18 research outputs found

    Primary care diagnostic and treatment pathways in Dutch women with urinary incontinence

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate how GPs manage women with urinary incontinence (UI) in the Netherlands and to assess whether this is in line with the relevant Dutch GP guideline. Because UI has been an underreported and undertreated problem for decades despite appropriate guidelines being created for general practitioners (GPs). DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Routine primary care data for 2017 in the Netherlands. SUBJECTS: We included the primary care records of women aged 18-75 years with at least one contact registered for UI, and then extracted information about baseline characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and referral to pelvic physiotherapy or secondary care. RESULTS: In total, 374 records were included for women aged 50.3 ± 15.1 years. GPs diagnosed 31.0%, 15.2%, and 15.0% women with stress, urgency, or mixed UI, respectively; no diagnosis of type was recorded in 40.4% of women. Urinalysis was the most frequently used diagnostic test (42.5%). Education was the most common treatment, offered by 17.9% of GPs; however, no treatment or referral was reported in 15.8% of cases. As many as 28.7% and 21.7% of women were referred to pelvic physiotherapy and secondary care, respectively. CONCLUSION: Female UI is most probably not managed in line with the relevant Dutch GP guideline. It is also notable that Dutch GPs often fail to report the type of UI, to use available diagnostic approaches, and to provide appropriate education. Moreover, GPs referred to specialists too often, especially for the management of urgency UI.Key pointsUrinary incontinence (UI) has been an underreported and undertreated problem for decades. Despite various guidelines, UI often lies outside the GPs comfort zone.•According to this study: general practitioners do not treat urinary incontinence according to guidelines.•The type of incontinence is frequently not reported and diagnostic approaches are not fully used.•We believe that increased awareness will help improve treatment and avoidable suffering

    Evidence-based medicine, meer dan evidence alleen

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    Aan de praktijk van evidence-based medicine (EBM) besteden we in de huisartsopleiding te weinig aandacht. Iedere huisarts die de adviezen uit een NHG-Standaard volgt, of ervan afwijkt, doet aan EBM: het wegen van beschikbare evidence met de eigen ervaring en met de voorkeuren van de patiënt

    Evidence-based medicine, meer dan evidence alleen

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    Aan de praktijk van evidence-based medicine (EBM) besteden we in de huisartsopleiding te weinig aandacht. Iedere huisarts die de adviezen uit een NHG-Standaard volgt, of ervan afwijkt, doet aan EBM: het wegen van beschikbare evidence met de eigen ervaring en met de voorkeuren van de patiënt

    Zoekgedrag van aios huisartsgeneeskunde in de praktijk

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    Achtergrond Dokters hebben vaak vragen tijdens patiëntcontacten. Informatie over dergelijke vragen bij aios huisartsgeneeskunde is er nauwelijks. Wij onderzochten hoe vaak en hoe aios antwoorden zoeken op vragen in de praktijk. Methode Zes groepen derdejaars aios huisartsgeneeskunde vulden vragenlijsten in en hielden acht opeenvolgende praktijkdagen een logboek bij. Ze verzamelden informatie over het consult, klinische vragen, zoekgedrag en de impact van de gevonden antwoorden. Resultaten Zesenzeventig aios rapporteerden 1533 vragen bij 7300 patiënten, dit zijn 0,2 (sd 0,1) vragen per patiënt. Voor de meeste vragen zochten ze naar een antwoord (gemiddeld 0,8 (sd 0,2) per vraag), meestal tijdens het consult (61% van de zoekacties). Ze vonden vaak een antwoord (gemiddeld 0,8 (sd 0,2) per zoekactie). In 28% van de gevallen raadpleegden ze daarvoor collega-huisartsen of hun opleider en in 26% NHG-Standaarden. Internet en andere bronnen gebruikten ze niet of nauwelijks. Conclusie Aios rapporteren één vraag per vijf patiënten, waarvoor ze meestal een antwoord zoeken en vinden. Ze gebruiken daarbij vooral collega-huisartsen en NHG-Standaarden

