9 research outputs found

    Hyperon polarization along the beam direction relative to the second and third harmonic event planes in isobar collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    The polarization of Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} hyperons along the beam direction has been measured relative to the second and third harmonic event planes in isobar Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. This is the first experimental evidence of the hyperon polarization by the triangular flow originating from the initial density fluctuations. The amplitudes of the sine modulation for the second and third harmonic results are comparable in magnitude, increase from central to peripheral collisions, and show a mild pTp_T dependence. The azimuthal angle dependence of the polarization follows the vorticity pattern expected due to elliptic and triangular anisotropic flow, and qualitatively disagree with most hydrodynamic model calculations based on thermal vorticity and shear induced contributions. The model results based on one of existing implementations of the shear contribution lead to a correct azimuthal angle dependence, but predict centrality and pTp_T dependence that still disagree with experimental measurements. Thus, our results provide stringent constraints on the thermal vorticity and shear-induced contributions to hyperon polarization. Comparison to previous measurements at RHIC and the LHC for the second-order harmonic results shows little dependence on the collision system size and collision energy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Published in Physical Review Letter

    Event-by-event correlations between Λ\Lambda (Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}) hyperon global polarization and handedness with charged hadron azimuthal separation in Au+Au collisions at sNN=27 GeV\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}} = 27 \text{ GeV} from STAR

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    Global polarizations (PP) of Λ\Lambda (Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}) hyperons have been observed in non-central heavy-ion collisions. The strong magnetic field primarily created by the spectator protons in such collisions would split the Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} global polarizations (ΔP=PΛPΛˉ<0\Delta P = P_{\Lambda} - P_{\bar{\Lambda}} < 0). Additionally, quantum chromodynamics (QCD) predicts topological charge fluctuations in vacuum, resulting in a chirality imbalance or parity violation in a local domain. This would give rise to an imbalance (Δn=NLNRNL+NR0\Delta n = \frac{N_{\text{L}} - N_{\text{R}}}{\langle N_{\text{L}} + N_{\text{R}} \rangle} \neq 0) between left- and right-handed Λ\Lambda (Λˉ\bar{\Lambda}) as well as a charge separation along the magnetic field, referred to as the chiral magnetic effect (CME). This charge separation can be characterized by the parity-even azimuthal correlator (Δγ\Delta\gamma) and parity-odd azimuthal harmonic observable (Δa1\Delta a_{1}). Measurements of ΔP\Delta P, Δγ\Delta\gamma, and Δa1\Delta a_{1} have not led to definitive conclusions concerning the CME or the magnetic field, and Δn\Delta n has not been measured previously. Correlations among these observables may reveal new insights. This paper reports measurements of correlation between Δn\Delta n and Δa1\Delta a_{1}, which is sensitive to chirality fluctuations, and correlation between ΔP\Delta P and Δγ\Delta\gamma sensitive to magnetic field in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV. For both measurements, no correlations have been observed beyond statistical fluctuations.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; paper from the STAR Collaboratio

    Observation of the electromagnetic field effect via charge-dependent directed flow in heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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    The deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions enables the exploration of the fundamental properties of matter under extreme conditions. Non-central collisions can produce strong magnetic fields on the order of 101810^{18} Gauss, which offers a probe into the electrical conductivity of the QGP. In particular, quarks and anti-quarks carry opposite charges and receive contrary electromagnetic forces that alter their momenta. This phenomenon can be manifested in the collective motion of final-state particles, specifically in the rapidity-odd directed flow, denoted as v1(y)v_1(\mathsf{y}). Here we present the charge-dependent measurements of dv1/dydv_1/d\mathsf{y} near midrapidities for π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, and p(pˉ)p(\bar{p}) in Au+Au and isobar (4496_{44}^{96}Ru+4496_{44}^{96}Ru and 4096_{40}^{96}Zr+4096_{40}^{96}Zr) collisions at sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}= 200 GeV, and in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV, recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The combined dependence of the v1v_1 signal on collision system, particle species, and collision centrality can be qualitatively and semi-quantitatively understood as several effects on constituent quarks. While the results in central events can be explained by the uu and dd quarks transported from initial-state nuclei, those in peripheral events reveal the impacts of the electromagnetic field on the QGP. Our data put valuable constraints on the electrical conductivity of the QGP in theoretical calculations

    Tomography of Ultra-relativistic Nuclei with Polarized Photon-gluon Collisions

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    A linearly polarized photon can be quantized from the Lorentz-boosted electromagnetic field of a nucleus traveling at ultra-relativistic speed. When two relativistic heavy nuclei pass one another at a distance of a few nuclear radii, the photon from one nucleus may interact through a virtual quark-antiquark pair with gluons from the other nucleus forming a short-lived vector meson (e.g. ρ0{\rho^0}). In this experiment, the polarization was utilized in diffractive photoproduction to observe a unique spin interference pattern in the angular distribution of ρ0π+π{\rho^0\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-} decays. The observed interference is a result of an overlap of two wave functions at a distance an order of magnitude larger than the ρ0{\rho^0} travel distance within its lifetime. The strong-interaction nuclear radii were extracted from these diffractive interactions, and found to be 6.53±0.066.53\pm 0.06 fm (197Au^{197} {\rm Au }) and 7.29±0.087.29\pm 0.08 fm (238U^{238} {\rm U}), larger than the nuclear charge radii. The observable is demonstrated to be sensitive to the nuclear geometry and quantum interference of non-identical particles

    Observation of Global Spin Alignment of ϕ\phi and K0K^{*0} Vector Mesons in Nuclear Collisions

