9 research outputs found

    Estimation of the particle concentration in hydraulic liquid by the in-line automatic particle counter based on the CMOS image sensor

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    Modern hydraulic systems should be monitored on the regular basis. One of the most effective ways to address this task is utilizing in-line automatic particle counters (APC) built inside of the system. The measurement of particle concentration in hydraulic liquid by APC is crucial because increasing numbers of particles should mean functional problems. Existing automatic particle counters have significant limitation for the precise measurement of relatively low concentration of particle in aerospace systems or they are unable to measure higher concentration in industrial ones. Both issues can be addressed by implementation of the CMOS image sensor instead of single photodiode used in the most of APC. CMOS image sensor helps to overcome the problem of the errors in volume measurement caused by inequality of particle speed inside of tube. Correction is based on the determination of the particle position and parabolic velocity distribution profile. Proposed algorithms are also suitable for reducing the errors related to the particles matches in measurement volume. The results of simulation show that the accuracy increased up to 90 per cent and the resolution improved ten times more compared to the single photodiode sensor

    Desarrollo de elementos de dispositivos de control de microsatelites

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    Son tratados los problemas en el desarrollo de hardware y software para dispositivos de control de micro y nanosatélites. El manual de instrucciones es recomendado a estudiantes de las carreras en especialidad 24.04.01 en el curso de “Sistemas de Radiocontrol de microsatélites”.Гриф.Используемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.Труды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон. версия)

    CMSIS-RTOS para microcontroladores CORTEX-M3

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    La siguiente guía se encuentra enfocada en el desarrollo de software basado en RTOS para microcontroladores con núcleo Cortex-M3, demostrando las principales técnicas de desarrollo y depuración con CMSIS-RTOS. Las pautas establecidas están dirigidas hacia estudiantes de las carreras de “Radio ingeniería” 11.04.01, “Matemáticas y Física Aplicada” 03.04.01, y “Sistemas de Vehículos Espaciales y Cosmonáutica” 24.03.01/24.04.01. El laboratorio de entrenamiento con CMSIS-RTOS puede ser llevado a cabo dentro de los cursos “Dispositivos digitales y microprocesadores”, “Sistemas fundamentales de un microprocesador” y “Programación de microcontroladores”. Esta guía fue elaborada por el “Departamento de Láser y Sistemas Biotécnicos”.Гриф.Используемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.Труды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон. версия)

    Biological module “BiNOM” for cubesats of the SamSat family

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    The biological module BINOM is a platform for multi-purpose biomedical space experiments with a wide range of biological objects (bacteria, algae, fungi, plants, multicomponent ecosystems). It was designed as a payload for SamSat nanosatellites and can be easily mounted on any other space vehicle. The module consists of three main blocks a sealed chamber for biological objects, a life support system, a system of control and measurement supporting scientific data acquisition and pre-processing. The BiNOM interacts with the electronic systems of the nanosatellite with the help of a single four-pin connector. The life support system maintains the required temperature, pressure, humidity and gas mixture composition in the chamber of the biological object. The control system makes it possible to carry out biomedical experiments in the automatic mode according to a specified program or by commands from the ground control post. The control system is designed to measure the parameters of the environment and the biological object. The module supports visualization of objects in the UV-VIS-IR spectral range, fluorescence analysis, temperature and humidity measurement at several points, pressure, concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Additional sensors can be used depending on the goals of the experiment. A module prototype was made and a number of tests were carried out to confirm the adequacy of the engineering solutions proposed. In particular, the vacuum chamber tests showed that the pressure loss in the pressure hull does not exceed 20% per year. A number of biological experiments demonstrated the possibility of initialization, growth and life support of various biological objects during a long, up to two months, period

    Software development and debugging for NXP ARM7 MCUs [Электронный ресурс] : Learner’s guide

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    Learner’s guide describes the problems o f creating and debugging programs in С /C+ + language fo r NXP ARM7 MCUs. Learner’s guide is developed in the Interuniversity Space Research Department. The learner’s guide is intended fo r the students, studying oТруды сотрудников СГАУ(электрон. версия).Используемые программы: Adobe Acrobat

    Working with the Embedded Artists LPC2148 Evaluation boards [Электронный ресурс] : Learner’s guide

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    Используемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.Труды сотрудников СГАУ(электрон. версия)

    CMSIS-RTOS for CORTEX-M3 microcontrollers : laboratory training guide : [метод. указания]. - Текст : электронный

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    The guide is focused on the development of RTOS-based software for microcontrollers with the Cortex-M3 core. Main techniques of development and debugging with CMSIS-RTOS are demonstrated. The guidelines are intended for the students of 11.04.01 RadioenginГриф.Используемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.Труды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон. версия)