89 research outputs found

    Valence holes as Luttinger spinor based qubits in quantum dots

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    We present a theory of valence holes as Luttinger spinor based qubits in p-doped self-assembled quantum dots within the 4-band kpk\cdot p formalism. The two qubit levels are identified with the two chiralities of the doubly degenerate ground state. We show that single qubit operations can be implemented with static magnetic field applied along the zz and xx directions, acting analogously to the σ^z\hat{\sigma}_z and σ^x\hat{\sigma}_x operators in the qubit subspace respectively. The coupling of two dots and hence the double qubit operations are shown to be sensitive to the orientation of the two quantum dots. For vertical qubit arrays, there exists an optimal qubit separation suitable for the voltage control of qubit-qubit interactions

    Optical properties of charged quantum dots doped with a single magnetic impurity

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    We present a microscopic theory of the optical properties of self-assembled quantum dots doped with a single magnetic manganese (Mn) impurity and containing a controlled number of electrons. The single-particle electron and heavy-hole electronic shells are described by two-dimensional harmonic oscillators. The electron-electron, electron-hole Coulomb as well as the short-range electron spin-Mn spin and hole spin-Mn spin contact exchange interactions are included. The electronic states of the photo-excited electron-hole-Mn complex and of the final electron-Mn complex are expanded in a finite number of configurations and the full interacting Hamiltonian is diagonalized numerically. The emission spectrum is predicted as a function of photon energy for a given number of electrons and different number of confined electronic quantum dot shells. We show how emission spectra allow to identify the number of electronic shells, the number of electrons populating these shells and, most importantly, their spin. We show that electrons not interacting directly with the spin of Mn ion do so via electron-electron interactions. This indirect interaction is a strong effect even when Mn impurity is away from the quantum dot center.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Theory of electronic properties and quantum spin blockade in a gated linear triple quantum dot with one electron spin each

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    We present a theory of electronic properties and the spin blockade phenomena in a gated linear triple quantum dot. Quadruple points where four different charge configurations are on resonance, particularly involving (1,1,1) configuration, are considered. In the symmetric case, the central dot is biased to higher energy and a single electron tunnels through the device when (1,1,1) configuration is resonant with (1,0,1),(2,0,1),(1,0,2) configurations. The electronic properties of a triple quantum dot are described by a Hubbard model containing two orbitals in the two unbiased dots and a single orbital in the biased dot. The transport through the triple quantum dot molecule involves both singly and doubly occupied configurations and necessitates the description of the (1,1,1) configuration beyond the Heisenberg model. Exact eigenstates of the triple quantum dot molecule with up to three electrons are used to compute current assuming weak coupling to the leads and non-equilibrium occupation of quantum molecule states obtained from the rate equation. The intra-molecular relaxation processes due to acoustic phonons and cotunneling with the leads are included, and are shown to play a crucial role in the spin blockade effect. We find a quantum interference-based spin blockade phenomenon at low source-drain bias and a distinct spin blockade due to a trap state at higher bias. We also show that, for an asymmetric quadruple point with (0,1,1),(1,1,1,),(0,2,1),(0,1,2) configurations on resonance, the spin blockade is analogous to the spin blockade in a double quantum dot

    Magnetism and correlations in fractionally filled degenerate shells of graphene quantum dots

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    When an electron is confined to a triangular atomic thick layer of graphene [1-5] with zig-zag edges, its energy spectrum collapses to a shell of degenerate states at the Fermi level (Dirac point) [6-9]. The degeneracy is proportional to the edge size and can be made macroscopic. This opens up the possibility to design a strongly correlated electronic system as a function of fractional filling of the zero-energy shell, in analogy to the fractional quantum Hall effect in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas[10], but without the need for a high magnetic field. In this work we show that electronic correlations, beyond the Hubbard model[6,7] and mean-field density functional theory (DFT) [7,8] play a crucial role in determining the nature of the ground state and the excitation spectrum of triangular graphene quantum dots as a function of dot size and filling fraction of the shell of zero-energy states. The interactions are treated by a combination of DFT, tight-binding, Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction methods (TB-HF-CI) and include all scattering and exchange terms within second nearest neighbors as well as interaction with metallic gate. We show that a half filled charge neutral shell leads to full spin polarization of the island but this magnetic moment is completely destroyed by the addition of a single electron, in analogy to the effect of skyrmions on the quantum Hall ferromagnet [11-14] and spin depolarization in electrostatically defined semiconductor quantum dots[15-18]. The depolarization of the ground state is predicted to result in blocking of current through a graphene quantum dot due to spin blockade (SB) [18].Comment: v2: minor corrections, new forma

