3 minor clones were detected in PBC from each baboon. Using archived PBC DNA and primers within the proviral genome and chromosomal DNA flanking the STLV1 integration sites in PCR analyses, we determined that the dominant clone in one baboon had first appeared approximately 8 mo after infection and had circulated for 4 y before clinical disease developed. ELISA testing of archived serum revealed that both baboons seroconverted to the p19 and p24 gag proteins and the envelope gp46 protein but not to the viral tax protein. Titers to p24 and gp46 rose significantly after infection and remained relatively constant until death, whereas titers to p19 increased with time. Although spontaneous STLV1-associated lymphomas have been described in baboons, the STLV1-associated lymphomas described here occurred in 2 relatively young baboons, both of whom had become infected with STLV at 3 to 4 y of age and developed lymphoma within 5 y of infection