    General practice trainees' information searching strategies for clinical queries encountered in daily practice

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    Background. Earlier studies have shown that clinical queries are common among doctors. Data on the information-seeking behaviour of general practice (GP) trainees are scarce though, and numbers studied are small. Objective. The objective of this study was to determine how often and how GP trainees search for answers to clinical queries encountered in daily clinical practice. Methods. Third-year GP trainees kept logs on all patient contacts for eight consecutive practice days. Information was obtained on patient contacts (description), clinical queries (frequency, type), seeking behaviour (frequency, moment, reason not to search, resources used, duration of search) and answers (frequency, impact). Descriptive analyses were performed; frequencies and percentages were computed. We calculated the number of clinical queries per patient, the number of searches per query and the number of answers per search. Results. Seventy-six trainees reported 1533 clinical queries about 7300 patients presenting 7619 complaints [mean of 0.2 queries per patient, standard deviation (SD) 0.1]. For most of the queries trainees pursued an answer (mean of 0.8 per query, SD 0.2), mostly during consultation (61% of searches), and frequently retrieved answers (mean of 0.8 per search, SD 0.17) they reported to improve clinical decision making in 26%. Most common resources were colleagues or supervisors (28%), and national GP guidelines (26%). The median duration of a search was 4 minutes (interquartile range 3). Conclusion. GP trainees have one clinical query per five patients. They often attempted to find answers and reported to succeed in most of the searches, primarily by consulting supervisors or colleagues and national GP guidelines

    EBM-onderwijs in de praktijk : moeilijker dan gedacht

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    Achtergrond. Training in evidence-based medicine (EBM) is een belangrijk onderdeel van de huisartsopleiding. Onderzoek laat zien dat in de klinische praktijk geïntegreerd EBM-onderwijs betere resultaten geeft dan opzichzelfstaande (stand-alone) theoretische modules. Echter, deze onderzoeken werden niet uitgevoerd binnen de huisartsgeneeskunde en keken niet naar effecten op EBM-gedrag in de praktijk na de opleiding. Wij onderzochten de effecten van geïntegreerd versus het gebruikelijke stand-alone EBM-onderwijs op EBM-gedrag, -attitude en -kennis bij huisartsen bij afronding van de opleiding en een jaar daarna. Methoden. In een pragmatische, cluster-gerandomiseerde trial werden zes groepen derdejaars aios huisartsgeneeskunde van het UMC Utrecht verdeeld over geïntegreerd of gangbaar EBM-onderwijs. Voor EBM-gedrag keken we naar het handelen volgens NHG-richtlijnen, het hebben van klinische dilemma’s en het zoeken naar antwoorden. Aios hielden consultlogboeken bij. EBM-attitude en -kennis werden gemeten met behulp van gevalideerde vragenlijsten. Data werden verzameld aan het begin (T0) en einde (T1) van het derde jaar, en een jaar na afronding van de opleiding (T2). Multilevel-analyses werden uitgevoerd op basis van intention-to-treat. Resultaten. Van 82 aios in 6 groepen deden er 79 mee (96%); 39 in de interventiegroep, 40 in de controlegroep. Van 76 (96%) hiervan waren logboekdata op baseline (T0) beschikbaar, van 60 (76%) op T1 en van 53 (67%) op T2. We vonden geen significante verschillen tussen de groepen in EBM-gedrag, -kennis en attitude. Conclusie. Meer in de praktijk geïntegreerd EBM-onderwijs heeft, vergeleken met het gebruikelijke, stand-alone, onderwijs, geen effect op EBM-toepassing, -attitude of -kennis van (toekomstige) huisartsen

    Attitude and behaviour of Dutch Otorhinolaryngologists to Evidence Based Medicine.

