22 research outputs found

    Model dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstw usługowych : stan obecny i kierunki dalszych badań

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    Background: Contemporary, logistics is regarded as a key factor in business success, which results in the emergence of the Logistics maturity concept. In the current literature, there is still lack of efforts to systematically review the state of the art of logistics maturation. Therefore, the aim of the paper was to address this gap by investigating the academic signs of progress in logistics maturity of service companies according to a developed literature review procedure. Methods: The literature review method was used to verify current knowledge on the logistics maturity model, with the use of the developed method for literature review research. Results: The literature review procedure was developed and used to analyze and categorize papers within the logistics maturity topic for identification of the logistics maturity, existing models, their structure and areas of maturity assessment. This study presents the research gap in logistics maturity models for the service industry. Conclusions: Expected results of the research will contribute to the systematization of knowledge on the logistics processes realization in the service industry, so it will affect the state of theoretical knowledge of economics, management, and logistics. Findings of this review may be used as the basis for logistics maturity model development as well as a guideline for making a literature reviewWstęp: Współcześnie logistyka uznawana jest za kluczowy czynnik sukcesu, co skutkuje istotnością zagadnienia dojrzałości logistycznej. Współcześnie, w literaturze wciąż brak jest systematycznego przeglądu literatury, podsumowującego stan wiedzy w zakresie dojrzałości logistycznej. Biorąc powyższe pod uwagę, za główny cel artykuły przyjęto wypełnić zidentyfikowaną lukę poprzez weryfikowanie aktualnego stanu wiedzy w zakresie rozwoju dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstw usługowych, wykorzystując przygotowaną procedurę do analizy literatury. Metody: W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy literatury celem weryfikacji aktualnego poziomu wiedzy na temat modelu dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstw usługowych, wykorzystując w tym celu opracowaną procedurę przeglądu literatury. Wyniki: Opracowano procedurę dokonywania przeglądu literatury, która została wykorzystana do analizy oraz klasyfikacji zidentyfikowanych w literaturze opracowań podejmujących tematykę dojrzałości logistycznej celem identyfikacji dojrzałości logistycznej, istniejących modeli, ich struktury oraz obszarów dokonywania oceny. W rezultacie ukazano lukę badawczą dotyczącą modeli dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstw usługowych. Wnioski: Oczekiwane wyniki badań przyczynią się do usystematyzowania wiedzy na temat realizacji procesów logistycznych w sektorze usług, co będzie oddziaływało na poziom wiedzy teoretycznej na temat ekonomii, zarządzania i logistyki. Rezultaty przeprowadzonych badań mogą zostać wykorzystane jako podstawa do opracowania podstaw modelu dojrzałości logistycznej, lecz również jako przewodnik w prowadzeniu badań nad aktualnym stanem literatury w danym zakresie

    Przemysł 4.0: stan obecny i wytyczne w zakresie potencjalnych badań

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    Background: Over the last few years, the Industry 4.0 concept has attracted attention among both academics and practitioners. Industry 4.0 is a very broad domain including production processes, efficiency, data management, relationship with consumers, competitiveness, and much more. Therefore, the aim of the paper was to analyze the main contributions published on the topic of Industry 4.0. Methods: The literature review method was used to verify current knowledge on the Industry 4.0 topic, with the use of developed methods for literature review research dedicated to it. Results: On the basis of the literature review procedure, answers to the research questions were obtained: RQ1: Is the "Industry 4.0" topic still relevant for researchers? RQ2: Does the national policy on Industry 4.0 influence the research interest in Industry 4.0? RQ3: What are the key components of Industry 4.0? RQ4: What are the implications of Industry 4.0 for other research topics? Conclusions: This paper contributes theoretically to the development of the literature on Industry 4.0. Results obtained from the research not only summarise the current research activities but also indicate existing potential research directions. The findings of this review can be used as the basis for future research on Industry 4.0 and related topics, as well as a guideline for making a literature review.Wstęp: W ciągu ostatnich lat, koncepcja Przemysłu 4.0 przyciąga uwagę zarówno przedstawicieli nauki jak i przemysłu. Przemysł 4.0 dotyczy procesów produkcji, wydajności, zarządzania danymi czy relacjami z klientami, kwestiami związanymi z konkurencyjnością oraz wiele innych zagadnień. Metody: W pracy wykorzystano metodę analizy literatury celem weryfikacji aktualnego stanu wiedzy w zakresie koncepcji Przemysłu 4.0. W tym celu wykorzystano dedykowaną procedurę przeprowadzania badań literatury. Wyniki: Na podstawie opracowanej procedury przeprowadzania studiów literatury, uzyskano odpowiedzi na wskazane pytania badawcze tj.: PB1:Czy pojęcie Przemysł 4.0 jest wciąż istotne dla badaczy? PB2: Czy programy prowadzone na szczeblu krajowym wpływają na zainteresowanie badaczy w zakresie Przemysłu 4.0? PB3: Jakie są kluczowe komponenty Przemysłu 4.0? PB4: Jakie Przemysł 4.0 wywołuje implikacje na inne tematy badawcze? Wnioski: Zaprezentowany artykuł wnosi wkład w rozwój literatury nad koncepcją Przemysłu 4.0. Wyniki uzyskane z przeprowadzonej analizy literatury nie tylko stanowią podsumowanie dotychczasowej wiedzy na temat koncepcji Przemysłu 4.0, lecz również wskazują kierunki potencjalnych badań. Rezultaty z przeprowadzonych studiów literatury mogą zostać wykorzystane jako wskazówki do przeprowadzenia dalszych badań nad koncepcją Przemysłu 4.0 oraz tematów z nią związanych, jak również służyć mogą jako wytyczne do przeprowadzenia badań literatury w wskazanym obszarze

