18 research outputs found

    Survey of fungal flora infecting P. indicus in larvae stages in hatcheries of Khouzestan Province, south Iran

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    Shrimp hatcheries around the world continue to be heavily dependent of wild broodstock. One of the factors that could damage this industry is fungal infestation. Hence, we studied the fungal flora infesting shrimp larvae in hatcheries of Khouzestan Province, south Iran. The study covered two reproduction periods 2001=2002 and totally 140 specimens were collected from 2 hatcheries under Thailand and Philippine management systems. Samples were obtained in completely sterile condition from water, live food and different stages of shrimp larvae P. indices. The samples were cultured on SDA, PYGA, PYGSA and similar media. We diagnosed ten fungal species including Cladosporium sp, Pencillium, Trichothesium sp., Aspergilus sp. A. niger, Rhizopus, Mucor and Fusarium, the last being the most abundant fungus. We found that the contaminating fungal species were all opportunistic

    Survey on gregarine infection of marine broodstocks and cultured shrimp in the Choebdeh Area of Abadan, Iran

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    Gregarines are protozoa that occur within the digestive tract and tissues of various invertebrate animals such as shrimp. In this survey 15 marine broodstocks of Penaeus indicus from Jask area and 119 cultured shrimps from cultured farms were supplied and carried to laboratory. According to life cycle of gregarine, (Johnson, 1989) it is assumed that presence of protozoan gregarine among broodstock shrimps can be due to consumption of natural food and existance of intermediate hosts and as a result to be completion of life cycle of these protozoan in natural conditions. On the other hand absence of these parasites among cultured shrimp can be due to consumption of prepared (inert) food and lack of completion of alternate hosts and intermediate hosts and consequently lack of completion of life cycle of these parasites in the cultured condition

    Survey of parasitic fauna of cultured shrimp in Ghofas area of Abadan

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    This survey was performed in order to investigation of parasites in different tissues of cultured shrimp and survey of intensity and incidence of these parasites in different tissues of shrimp. In this survey 145 shrimp belonged to Penaeus monodon and 97 shrimp belonged to P. indicus were reviewed. Epicommensal protozoa from gills and appendages by wet smear, stomach and hepatopancreas and intestine by stereomicroscope, crashed muscle and digested muscle and also, crashing of intestine for digestive protozoa were reviewed. The most intensity and incidence were belonged to Epistylis, Zoothamnium and Vorticella, respectively. In relation to metazoan parasites, there were no observation of worm parasites, such as trematodes, nematodes, cestodes and digestive protozoa such as gregarine among the cultured shrimp. All shrimp are susceptible to fouling by epicommensal protozoa. These organisms are naturally present on the bodies of cultured shrimp and their intensity and incidence can be related to the environmental condition. According to life cycle of metazoa and digestive protozoa (Johnson, 1989), absence of these parasites among cultured shrimp can be due to lack of intermediate hosts and consequently lack of completion of life cycle of these parasites in the cultured environments and consumption of prepared (inert) food

    Identification of myxozoa and protozoa parasites of Barboid fishes of water resources in Khouzestan Province

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    A survey on parasitic infection of Barboid fishes of Khouzestan Province in southwest Iran was conducted from spring 2002 to autumn 2004. A total of 296 specimens from five fish species were examined. The specimens were collected from five stations including Ahwaz, Golestan, Mollasani and Dez Reservoir on Karoun River and Hamidieh Reservoir and Shadegan Lagoon on Karkheh River. The fishes were transported alive to the laboratory where they measured and weighed and then killed by cutting their spinal cord. Eleven parasites were separated of which seven were identified to the species level and four to the genus level. Of the protozoans we found Ichlyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Goussia v., Balantidium sp. and of the myxozoans we observed Myxobolus persicus, Mkaruni, M nodulointestinalis, Miranicus! Mmesopotamia, Myxobolus sp., Myxidium rhodei and Myxidium pfiefferi. We reported three new parasites and eleven new hosts for Iranian freshwater fishes and three new hosts for three Myzoxoans

    An assessment the effect of Fructo-oligosaccharide on growth performance, survival and hematological factors in sturgeon juvenile (Acipenser sttellatus)

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on growth and survival performances of sturgeon juvenile fish (Acipenser stellatus). 90 sturgeon fry fishes (average weight 30.16±0/14 gram) has been brought from Sturgeon International, Research Institute and stored in fiberglass tanks using randomize design with 3 treatments each with 3 replicates in relative constant physico-chemical water parameters(P>0.05) then fed with basal adaptive food for two weeks. Fry fed 11 weeks with diets containing 0% (Basal food), 1% and 2% oligofructose (Raftilose p95, Sigma Co.) added to the basal food. The results revealed that 1% pribiotic compare to other treatments caused increasing weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion, feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio and liver indices significantly (p 0.05). At the end of experiment, after bleeding from sample fries, the hematological characters showed that there are no any differences between hemoglobin, WBC and RBC numbers, hematocrit, MCV, MCH and MCHC between treatments(P>0.05) although the number of WBC in 1% and numbers of neutrophils in 1 and 2% prebiotic had differences with zero% significantly (P< 0.05). Based on these results good influence on the improving growth and feeding performances by oligofroctose as prebiotic was proved in Acipenser stellatus fries and 1% level was the best

    Survey on parasitic infections of Barbus spp. from south-west of Iran (Khouzestan Province)

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    A survey on parasitic infections on Barboid fishes of South- west of Iran (Khouzestan province) were done during Spring 2002 to Autumn 2004. Altogether 296 specimens from 5 different fish species were examined. The fishes were collected from five stations of Karoun River (Ahwaz-Goulestan, Molasani, Dez Dam), Karkheh River (Hamidia Dam) and Shadgan Lagoon. The fishes transported alive to the laboratory where they measured and weighted. Then they were killed by cutting the spinal cord. According to the results of this study 22 different parasites were revealed, 15 of then detected to the species level and 7 of them to the genus level. The metazoans are as follows: The monogenea, are Dactylogyrus onchoratus, D.persicus. Two digeneans: Diplostomum spathaceum, Asymphilodora sp. Five nematods: Rhabdochona denudata, Philometra karuensis, Philometra sp., Psudocapilaria tomentosa Contracecum larvae sp. and only one acanthocephalus, Neoechinorhynchus. Three protozoans are: Ichtyophthirius multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Goussia sp., Balantidium sp. And Myxozoans: Myxobolus persicus M. karuni M. nodulointestinalis, M iranicus, M.mesopotamia, M. pfief eri, Myxobolus sp., Myxidium rhodei, Myxidium pfiefferi. Histopathological investigation of some parasites was done as well. Pathologacal potential of M. nodulointestinalis and M. pfiefferi were revealed. According the results of this study three new parasites and eleven new hosts for Iranian freshwater fishes and three new host for three Myzoxoans were introduced

    Survey of epidemiological of parasitic and bacterial infection in cultured fishes of Khouzestan Province

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    In this study which was carried out in khouzestan province, 1914 Pieces (1160 Pieces silver carp, Hypophthalmychthys molitrix; 498 Pieces common carp, cyprinus carpio; 172 Pieces Grass carp, ctenophryngodon idella and 84 Pieces Big head, Arysthychthys nobilis) from different parts of the province were examined. In three year period, 1378 to 1381, fish samples from four stations were transferred a live to the lab. Water samples also were taken and tested for some of the physicochemical factors. From a total of 1914 fish examined, 1190 showed parasitic infestation and bacterial infections (62.2%). Infestation study, infestation with these parasites have been found: Ichthophthirius, cryptobia, Trichodina, Costia, Hexamita, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Lernea, Bothrio cephalus, Diplostomum and Capillaria. Also some species of Aeromonas, staphylococcus, Moraxella, Pectobacterium, Flavobacterium, Citrobacteria, pasteurella, Psedomonas and Alcaligenese were identified in the samples, which normally occur in Water, but in some conditions (High pH, temperature and ammonia) could cause disease and lesions specially in gills. Infestation with dactylogyrus and Gyrodactylus was found in all four kind of fishes with different infestation rate. But the highest infestation rate with dactylogyrus was in silver carp (55.2%) and lowest in common carp (14.6%). The highest infestation rate with gyrodactylus was in grass carp (42.4%) and lowest in common carp (10.6%). Ich, Bothrio cephalus and capillalia were found only in common carp and grass carp. Infestation with adult lernea and copepodid stage of lernea had greater percentage in the gills and derm of grass carp. The data showed infestation with this parasites (especially protozoans and lernea) and bacterial infection had occurred in all seasons especially in C area

