18 research outputs found
Preoperative pulmonary hypertension and its impact on survival after heart transplantation.
Abstract Objectives. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) due to left heart disease may impair outcome after heart transplantation (HT). To evaluate to what extent previous, and present, haemodynamic criteria discriminate the impact of pre-operative-PH on survival, we characterized the PH in our HT-patients according to ESC's guidelines, ISHLT's summary statement and ISHLT's relative contraindications and criteria for early risk of death after HT. Design. Records from the 215 HT-patients in Lund during 1988-2010 were reviewed. Subsequent analysis included adults (n = 94) evaluated with right-heart-catheterization at our lab, at rest before HT. End of follow-up was 30th of June 2012. Results. Survival (mean, n) did not differ (p = ns) for the 94 HT-patients; without (13.0 years, n = 28) or with (13.9 years, n = 66) PH, passive (13.8 years, n = 50) or reactive (12.2 years, n = 13) post-capillary-PH, "modified" passive (13.1 years, n = 40), mixed (16.6 years, n = 23), "modified" reactive (12.6 years, n = 7) or non-reactive (12.2 years, n = 8) post-capillary-PH; or for ISHLT's relative contraindications (12.0 years, n = 22) or increased risk of right-heart-failure and early death (16.5 years, n = 23) after HT. Conclusions. As previous and present haemodynamic criteria did not sufficiently discriminate the impact of pre-operative-PH for survival after HT at our centre, larger multi-centre studies are encouraged to redefine criteria that may influence outcome
Desensitization and Heart Transplantation of a Patient With High Levels of Donor-Reactive Anti-Human Leukocyte Antigen Antibodies.
BACKGROUND.: To prepare a highly immunized recipient for heart transplantation, reduction of high levels of cytotoxic antibodies against human leukocyte antigen (HLA) was deemed essential to prevent antibody-mediated graft failure. METHODS.: Antibodies were analyzed by lymphocytotoxic and solid-phase assays. The pretransplant desensitization treatment protocol included daily tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil, weekly protein-A immunoadsorption (IA), intravenous immunoglobulin, and daclizumab. Posttransplant treatment consisted of tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, prednisolone, IA, and daclizumab. RESULTS.: During pretransplant desensitization, each of the weekly immunoadsorption treatments reduced anti-HLA antibody levels by 50% to 70%, but they returned to the pretreatment level within 1 week as measured by flow cytometry. Cytotoxic antibodies remained reduced. After perioperative immunoadsorption, the donor-reactive antibodies (DRAs) were reduced to low levels. The patient underwent successful heart transplantation after 6 weeks on a waiting list. During the first week posttransplant, DRAs remained low. However, after the first week, anti-HLA DRAs reappeared and increased slightly over a 3-week period and then decreased slowly. Cytotoxic crossmatches were negative before and 3 week after transplantation. No clinical rejection was encountered. The patient was doing well 3 years after transplantation, and yearly clinical cardiac investigations were all normal. Three hyperimmunized patients have now undergone successful heart transplantation at our center using this desensitization protocol. CONCLUSIONS.: IA in combination with pretransplant immunosuppressive drug treatment temporarily reduces antibody levels. The therapeutic levels of drug treatment at the time of transplantation may be of crucial importance. The treatment protocol resulted in freedom from rejection and other clinical adverse events