    Dojrzałość logistyczna przedsiębiorstw usługowych – wyniki badań

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    The paper presents the results of research on the logistics maturity of the Polish service industry. The research goal of the article is to demonstrate the logistics maturity level of service enterprises. In the research, 2 000 Polish service enterprises were included, which represent various service sections according to the Polish code list of classification of business activities (hereafter: PKD). The companies under study were differentiated according to the company’s size, depending on the employment level. The subject of the research was the logistics tools used by the surveyed enterprises in areas of logistics activity such as warehouse management, transport management, supply chain management, supply and inventory management, and IT tools. To determine the logistics maturity level, the Logistic Maturity Model for Service Industry (hereafter: LMM4SI) was used, based on the assumption that the logistics maturity level of a service enterprise depends on the logistics engineering tools that were used.W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad sektorem usługowym w Polsce w kontekście dojrzałości logistycznej. Celem badawczym artykułu było wykazanie poziomu dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstw usługowych. Obiektem badań było 2000 polskich przedsiębiorstw usługowych należących do różnych sekcji usług według PKD, o różnej wielkości zależnej od poziomu zatrudnienia. Przedmiotem badań były narzędzia logistyczne wykorzystywane przez badane przedsiębiorstwa w obszarach aktywności logistycznej takich jak: zarządzanie magazynem, zarządzanie transportem, zarządzanie zapasami i zaopatrzeniem, zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw oraz narzędzia IT. Do określenia poziomu dojrzałości wykorzystano opracowany model LMM4SI (Logistic Matrurity Model for Service Industry), który opiera się na założeniu, że poziom dojrzałości logistycznej przedsiębiorstwa usługowego zależy od narzędzi instrumentarium logistycznego, które są w nim stosowane

    Reverse logistics as a trend of XXI century – state of art

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    On the basis of legal, environmental, social, and economic factors, reverse logistics and closed-loop supply chain issues have attracted attention among both academia and practitioners. A growing number of publications is an expression of reverse logistics trend in the literature which has been lasted for around 40 years. Hence, a comprehensive literature review of recent and state-of-the-art papers is vessential to draw a framework of the past, and to support researchers in their works by indicating journals or adequate references. The aim of this paper was to prepare appropriate literature review procedure and following it to review all papers whose main topis was reverse logistics. The papers were analyzed and categorized to construct a useful foundation of past research with respect to the scale of number of research on reverse logistics, considering stages of reverse logistics development, targeted journals, main research centres and leading countries. Moreover there were reccommended the most valuable papers as references

    Logistics maturity model for engineering management – method proposal

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    The objective of the paper is to present results of research carried out on the development of a logistics maturity model for enterprises. The proposed approach allows for companies to self-assess their level of advancement of logistics processes implementation with the use of logistics maturity model. Considering the results of the assessment, directions for further actions may be determined. The proposed model comprises three dimensions: SCOR model, phases of the industry logistics and logistics tools, what makes it original approach in the field of logistics maturity research. Moreover, the model described in the paper is dedicated for service industry, which is in research niche. The current state of research on maturity models is reviewed to serve as a basis for the model developed in the paper. There are inlcuded theoretical assumptions of the proposed logistics maturity model and presentation of the model’s concept, considering directions for future research on the specified issue

