51 research outputs found

    Waste Management Holdings v. Gilmore: The Anything but Dormant Problem of Interstate Waste

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    Waste Management Holdings v. Gilmore: The Anything but Dormant Problem of Interstate Waste

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    Automated deep learning in ophthalmology: AI that can build AI

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review is to describe the current status of automated deep learning in healthcare and to explore and detail the development of these models using commercially available platforms. We highlight key studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this technique and discuss current challenges and future directions of automated deep learning. RECENT FINDINGS: There are several commercially available automated deep learning platforms. Although specific features differ between platforms, they utilise the common approach of supervised learning. Ophthalmology is an exemplar speciality in the area, with a number of recent proof-of-concept studies exploring classification of retinal fundus photographs, optical coherence tomography images and indocyanine green angiography images. Automated deep learning has also demonstrated impressive results in other specialities such as dermatology, radiology and histopathology. SUMMARY: Automated deep learning allows users without coding expertise to develop deep learning algorithms. It is rapidly establishing itself as a valuable tool for those with limited technical experience. Despite residual challenges, it offers considerable potential in the future of patient management, clinical research and medical education. VIDEO ABSTRACT: http://links.lww.com/COOP/A44

    Three Tales

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    Three Tales, opera di teatro musicale frutto della collaborazione di Steve Reich e Beryl Korot. Una riflessione sulla crescita e le implicazioni della tecnologia novecentesca incentrata su tre episodi: Hindenburg, sull'incidente del dirigibile tedesco in New Jersey nel 1937; Bikini, sui test nucleari presso l'atollo omonimo nel 1946-1952; Dolly, sulla pecora clonata nel 1997 e i problemi dell'ingegneria genetica e robotica

    The cave

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    The Cave, l'opera che segna l'approdo ufficiale nel mondo del teatro del compositore americano Steve Reich. L'idea dalla quale nasce l'opera è un luogo fisico, la grotta di Machpelah a Hebron, luogo considerato sacro da ebrei, cristiani e musulmani. Reich e sua moglie Beryl Korot si recano con le loro telecamere e i loro registratori a Machpelah, dove iniziano un lungo lavoro di raccolta di immagini e materiali sonori. Il risultato è un componimento per quartetto d'archi in cui strumenti musicali, immagini, testi e registrazioni originali fondono in una rappresentazione artistica innovativa e densa di significato

    New meaning for NLP: the trials and tribulations of natural language processing with GPT-3 in ophthalmology

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    Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of machine intelligence focused on the interaction of human language with computer systems. NLP has recently been discussed in the mainstream media and the literature with the advent of Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), a language model capable of producing human-like text. The release of GPT-3 has also sparked renewed interest on the applicability of NLP to contemporary healthcare problems. This article provides an overview of NLP models, with a focus on GPT-3, as well as discussion of applications specific to ophthalmology. We also outline the limitations of GPT-3 and the challenges with its integration into routine ophthalmic care

    Clinician-driven artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: resources enabling democratization

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article aims to discuss the current state of resources enabling the democratization of artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmology. RECENT FINDINGS: Open datasets, efficient labeling techniques, code-free automated machine learning (AutoML) and cloud-based platforms for deployment are resources that enable clinicians with scarce resources to drive their own AI projects. SUMMARY: Clinicians are the use-case experts who are best suited to drive AI projects tackling patient-relevant outcome measures. Taken together, open datasets, efficient labeling techniques, code-free AutoML and cloud platforms break the barriers for clinician-driven AI. As AI becomes increasingly democratized through such tools, clinicians and patients stand to benefit greatly

    Reinforcement learning in ophthalmology: potential applications and challenges to implementation

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    Reinforcement learning is a subtype of machine learning in which a virtual agent, functioning within a set of predefined rules, aims to maximise a specified outcome or reward. This agent can consider multiple variables and many parallel actions at once to optimise its reward, thereby solving complex, sequential problems. Clinical decision making requires physicians to optimise patient outcomes within a set practice framework and, thus, presents considerable opportunity for the implementation of reinforcement learning-driven solutions. We provide an overview of reinforcement learning, and focus on potential applications within ophthalmology. We also explore the challenges associated with development and implementation of reinforcement learning solutions and discuss possible approaches to address them

    Re-evaluating diabetic papillopathy using optical coherence tomography and inner retinal sublayer analysis.

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To re-evaluate diabetic papillopathy using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for quantitative analysis of the peripapillary retinal nerve fibre layer (pRNFL), macular ganglion cell layer (mGCL) and inner nuclear layer (mINL) thickness. SUBJECTS/METHODS: In this retrospective observational case series between June 2008 and July 2019 at Moorfields Eye hospital, 24 eyes of 22 patients with diabetes and optic disc swelling with confirmed diagnosis of NAION or diabetic papillopathy by neuro-ophthalmological assessment were included for evaluation of the pRNFL, mGCL and mINL thicknesses after resolution of optic disc swelling. RESULTS: The mean age of included patients was 56.5 (standard deviation (SD) ± 14.85) years with a mean follow-up duration of 216 days. Thinning of pRNFL (mean: 66.26, SD ± 31.80 µm) and mGCL (mean volume: 0.27 mm3, SD ± 0.09) were observed in either group during follow-up, the mINL volume showed no thinning with 0.39 ± 0.05 mm3. The mean decrease in visual acuity was 4.13 (SD ± 14.27) ETDRS letters with a strong correlation between mGCL thickness and visual acuity (rho 0.74, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: After resolution of acute optic disc swelling, atrophy of pRNFL and mGCL became apparent in all cases of diabetic papillopathy and diabetic NAION, with preservation of mINL volumes. Analysis of OCT did not provide a clear diagnostic distinction between both entities. We suggest a diagnostic overlay with the degree of pRNFL and mGCL atrophy of prognostic relevance for poor visual acuity independent of the semantics of terminology
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