    Isolation and identification of bacterial and fungal microflora from Litopenaeus vannamei in Choibdeh, Abadan

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    Bacterial and fungal microflora of Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in Choibdeh, Abadan was studied. For this purpose, PLs before and after stocking and those shrimps persisting on food tray from June to August, 2006 were taken randomly. Live samples transferred to microbiology laboratory of South Aquaculture Research Center, Ahwaz. Special culture media (e.g. Tryptic Soy Agar + 1.5-2% Nacl & Sabouraud Dextrose Agar + 1.5-2% Nacl) were used for bacterial and fungal culture. We isolated 10 bacterial species of which Vibrio alginolyticus (36.92%) had high abundance among bacterial species. We also isolated and identified three fungal species including Aspergillus niger (66.66%) A. fumigatus (16.66%) and Fusarium sp. (16.66%). A. niger was predominant among fungal species. All bacterial and fungal species that were identified were opportunistic

    Effect of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth, body composition and biological and reproductive performances of adult yellow fin sea bream, Acanthopagrus latus

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    A study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth, feed utilization and reproductive performance and biochemical composition of Acanthopagrus latus broodstock. Nine diets representing a combination of three protein levels (40, 50 and 60%) and three lipid levels (15, 20 and 25%) were tested with three replicates in 1140 L cylindrical tanks. Each replicate was stocked with 10 fish with a sex ratio of 1:1 and the average weights were 415g and 236g for females and males respectively. Fish were fed to satiation, twice daily. The growth of females was not significantly affected (P >0.05) protein and lipid levels but growth of males was significantly affected (P<0.05) by dietary protein and lipid levels. Except of protein and lipid efficiency ratios, feed utilization performances of A. latus broodstock was significantly influenced by dietary protein and lipid levels. Reproductive performances of A. latus broodstock was significantly affected by dietary protein and lipid levels, except of buoyant eggs and fertilization rate percentages. Egg dimension, hatchling and 3 day-old larvae were significantly (P<0.05) affected by dietary protein and lipid levels. Body crude protein and lipid concentration were significantly (P<0.05) affected by dietary protein and lipid levels. Protein and lipid concentration of newly hatch and 3 day post hatching larvae varied significantly (P<0.05), whereas only the crude lipid content of the egg varied significantly (P<0.05) with the change of dietary protein and lipid levels. The ratio essential amino acid to non-essential amino acid of carcass, egg, newly hatched and 3 days post hatching larvae were significantly influenced by dietary protein and lipid levels. Fatty acid profile of carcass, liver, egg, hatchling and 3 days post hatching larvae was generally affected by dietary protein and lipid levels. The present study revealed that the best biological and reproductive performance of Acanthopagrus latus broodstock could be achieved at 60% dietary protein and 20% dietary lipid concentration

    The survey and identification source of white spot disease in shrimp Farm in Abadan area

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    In the summer of 2002 high mortality occurred in farm shrimp in Abadan area due to white spot disease. The main objective of this study was detection and identification the source of white spot syndrome virus. For this reason from 2004/11/4 until 2005/120/6 about 190 samples consisted of wild shrimp, crab, fish, and plankton collected and preserved in alcohol 90-75% for polymerase chain reaction (PCR).The samples transferred to the South Iranian Aquaculture Center in Ahwaz. The samples examined by commercial WSSV detection kit (Fast Target) and new kit design by Iranian Fisheries Research Organization (IFRO) and Biotechnology Research Center from Iran. The result from PCR showed the samples of Penaeus indicus brood stock and postlarvea, Parapenaeopsis stylifrus and Metapenaeus affinis was positive. The rest of samples did not show any sign of virus and they was negative by PCR. Because the disease outbreak occurred in 2002 and the samples collected in 2004, the situation of environmental in the area was changed and may be the virus disappears in the samples and died