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    The strong force, as one of the four fundamental forces at work in the universe, governs interactions of quarks and gluons, and binds together the atomic nucleus. Notwithstanding decades of progress since Yukawa first developed a description of the force between nucleons in terms of meson exchange, a full understanding of the strong interaction remains a major challenge in modern science. One remaining difficulty arises from the non-perturbative nature of the strong force, which leads to the phenomenon of quark confinement at distance scales on the order of the size of the proton. Here we show that in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, where quarks and gluons are set free over an extended volume, two species of produced vector (spin-1) mesons, namely ϕ\phi and K0K^{*0}, emerge with a surprising pattern of global spin alignment. In particular, the global spin alignment for ϕ\phi is unexpectedly large, while that for K0K^{*0} is consistent with zero. The observed spin-alignment pattern and magnitude for the ϕ\phi cannot be explained by conventional mechanisms, while a model with strong force fields accommodates the current data. This is the first time that the strong force field is experimentally supported as a key mechanism that leads to global spin alignment. We extract a quantity proportional to the intensity of the field of the strong force. Within the framework of the Standard Model, where the strong force is typically described in the quark and gluon language of Quantum Chromodynamics, the field being considered here is an effective proxy description. This is a qualitatively new class of measurement, which opens a new avenue for studying the behaviour of strong force fields via their imprint on spin alignment

    Observation of the Electromagnetic Field Effect via Charge-Dependent Directed Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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    The deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions enables the exploration of the fundamental properties of matter under extreme conditions. Noncentral collisions can produce strong magnetic fields on the order of 10^{18}  G, which offers a probe into the electrical conductivity of the QGP. In particular, quarks and antiquarks carry opposite charges and receive contrary electromagnetic forces that alter their momenta. This phenomenon can be manifested in the collective motion of final-state particles, specifically in the rapidity-odd directed flow, denoted as v_{1}(y). Here, we present the charge-dependent measurements of dv_{1}/dy near midrapidities for π^{±}, K^{±}, and p(p[over ¯]) in Au+Au and isobar (_{44}^{96}Ru+_{44}^{96}Ru and _{40}^{96}Zr+_{40}^{96}Zr) collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200  GeV, and in Au+Au collisions at 27 GeV, recorded by the STAR detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The combined dependence of the v_{1} signal on collision system, particle species, and collision centrality can be qualitatively and semiquantitatively understood as several effects on constituent quarks. While the results in central events can be explained by the u and d quarks transported from initial-state nuclei, those in peripheral events reveal the impacts of the electromagnetic field on the QGP. Our data put valuable constraints on the electrical conductivity of the QGP in theoretical calculations

    Search for the chiral magnetic wave using anisotropic flow of identified particles at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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    The chiral magnetic wave (CMW) has been theorized to propagate in the deconfined nuclear medium formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions and to cause a difference in elliptic flow (v2) between negatively and positively charged hadrons. Experimental data consistent with the CMW have been reported by the STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), based on the charge asymmetry dependence of the pion v2 from Au+Au collisions at sNN=27 to 200 GeV. In this comprehensive study, we present the STAR measurements of elliptic flow and triangular flow of charged pions, along with the v2 of charged kaons and protons, as a function of charge asymmetry in Au+Au collisions at sNN=27, 39, 62.4, and 200 GeV. The slope parameters extracted from the linear dependence of the v2 difference on charge asymmetry for different particle species are reported and compared in different centrality intervals. In addition, the slopes of v2 for charged pions in small systems, i.e., p+Au and d+Au at sNN=200 GeV, are also presented and compared with those in large systems, i.e., Au+Au at sNN=200 GeV and U+U at 193 GeV. Our results provide new insights for the possible existence of the CMW and further constrain the background contributions in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies.The chiral magnetic wave (CMW) has been theorized to propagate in the deconfined nuclear medium formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, and to cause a difference in elliptic flow (v2v_{2}) between negatively and positively charged hadrons. Experimental data consistent with the CMW have been reported by the STAR Collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), based on the charge asymmetry dependence of the pion v2v_{2} from Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 27 to 200 GeV. In this comprehensive study, we present the STAR measurements of elliptic flow and triangular flow of charged pions, along with the v2v_{2} of charged kaons and protons, as a function of charge asymmetry in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 27, 39, 62.4 and 200 GeV. The slope parameters extracted from the linear dependence of the v2v_2 difference on charge asymmetry for different particle species are reported and compared in different centrality intervals. In addition, the slopes of v2v_{2} for charged pions in small systems, \textit{i.e.}, pp+Au and dd+Au at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV, are also presented and compared with those in large systems, \textit{i.e.}, Au+Au at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV and U+U at 193 GeV. Our results provide new insights for the possible existence of the CMW, and further constrain the background contributions in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies

    Light nuclei collectivity from √sNN=3 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC

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    In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, partonic collectivity is evidenced by the constituent quark number scaling of elliptic flow anisotropy for identified hadrons. A breaking of this scaling and dominance of baryonic interactions is found for identified hadron collective flow measurements in √sNN = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions. In this paper, we report measurements of the first- and second-order azimuthal anisotropic parameters, v1 and v2, of light nuclei (d, t, 3He, 4He) produced in √sNN = 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment. An atomic mass number scaling is found in the measured v1 slopes of light nuclei at mid-rapidity. For the measured v2 magnitude, a strong rapidity dependence is observed. Unlike v2 at higher collision energies, the v2 values at mid-rapidity for all light nuclei are negative and no scaling is observed with the atomic mass number. Calculations by the Jet AA Microscopic Transport Model (JAM), with baryonic mean-field plus nucleon coalescence, are in good agreement with our observations, implying baryonic interactions dominate the collective dynamics in 3 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC