88 research outputs found

    Grondbeleid: Dienend of bepalend?

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    Grondbeleid is voor gemeenten geen doel op zich. Het wordt beschouwd als een middel om andere doelstellingen te bereiken. Volkshuisvesting of wonen is, naast bijvoorbeeld economische ontwikkeling, een belangrijk beleidsterrein waar het grondbeleid een bijdrage aan probeert te geven. Nu is het beleid op het gebied van het wonen de afgelopen decennia sterk veranderd en is nog steeds in verandering. Het grondbeleid verandert mee.OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Access to Land: Markets, Policies and Initiatives: Sustainability

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    Acquiring access to land is an important issue for new entrants into farming. Traditionally, the succession of farms is within the family; market transactions are geared towards the enlargement of running farms. Policies and institutions have been built to facilitate this process. Current challenges of climate change, resource scarcity, biodiversity and equity, as are analysed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Resource Panel (IRP), the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reporting activities, make it so that there is a need to find alternatives for the current developments in farming, which is a process of up (scale enlargement) or out (stop farming). For these alternatives, new types of farmers who face the issue of access to land are needed. Based on FADN data and EUROSTAT data, current developments in the European farming sector were analysed to understand the impact of the process of modernisation on farmland markets and the complexities of access to land for new entrants. Whether these data may point to opportunities for alternative farming methods and the role of the direct payments of the European Unionā€™s Common Agricultural Policy were analysed. Policies and consequences are discussed. It is concluded that, whereas alternative farming models are promoted at the level of policy aims, this is not performed at the policy guidance level of land markets. Alternatives outside traditional institutions face the issue of scaling up to create impact. The Common Agricultural Policy is, in many ways, more of an obstacle than it is a promoter of providing access to land for new farmers. New policies are needed.Urban Development Managemen

    Vernieuwend ruimtegebruik

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    OTB Research Institut

    Planning reform beyond planning: the debate on an integrated Environment and Planning Act in the Netherlands

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    Land-use plans serve a dual function. On the one hand, they are programmes for future development, plans for action. On the other hand, they have a regulative function in relation to construction and land use. This paper investigates how the interplay between these functions is playing a role in the current debate about the new integrated Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet) in the Netherlands. Initially, the government proposed abolishing local landuse plans and replacing them with a system of by-laws. However, this proposal did not survive the debate on this bill. This paper will shed light on the relationships between planning and regulation by analysing that debate.OLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    Financiƫle gegevens bouwgrondexploitatie gemeente: Jaarcijfers 2017 en cijfers tot en met 2e kwartaal 2018 (1e plaatsing)

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    Gemeenten hebben in 2017 op hun grondexploitaties een positief saldo van meer dan ā‚¬ 1 miljard geboekt. Dat is voor het eerst. Wanneer rekening wordt gehouden met inflatie dan was het resultaat van 2006 (plus ā‚¬ 919 miljoen) nog iets hoger. Belangrijk verschil is dat baten en lasten in 2017 veel lager zijn dan toen. Een veel groter deel van de baten is niet nodig om de lasten te dekken. De investeringen van gemeenten in grond en bouw- en woonrijp maken zijn teruggelopen.In alle provincies laten de resultaten van de gemeenten dit positieve saldo zien. De omvang van dit positieve saldo is het hoogst in de provincies waar de druk op de ruimtemarkt het hoogst is. Er zijn ook gemeenten met een negatief saldo. Dit geldt voor 29% van de gemeenten. Gemiddeld per gemeente is het negatieve saldo beduidend lager dan het positieve saldo van de andere gemeenten.Het saldo in de eerste helft van 2018 (+ 496 miljoen) is meer dan 50% hoger dan in de eerste helft van 2017. Dit komt door een stijging van de baten met 33% en een stijging van de lasten met 24%. Met deze stijging van de lasten is mogelijk een einde gekomen aan de steeds maar dalende tendens op het gebied van gemeentelijke investeringen in grondexploitaties. Deze stijging wordt met name veroorzaakt door stijgingen in lasten op het gebied van de bedrijfsinfrastructuur en minder door grondexploitaties waar woningen een onderdeel vanuit maken. De opgave om meer woningen te bouwen vertaalt zich nog maar zeer beperkt door in extra investeringen in gemeentelijke grondexploitaties. OLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    Investigating financial feasibility of urban development, and the demand for additional data

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    OTB ResearchOTB Research Institute for the Built Environmen

    Rules versus ideas in landscape protection: is a Green Heart attack imminent?

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    Landscape protection in metropolitan areas is an ongoing activity that lies outside the remit of political office-holders. As political agendas change, the importance of landscape protection on strategic planning agendas may also change. This paper raises the question whether this strategic level of landscape protection ought to rest on rules or ideas, and uses the Dutch Green Heart as a case study. The success of Dutch planning has been attributed to a planning doctrine which has evolved around a principle of spatial organization consisting of an open landscape (a Green Heart) in the middle of a ā€˜rimā€™ city ā€“ in this case the Dutch Randstad. After this success had been recognized, policies were developed to formalize the protection of the Green Heart in strategic planning rules. Political controversies ensued, which resulted in the abolition of Green Heart policies at national level. Recently, the province of Zuid-Holland adopted a new structural vision and a byelaw in which there is no role for the Green Heart in development control. This paper analyses this new system of strategic development control and discusses the role of rules as opposed to ideas in landscape protection.OLD Geo-information and Land Developmen

    D2.8 Ruralization: The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms

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    One of the tasks in the RURALIZATION project has been the development of a Massive Online Course (MOOC) entitled ā€œRuralization: Creating New Opportunities in Rural Areasā€.The MOOC has been running on the edX platform from March 1st 2023 up to April 12th 2023. (https://www.edx.org/course/ruralization-creating-opportunities-for-new-generations-in-rural-areas). This document provides an overview of the set-up of the MOOC (section 2), the uptake of the course by the learners (section 3) and an Evaluation and Discussion (section 4).Urban Development Managemen

    Quality of government, land and rural development

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    Land is an important asset in rural areas. Access to land for the rural population has an impact on rural development. This contribution reviews, based on research and reports written in the context of the Horizon 2020 project RURALIZATION, the relationship between quality of government, access to land and rural development.Urban Development Managemen
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