    The Collapse of the Spin-Singlet Phase in Quantum Dots

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    We present experimental and theoretical results on a new regime in quantum dots in which the filling factor 2 singlet state is replaced by new spin polarized phases. We make use of spin blockade spectroscopy to identify the transition to this new regime as a function of the number of electrons. The key experimental observation is a reversal of the phase in the systematic oscillation of the amplitude of Coulomb blockade peaks as the number of electrons is increased above a critical number. It is found theoretically that correlations are crucial to the existence of the new phases.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Theory of spin, electronic and transport properties of the lateral triple quantum dot molecule in a magnetic field

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    We present a theory of spin, electronic and transport properties of a few-electron lateral triangular triple quantum dot molecule in a magnetic field. Our theory is based on a generalization of a Hubbard model and the Linear Combination of Harmonic Orbitals combined with Configuration Interaction method (LCHO-CI) for arbitrary magnetic fields. The few-particle spectra obtained as a function of the magnetic field exhibit Aharonov-Bohm oscillations. As a result, by changing the magnetic field it is possible to engineer the degeneracies of single-particle levels, and thus control the total spin of the many-electron system. For the triple dot with two and four electrons we find oscillations of total spin due to the singlet-triplet transitions occurring periodically in the magnetic field. In the three-electron system we find a transition from a magnetically frustrated to the spin-polarized state. We discuss the impact of these phase transitions on the addition spectrum and the spin blockade of the lateral triple quantum dot molecule.Comment: 30 pages (one column), 9 figure

    Optical readout of charge and spin in a self-assembled quantum dot in a strong magnetic field

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    We present a theory and experiment demonstrating optical readout of charge and spin in a single InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dot. By applying a magnetic field we create the filling factor 2 quantum Hall singlet phase of the charged exciton. Increasing or decreasing the magnetic field leads to electronic spin-flip transitions and increasing spin polarization. The increasing total spin of electrons appears as a manifold of closely spaced emission lines, while spin flips appear as discontinuities of emission lines. The number of multiplets and discontinuities measures the number of carriers and their spin. We present a complete analysis of the emission spectrum of a single quantum dot with N=4 electrons and a single hole, calculated and measured in magnetic fields up to 23 Tesla.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Characteristic molecular properties of one-electron double quantum rings under magnetic fields

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    The molecular states of conduction electrons in laterally coupled quantum rings are investigated theoretically. The states are shown to have a distinct magnetic field dependence, which gives rise to periodic fluctuations of the tunnel splitting and ring angular momentum in the vicinity of the ground state crossings. The origin of these effects can be traced back to the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the energy levels, along with the quantum mechanical tunneling between the rings. We propose a setup using double quantum rings which shows that Aharonov-Bohm effects can be observed even if the net magnetic flux trapped by the carriers is zero.Comment: 16 pages (iopart format), 10 figures, accepted in J.Phys.Cond.Mat

    Quantum interference in exciton-Mn spin interactions in a CdTe semiconductor quantum dot

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    We show theoretically and experimentally the existence of a new quantum interference(QI) effect between the electron-hole interactions and the scattering by a single Mn impurity. Theoretical model, including electron-valence hole correlations, the short and long range exchange interaction of Mn ion with the heavy hole and with electron and anisotropy of the quantum dot, is compared with photoluminescence spectroscopy of CdTe dots with single magnetic ions. We show how design of the electronic levels of a quantum dot enable the design of an exciton, control of the quantum interference and hence engineering of light-Mn interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Electron-electron interaction mediated indirect coupling of electron and magnetic ion or nuclear spins in self-assembled quantum dots

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    COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPWe show here the existence of the indirect coupling of electron and magnetic or nuclear ion spins in self-assembled quantum dots mediated by electron-electron interactions. With a single localized spin placed in the center of the dot, only the spins of electrons occupying the zero angular momentum states couple directly to the localized spin. We show that when the electron-electron interactions are included, the electrons occupying finite angular momentum orbitals interact with the localized spin. This effective interaction is obtained using exact diagonalization of the microscopic Hamiltonian as a function of the number of electronic shells, shell spacing, and anisotropy of the electron-Mn exchange interaction. The effective interaction can be engineered to be either ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic by tuning the parameters of the quantum dot.891918COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP5860/11-32010/11393-5The authors thank NSERC and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research for support. U. C. M. thanks J. A. Brum for fruitful discussions and acknowledges the support from CAPES-Brazil (Project No. 5860/11-3) and FAPESP-Brazil (Project No. 2010/11393-5). P. H. thanks Y. Hirayama, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University for hospitality