7 research outputs found

    Properties of the stretch film used for green foodder bales wrapping vs. quality of the silage

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    Wskazano na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci folii stosowanej do os艂aniania bel zielonki przed dost臋pem powietrza. Przytoczono istotne parametry folii, metody ich badania oraz wyniki bada艅. Dokonano przegl膮du i analizy wynik贸w bada艅 nad wp艂ywem rodzaju i liczby warstw folii na jako艣膰 kiszonki.Some properties of the stretch film used to cover bales with green fodder and protect against air access were discussed. The most important parameters of the film were considered as well as methods and results of investigation ofthe film. The review and analysis of some experimental data were presented to show an effect of type and number of the film layers on quality of the ensilaged green fodder

    Energetic aspects of barley grain crushing process

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    W artykule przedstawiono przebieg i wyniki laboratoryjnych bada艅 energoch艂onno艣ci procesu rozdrabniania poprzez gniecenie ziarna j臋czmienia odmiany KORU. Wyniki dotycz膮ce wydajno艣ci procesu gniecenia jak i jednostkowego zu偶ycia energii przedstawiono dla sze艣ciu r贸偶nych 艣rednic walc贸w i pr臋dko艣ci obwodowej walc贸w w zakresie od 2 m/s do 9 m/s. Jednostkowe zu偶ycie energii przy gnieceniu j臋czmienia zale偶y od warto艣ci parametr贸w konstrukcyjnych oraz eksploatacyjnych gniotownika i wynosi ok. 10 kJ/kg. Otrzymane wyniki bada艅 poszerzaj膮 wiedz臋 b臋d膮c膮 podstaw膮 rozwoju techniki w zakresie rozdrabniania ziarna zb贸偶 w tym zw艂aszcza j臋czmienia.There have been presented the performance and results of laboratory analysis of grinding process energy consumption by crushing of KORU variety barley grain. The results concerning the productivity of crushing process and unit energy consumption has been presented for different roll diameters and rolls tangential velocity in the scope from 2 m/s to 9 m/s. The unit energy consumption during barley crushing depends on the crusher structural and operational parameters and is about 10 kJ/kg. The results obtained can be considered as a progress in relation to the existing knowledge about cereals grain, in particular barley grain

    Expenditure on harvest and ensiling of corn grain in a plastic bags

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    W pracy zosta艂a dokonana analiza technologii zbioru i zakiszania ziarna kukurydzy w worku foliowym. Ca艂kowite koszty jednostkowe zbioru i konserwacji ziarna kukurydzy wynios艂y 142,1 z艂藕t-1s.m. W strukturze koszt贸w z uwzgl臋dnieniem maszyn, paliwa, pracoch艂onno艣ci i materia艂贸w pomocniczych najwi臋kszy udzia艂 maj膮 koszty maszyn i urz膮dze艅 wynosz膮ce 92,2 z艂藕t-1s.m., a nast臋pnie koszty paliwa 21,4 z艂藕t-1s.m. oraz koszty materia艂贸w pomocniczych 20,4 z艂藕t-1s.m.The aim of this paper was to analyze the harvest technology and ensiling corn grain in a plastic bag. Total unitary costs of harvest and preservation of corn amounted to 142,1 PLN藕t-1D.M. The largest share of the cost including machinery, fuel, labor input and support materials belonged to machinery and equipment costs (92,2 PLN藕t-1D.M.) and next position belongs to fuel costs 21,4 (PLN藕t-1D.M.) and support materials 20,4 (PLN藕t-1D.M)

    The PLC controls in learning of agricultural engineering

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    W pracy zaprezentowano informacje o nowej pracowni dydaktyczno-badawczej sterownik贸w programowalnych w SGGW a szczeg贸lno艣ci om贸wiono rodzaje sterownik贸w i modeli. Om贸wiono opracowany program wyk艂ad贸w i 膰wicze艅, kt贸ry zosta艂 pozytywnie sprawdzony w czasie realizacji przedmiotu. Przedstawiono planowany rozw贸j i unowocze艣nianie laboratorium sterownik贸w PLC oraz poszerzenie programu nauczania.The following paper presents information about new laboratory of teaching and research of PLC controls in SGGW. Particularly different types of PLC controls and models are described below. The syllabus of lectures and practices, which has been successfully carried out is also presented here. The planned development and modernization of the PLC control laboratory as well as the widening of the syllabus are shown in this paper

    Analysis of possibilities to use different round bale wrappers to prepare bales with half-dried green fodder

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    W artykule dokonano podzia艂u owijarek ze wzgl臋du na, spos贸b za艂adunku bel na st贸艂 roboczy oraz wsp贸艂prac臋 z ci膮gnikiem jako zawieszane i przyczepiane oraz wsp贸艂pracuj膮ce bezpo艣rednio z prasami zwijaj膮cymi. Opisano budow臋 i dzia艂anie maszyn.The paper presents review of round bale wrappers including such aspects as: loading of table with bale, mounted and semimounted version of the machinery as well as the wrappers directly connected with round balers. Constructional and operational aspects of the machines have been described

    Analysis of technical parameters of wrappers for bales with green fodder

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    Przeanalizowano ofert臋 owijarek obejmuj膮c膮 125 modeli zestawionych w tabeli. Maszyny do owijania bel walcowych stanowi膮 76% a uniwersalne 19%. Owijarki przeznaczone s膮 do bel walcowych o 艣rednicy od 80 do 180 cm, a prostopad艂o艣ciennych o wymiarach poprzecznych od 70 do 125 cm i d艂ugo艣ci do 200 cm. Typowym rozwi膮zaniem sto艂u roboczego s膮 rolki walcowe z pasami stanowi膮ce 56% og贸lnej liczby rozwi膮za艅. Wi臋kszo艣膰 maszyn przystosowanych jest do owijania foli膮 o szeroko艣ci 50 lub 75 cm. Najszersz膮 gam膮 produkt贸w wyr贸偶nia si臋 firma G枚weil, kt贸ra oferuje 15 r贸偶nych typ贸w owijarek.The analysis of offered wrappers (including 125 models given in table) was presented. The machinery for wrapping of cylindrical bales cover 76% of the offer, while 19 % there are universal solutions. The wrappers are designed for cylindrical bales with 80 - 180 cm diameter and rectangular bales with 70 - 125 cm (lateral sizes) and not longer than 200 cm. The typical solution concerning working table there are cylindrical rolls with belts (about 56 % of the considered solutions). Most of the machines are adapted for wrapping with plastic film width 50 cm or 75 cm. The most number of models is offered by G枚weil company; the mentioned company offers 15 different type of wrappers

    Tendencies of development of wrappers construction for predrying forage in bale

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    W artykule dokonano podzia艂u owijarek ze wzgl臋du na spos贸b dzia艂ania. Opisano budow臋 i dzia艂anie typowych maszyn. Zwr贸cono uwag臋 na sposoby nak艂adania folii na bel臋 i jako艣膰 folii.The paper presents wrappers classification in view of operation manner. There are presented construction and operation of typical machines. Notice on methods of imposition foil on bale and foil quality