24 research outputs found
The diagnosis of the sensitive sphere in children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy
Kinesthesia is the sensory basis of the motor act, on the basis of which the accuracy, strength and smoothness of muscle contractions are regulated. The gross violation of kinesthetic sensitivity, observed in all forms of cerebral palsy, plays a significant role in the formation of a pathological type of movement. After conducting the literature review about children sensitivity disorders with cerebral palsy, we concluded, that this topic is not sufficiently disclosed. We have developed and tested a protocol of assessing sensitivity of children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy in Medical center "BONUM"Кинестезии являются чувственной основой двигательного акта, на их основе регулируются точность, сила и плавность мышечных сокращений. Грубое нарушение кинестетической чувствительности, наблюдаемое при всех формах церебрального паралича, играет существенную роль в формировании патологического типа движений[4]. Проведя литературный обзор по проблеме нарушения чувствительности у детей с церебральным параличом (ДЦП) в целом, мы сделали вывод, что данная тема недостаточно раскрыта. Нами был разработан и апробирован на базе ГАУЗ СО «МКМЦ БОНУМ» протокол оценки чувствительности у детей со спастическими формами ДЦП
There is no literature data on the changes of structural and functional qualities of the erythrocyte membrane at the arterial hypertension (AH) complicated and non-complicated by the metabolic syndrome (MS). Although the changes of interrelation between the proteins of erythrocyte membrane at the AH can influence the deformability of the membrane itself. The aim of the work was to estimate the peculiarities of interrelation between the proteins of erythrocyte membrane in the patients with arterial hypertension complicated and non-complicated by the metabolic syndrome. The research included 51 men with AH and 29 clinically healthy men which were divided into 3 groups: group 1 - control; group 2 - men with AH complicated with MS (n = 29); group 3 - men with AH non-complicated with MS (n = 22). We studied blood lipids, biochemical and hemostasiological parameters, assessed 10 proteins of erythrocyte membrane. Patients of the 2nd and 3rd groups had different content of α- and β-spectrins, anion-transport protein (ATP), plates 4.1, glycerol-3-phosphatededehydrogenase (G-3-PDG), glutathione S-transferase (GST). The results of the research showed that metabolic syndrome at the AH can not only influence the state of vessel wall but also cause significant disorders of structural and functional qualities of the erythrocyte membrane
Система менеджмента качества на педиатрическом факультете: мониторинг достижений
В статье рассматриваются результаты мониторинга достижений в системе менеджмента качества на педиатрическом факультете, представлены основные направления деятельности и перспективные задачи
Clinical case of autosomo-dominant Dopa-responsive torsion dystonia
The article describes a clinical case of an autosomal dominant dopa-responsive torsion dystonia, analyzes the pedigree, differentiate the features of the debut of the disease in the family. Also the neurological status described of a particular patient and the results of therapy with preparations of levodopa and the method of biological feedback (BFB).В статье рассмотрен клинический случай аутосомно-доминантной доФа-зависимой торсионной дистонии, проведен анализ родословной, выделены особенности заболевания в семье. также описан неврологический статус пациента, результаты терапии препаратами леводопы и методом биологической обратной связи (БоС)
Clinical case of chemio-induced polyneuropathy in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
The article deals a clinical case of chemically-induced peripheral polyneuropathy in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Neurological complications arising in the treatment of oncohematological pathology with chemotherapeutic drugs in children represent one of the urgent problems of pediatric oncology and pediatrics. The addition of neurological symptoms to the main clinical picture of the disease not only reduces the child's quality of life, but also contributes to a change in the patient's treatment tactics, which significantly affects the prognosis. One of the important aspects that determine the success of drug therapy is the early diagnosis of neurotoxic complications.В статье рассматривается клинический случай химиоиндуцированной периферической полиневропатии у ребёнка с острым лимфобластным лейкозом. Неврологические осложнения, возникающие при лечении онкогематологической патологии химиотерапевтическими препаратами у детей, представляют одну из актуальных проблем детской онкологии и педиатрии. Присоединение неврологической симптоматики к основной клинической картине заболевания не только снижает качество жизни ребёнка, но и способствует изменению тактики лечения больного, что существенно влияет на прогноз. Одним из важных аспектов, определяющих успех медикаментозной терапии, является ранняя диагностика нейротоксических осложнений
Level of membrane-bound hemoglobin and red-cell membrane proteins in patients with essential hypertension complicated and not complicated with metabolic syndrome
We studied the effect of different levels of membrane-bound hemoglobin on the level of red-cell membrane proteins and also their interrelation in patients with essential hypertension with and without metabolic syndrome. It wasfound that high membrane-bound hemoglobin is closely related to the low level of high-density lipoproteins and high level of low-density lipoproteins in patients with essential hypertension complicated with metabolic syndrome. In patients with essential hypertension not complicated with metabolic syndrome high membrane-bound hemoglobin is related to the increased prothrombin time and decreased blood urea nitrogen. In patients with essential hypertension complicated with metabolic syndrome high membrane-bound hemoglobin significantly influences the level of membrane contractile proteins (actin, tropomiosine). In patients with essential hypertension without metabolic syndrome high membrane-bound hemoglobin is accompanied by the decrease of structural and integral membrane proteins levels (anion-transport protein and protein 4.1). As the result of quantitative changes in these proteins and change in their interrelations in patients with ssential hypertension complicated with metabolic syndrome more intensive disorders of structural and functional organization of red-cell membrane can appear
Chemical-induced polyneuropathy in children with oncohematological pathology
The paper presents an analysis of clinical and instrumental studies of patients with chemo-induced peripheral neuropathyВ работе представлен анализ клинических и инструментальных исследований пациентов с химио-индуцированной полинейропатией
Commitment of Yekaterinburg residents to wearing face masks during the Covid-19 pandemic
The aim of the study - to assess commitment of Yekaterinburg residents to wearing face coverings in crowded and/or enclosed places and to prepare recommendations in the form of a booklet to promote itЦель исследования - оценить соблюдение жителями города Екатеринбург масочного режима в местах массового скопления людей и разработать рекомендации в виде буклета для привлечения населения к его соблюдени
Rett syndrome of patients from Ural region
The article deals with Rett syndrome by patients from Sverdlovsk region. The study included 17 patients. This nosology is one of the frequent monogenic inherited pathology related to the syndromes with the mental retardation and seizures among girls. The diagnosis of syndrome is based on the oligophrenia, stereotyped hand movements and loss of habits. The article describes clinical features and diagnostic symptoms, MRI studies of the brain and DNA-analysis of this disease.В статье изложены данные анализа случаев синдрома Репа, диагностированных в Свердловской области. Исследование включает 17 пробандов. Данная нозология является одним из частых наследственных моногенных синдромов, связанных с умственной отсталостью и судорогами среди девочек. Диагноз основывается на наличии олигофрении, стереотипных движений рук и утраты навыков. В статье показаны особенности клинического течения и диагностические симптомы, данные MPT-картины головного мозга и ДНК-анализа пациентов
Neurotoxic complications of chemotherapy in children: posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
The aim of the study was to present the clinical-radiological aspect of the syndrome of posterior reversible encephalopathy in children with oncological diseasesЦель публикации — представить клинико-радиологическую картину обратимой энцефалопатии у детей с онкологическими заболеваниям