2 research outputs found

    “Mengapa Tuhan Aku Harus Mengalami ini?” Analisa Psikologis-Teologis Makna Kehidupan Dibalik Memori Trauma Auto-Biografi Masterpiece of Love

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    In the era of 4.0 entering the era of 5.0 human life in the context of the covid-19 pandemic requires auto-biography and biography writing that motivates, exemplifies, and inspires readers to work. This paper offers these needs; through an analysis of psychological aspects and analysis of theological aspects in Monika Petra's auto-biography entitled masterpiece of love. This auto-biographical book talks about the traumatic memory of Monika Petra's life experiences and testimonies from childhood to adulthood. In this case, Monika Petra is a person with a third-grade microtia, or in other words, Born as a person who is considered by the social model to be disabled or disabled. But surprisingly, Monika Petra can find the meaning of life behind the traumatic memory of past experiences, so that she can develop her potential as a writer of books, novels, short stories, and teachers, even specifically testifying to those who work in her life. From the psychological aspect, the author uses the theoretical approach of Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) about finding the meaning of life; and from the theological aspect, the author uses a theoretical approach used by Binsar J. Pakh pahan on the theology of memory of Flora A. Kashkegian. McClendon's suggestion for writing/writing auto-biography, biography, and life experience as a means of theology, is the entrance for writers to analyze (theological and psychological), and reflect on the work of Monika Petra in the era of 4.0 entering the era of 5.0, specifically for people with microtia in the context in Indonesia


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    Pendidikan bagi masyarakat kelas bawah selalu menjadi topik menarik, apalagi bila memahami Yesus Kristus sebagai tokoh pendidikan tersohor dari kaum marginal yang pernah ada di panggung historis Yudaisme. Tulisan ini memandang pendidikan Yesus Kristus tersebut dari aspek psikologi pendidikan konstruktivistik; melalui pengembangan pendekatan teoritik konstruktif spasial dari Levebre, Soja, dan Flaganan. Tujuan penulisan ini ialah untuk memberikan penawaran bagi akademisi yang bergulat dalam ranah pendidikan agama Kristen, sehingga boleh mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan bersaing dengan pendidikan dari Negara-negara maju di dunia. Untuk mewujudkannya tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, tetapi membutuhkan semangat yang besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodepenelitian  literatur  dengan  pendekatan deskriptif sebagaiupayauntukmengusulkan konsep Pendidikan konstruktivistik, implikasi, konstruktif spasial, spasial pendidikan dan spasial pendidikan Tuhan Yesus. Sehingga untukmenawarkan semangat tersebut, didapat dari sosok rabi Hillel sampai konstruktif spasial pendidikan Tuhan Yesus dalam Injil Sinoptik terkait spasial danau, bukit, dan meja makan