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    OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to assess the attitude and behaviour of Dutch ENT surgeons and ENT residents towards Evidence Based Medicine. INTRODUCTION:Evidence Based Medicine is the cornerstone of modern clinical care. It is considered of crucial importance for optimal patient care and health care quality. Practicing it requires positive attitude and behaviour. Little is known about the attitude and behaviour towards Evidence Based Medicine in otorhinolaryngology. METHODS:We performed a web-based questionnaire among 607 Dutch Ear- Nose & Throat surgeons of whom 106 residents (cross-sectional study). The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts; (1) personal characteristics, (2) questions regarding Evidence Based Medicine attitude (McColl questionnaire, scale 0-100%) and (3) questions regarding Evidence Based Medicine behaviour (barriers and information seeking behaviour). Data were collected between March 26th 2018 and June 1st 2018. RESULTS:The median score on the overall McColl questionnaire was 50 (IQR 35). The main barriers respondents experienced were time related. Limited time in the outpatient clinic was considered a more important barrier for residents to practice EBM compared to ENT surgeons. Respondents' gut feeling and their own preference were identified as the main contributing factors in clinical decision making. CONCLUSION:In conclusion Dutch ENT surgeons have a moderate attitude on the McColl questionnaire. The main barriers to practice Evidence Based Medicine they experience are time related

    Laser-assisted endoscopic third ventriculostomy: long-term results in a series of 202 patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is a well-known surgical option in the treatment of noncommunicating hydrocephalus. We studied complications and long-term success in 202 patients to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of laser-assisted endoscopic third ventriculostomy (LA-ETV) using a unique "black" fiber tip/diode laser combination for controlled tissue ablation. METHODS: We studied 213 LA-ETVs, which were performed in 202 patients. Patients' ages ranged from 2 days to 83 years (mean age, 27 yr). The mean follow-up period for all patients was 2.7 years (range, 2 d to 12 yr). Hydrocephalus was caused by aqueductal stenosis in 65 patients, tumors in 67 patients, hemorrhages in 24 patients, myelomeningoceles in 20 patients, cysts in 15 patients, and other causes in 11 patients. The long-term effectiveness of LA-ETV was studied with Kaplan-Meier analysis. RESULTS: Technically successful LA-ETVs were accomplished in 196 of the 202 patients (97%). The overall success rate for a functional LA-ETV was 68% at the 2-year follow-up evaluation. LA-ETV was more effective in patients aged 1 year and older (70% success rate) than in younger patients (59% success rate). Success rates were greater in patients with aqueductal stenosis or tumors as compared to other etiologies. Complications occurred in 22 procedures (10.3%). Only one patient (0.5%) experienced a major complication. No surgical mortalities or laser-related complications occurred. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that LA-ETV is a safe and effective procedure that is comparable to other techniques for ETV. LA-ETV is most effective in patients aged 1 year and older and in patients with aqueductal stenosis and tumors, with a low major complication rate

    Development and validation of a new instrument measuring guideline adherence in clinical practice

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    Background: Education in evidence-based medicine (EBM) is an important part of the postgraduate training of GPs. Evaluation of its effect on EBM behaviour in daily clinical practice is difficult and instruments are scarce. Working in accordance with guidelines is considered as one of the key indicators of EBM behaviour. Objective: To develop and validate an instrument assessing guideline adherence of GP trainees in clinical practice. Methods: We developed an instrument that assesses guideline adherence, taking conscious deviation into account. The instrument assesses guideline adherence on 59 different management decisions (diagnosis N = 17, therapy N = 20, referral N = 22) for 23 conditions as described in 27 different clinical practice guidelines. We validated this instrument using performance data as collected by third-year GP trainees on three important properties: validity, reliability and feasibility. Results: Performance data were collected by 76 GP trainees on 12106 patient consultations with 12587 different reasons for encounter. Overall, guideline adherence was 82% (95% confidence interval 77-88%). The significant correlation with the national GP knowledge test (r 0.33, P 0.004) showed the instrument to be a valid instrument. Interrater reliabilities (intraclass correlation coefficient) varied between moderate and excellent (0.64-1.00, P < 0.001). The instrument proved feasible with coverage of 24% (N = 3082) of reasons for encounter presented to GP trainees and a mean and median time of 1 minute to score a patient consultation. Conclusion: This instrument proved valid, reliable and feasible to assess guideline adherence among trainees in the clinical primary care setting