    Logistics Maturity of the Service Industry - Research Results

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    The paper presents the results of research on the logistics maturity of the Polish service industry. The research goal of the article is to demonstrate the logistics maturity level of service enterprises. In the research, 2 000 Polish service enterprises were included, which represent various service sections according to the Polish code list of classification of business activities (hereafter: PKD). The companies under study were differentiated according to the company's size, depending on the employment level. The subject of the research was the logistics tools used by the surveyed enterprises in areas of logistics activity such as warehouse management, transport management, supply chain management, supply and inventory management, and IT tools. To determine the logistics maturity level, the Logistic Maturity Model for Service Industry (hereafter: LMM4SI) was used, based on the assumption that the logistics maturity level of a service enterprise depends on the logistics engineering tools that were used.(original abstract

    Digital Twin Lean Intralogistics: Research Implications

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    This article presents research implications related to the analysis of current trends occurring in the industry and resulting from the analysis of trends in literature. A new trend is noticeable in the range of computer simulations using digital twin technologies in the optimization of intralogistics processes, the implementation of which is based on Lean philosophy. This article shows the connection of Industry 4.0 with Lean in the context of Digital Twin (simulation) in the area of intralogistics. A three-step methodology of literature research was developed and described. In accordance with the adopted research methodology, research questions were indicated and a detailed list of selection criteria was developed. The research methods included brainstorming and statistical analysis. The research results are presented in three sections: the results of the trend analysis, the results of the quantitative literature research, and the results of the complementary research. The research results confirm the existence of a new trend and form the basis for formulating objectives for further research

    Digital Twin Lean Intralogistics: Research Implications

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    This article presents research implications related to the analysis of current trends occurring in the industry and resulting from the analysis of trends in literature. A new trend is noticeable in the range of computer simulations using digital twin technologies in the optimization of intralogistics processes, the implementation of which is based on Lean philosophy. This article shows the connection of Industry 4.0 with Lean in the context of Digital Twin (simulation) in the area of intralogistics. A three-step methodology of literature research was developed and described. In accordance with the adopted research methodology, research questions were indicated and a detailed list of selection criteria was developed. The research methods included brainstorming and statistical analysis. The research results are presented in three sections: the results of the trend analysis, the results of the quantitative literature research, and the results of the complementary research. The research results confirm the existence of a new trend and form the basis for formulating objectives for further research

    Modeling a Reverse Logistics Supply Chain for End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Risk Management: A Fuzzy Risk Analysis Approach

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    The automotive industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources, and End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) form bulky wastes when they reach the end of their useful life, hence environmental concerns. Efficiency in recycling ELVs is therefore becoming a major concern to address the number of ELVs collected and recycled to minimize environmental impacts. This paper seeks to describe several activities of a closed-loop reverse logistics supply chain for the collection and recycling of ELVs and to identify the related potential risks involved. This study further investigated the potential risks for managing the efficient recycling of ELVs by modeling and viewing the end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling system as a reverse logistics supply chain. ELV recycling steps and processes, including collection and transportation, as well as the laws and technologies, were analyzed for risk factor identification and analysis. The major aim of this research is to perform a unified hierarchical risk analysis to estimate the degree of risk preference to efficiently manage the ELV supply chain. This study also proposes a risk assessment procedure using fuzzy knowledge representation theory to support ELV risk analysis. As a result, the identified key risks were ranked in terms of their preference for occurrence in a reverse supply chain of ELV products and mapped into five risk zones, Very Low, Low, Medium-Low, Moderate, Serious, and Critical, for ease of visualization. Hence, with a step-by-step implementation of the presented solution, ELV recycling organizations will see benefits in terms of an improvement in their activities and thus reduced costs that may occur due to uncertainties in their overall ELV business

    Responsible Resource Management in Remanufacturing—Framework for Qualitative Assessment in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Through the remanufacturing process, obsolete, broken, and end-of-use products are brought to “a like new condition”. Remanufacturing is an example of implementation of circular economy at a company level. There are few studies on responsible resource management in a remanufacturing process. This paper contributes to this research gap by presenting a two-layered framework, which uses the maturity model theory, and it allows for a quick scan of a remanufacturing process. First, in the descriptive layer of the framework we define five maturity levels with regard to responsible resource management. We analyze water, emissions, energy, and materials, and describe relevant responsible resource management practices, which we link with maturity levels. We also design the relevant self-assessment tool which utilizes the existing expert’s knowledge of a company. Then, in the prescriptive layer of the framework, we propose a method for the identification of the maturity gap, and areas for improvement. We develop a procedure for prioritizing the measures, which shall be implemented in order to achieve a higher level of responsible resource management in a remanufacturing company. The framework is tested in small and medium-sized enterprises from the automotive industry