51 research outputs found

    Good IR Duals of Bad Quiver Theories

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    The infrared dynamics of generic 3d N=4 bad theories (as per the good-bad-ugly classification of Gaiotto and Witten) are poorly understood. Examples of such theories with a single unitary gauge group and fundamental flavors have been studied recently, and the low energy effective theory around some special point in the Coulomb branch was shown to have a description in terms of a good theory and a certain number of free hypermultiplets. A classification of possible infrared fixed points for bad theories by Bashkirov, based on unitarity constraints and superconformal symmetry, suggest a much richer set of possibilities for the IR behavior, although explicit examples were not known. In this note, we present a specific example of a bad quiver gauge theory which admits a good IR description on a sublocus of its Coulomb branch. The good description, in question, consists of two decoupled quiver gauge theories with no free hypermultiplets.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures. Discussion of the Coulomb branch singularities is further extende

    Large-N Solution of the Heterotic Weighted Non-Linear Sigma-Model

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    We study a heterotic two-dimensional N=(0,2) gauged non-linear sigma-model whose target space is a weighted complex projective space. We consider the case with N positively and N^~=N_F - N negatively charged fields. This model is believed to give a description of the low-energy physics of a non-Abelian semi-local vortex in a four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory with N_F > N matter hypermultiplets. The supersymmetry in the latter theory is broken down to N=1 by a mass term for the adjoint fields. We solve the model in the large-N approximation and explore a two-dimensional subset of the mass parameter space for which a discrete Z_{N-N^~} symmetry is preserved. Supersymmetry is generically broken, but it is preserved for special values of the masses where a new branch opens up and the model becomes super-conformal.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, references adde

    On Three-Dimensional Quiver Gauge Theories of Type B

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    We study three-dimensional supersymmetric quiver gauge theories with a non-simply laced global symmetry primarily focusing on framed affine BNB_{N} quiver theories. Using a supersymmetric partition function on a three sphere, and its transformation under S-duality, we study the three-dimensional ADHM quiver for SO(2N+1)SO(2N+1) instantons with a half-integer Chern-Simons coupling. The theory after S-duality has no Lagrangian, and can not be represented by a single quiver, however its partition function can be conveniently described by a collection of framed affine BN{B}_{N} quivers. This correspondence can be conjectured to generalize three-dimensional mirror symmetry to theories with nontrivial Chern-Simons terms. In addition, we propose a formula for the superconformal index of a theory described by a framed affine BNB_N quiver.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figure
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