238 research outputs found

    Teatro Fenice: a Newfuture from the Ashes

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    U bogatoj kazališnoj i kinematografskoj povijesti Rijeke arhitektonski jednom od najzanimljivijih građevina možemo smatrati Teatro Fenice, koja predstavlja prvu primjenu armiranog betona u okviru tipologije kazališnih zdanja u Hrvatskoj iz razdoblja secesije. U prvom dijelu rada objasnit će se pojava secesije, njezino podrijetlo, razvoj i opće značajke kako u Europi tako i u Hrvatskoj. Potom se fokus stavlja, naravno, na Rijeku, koja se tada nalazila u sklopu Austro-Ugarske Monarhije i u čije se graditeljstvo upliću različiti utjecaji iz srednjoeuropskog kulturnog kruga. U ovom kontekstu na riječku je arhitekturu snažan utisak ostavila poznata bečka škola arhitekture s predvodnikom Ottom Wagnerom. Nakon uvida u povijesni i graditeljski kontekst Rijeke s početka XX. stoljeća dolazimo do glavne teme, a to je zgrada Teatra Fenice, koja je doživjela svoje uspone i padove. Kako u svojoj izgradnji, izvedbi, tako i u dobivanju građevinske dozvole, rekonstrukcijama, adaptacijama i realizaciji. Počevši 1880. godine kao drveno kazalište Teatro Ricotti, preko svečanog otvorenja Teatra Fenice i prvih filmskih projekcija 1914. godine do serije jakih potresa dvije godine poslije, izrade Elaborata obnove i promjena imena do 1991. godine. Potom se u radu težište stavlja na njegove temelje, točnije konstrukciju od armiranog betona, čime Teatro Fenice postaje jedina kazališna zgrada u Hrvatskoj koja se može pohvaliti tim arhitektonskim poduhvatom. Osim našeg prvog hrvatskog primjera, u radu će biti riječi i o drugim europskim zdanjima toga vremena koji imaju istu takvu konstrukciju, kao što su kazalište Champs-Élysées u Parizu te kazalište u Veszpremu i kazalište u Sopronu. Nakon kronološkog slijeda izgradnje dolazimo do gorućeg problema: pokušaja njegove revitalizacije i obnove. Naime, Teatro Fenice prestao je biti otvoren za javnost u proljeće 2010. godine zbog oštećenja stropa i prokišnjavanja krova. S obzirom na to da je riječ o zgradi koja se nalazi u privatnom vlasništvu, ispada da je osuđena na propast zbog skromnih sredstava državnog proračuna. Jedina nada i šansa za poboljšanjem situacije može se pronaći unutar Europske unije, budući da je Rijeka ovo proljeće proglašena Europskom prijestolnicom kulture za 2020. godinu (EPK 2020). O kakvim je planovima riječ, otkrio nam je u razgovoru Odjel gradske uprave za kulturu pri EPK.In the rich history of theatre and cinematography of Rijeka, we may consider Teatro Fenice – representing the first application of reinforced concrete in the framework of theatre buildings in Croatia from the secession period – to be architecturally one of the most interesting buildings. The first part of this master thesis contains the explanation for the emergence of secession, its origin, development in Europe as well as in Croatia. Afterwards the focus is directed, naturally, to Rijeka which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire dominion. Various architectural influences from the Middle-European cultural circle are intertwined in the architecture of Rijeka. In this context the famous Viennese school of architecture lead by Otto Wagner has left a strong impression. Following the insight into the historical and architectural context of Rijeka at the beginning of the 20th century we arrive at the main theme – the Teatro Fenice building, which has had its ups and downs regarding construction, but also regarding the acquisition of a building permit, reconstructions, adaptations and realization. Beginning in the year 1880 as the wooden theatre Teatro Ricotti, having a glamourous opening as Teatro Fenice in 1914 – beginning with movie projections the same year, going through a series of powerful earthquakes two years later, making the Elaborata for reconstruction and changing the name in 1991. The focal point of this paper then shifts to the foundations of the theatre, more precisely, the construction made from reinforced concrete, granting Teatro Fenice the status of the only theatre building in Croatia with that architectural enterprise. Besides our first Croatian example, the paper mentions other European building of the time with the same construction, like the Champs-Élysées theatre in Paris, the theatres in Veszprem and Sopron. After the chronological sequence of events describ describing the construction of Teatro Fenice, we come to the pressing issue: the attempt of its revitalization and reconstruction. Incidentally, Teatro Fenice has ceased to be open for the public in the spring of 2010 due to the severely damaged ceiling and a leakage in the roof. Seeing as this is a privately owned building, it seems that it’s doomed to ruination due to the humble funds allocated from the government budget. The only hope and chance for its salvation may be found within the European Union, seeing as Rijeka was in the spring of this year declared the European Culture Capital for the year 2020 (EPK 2020). The department of culture in charge of the EPK projects revealed the plans for Teatro Fenice

    Creditor\u27s possibilities regarding the debtor\u27s entry of the ownership right in the Land Register

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    Avtorica obravnava in analizira položaj upnika v primeru izvršbe na nepremičnino dolžnika, ko ni vpisan kot lastnik predmetne nepremičnine v zemljiško knjigo. V situaciji, ko dolžnik nima drugega premoženja kot nepremičnino, mora upnik doseči vpis dolžnikove lastninske pravice v zemljiško knjigo na predmetni nepremični. V dveh dejanskih primerih so opisani praktične situacije in dejansko stanje, v katerih se upnik lahko znajde. Vprašanj je, ali lahko upnik doseže vpis lastninske pravice dolžnika s primerno tožbo. Ugotovijo se tudi možne ovire v izvršilnem postopku, in sicer ko tretji v izvršilnem postopku ugovarja, pri čemer tak ugovor lahko poda tudi dejanski lastnik oziroma t. i. imetnik lastninske pravice v pričakovanju. Osrednji cilj je tako ugotoviti, na kakšen način lahko upnik postopa v izvršilnem postopku in v primeru, ko je prisiljen vložiti ustrezno tožbo. Prikazan je tudi praktični primer ter predstavljena rešitev sodišča, ki se realno pokaže kot vpis lastninske pravice dolžnika v zemljiško knjigo po uspešno zaključenem pravnem postopku. Rešitev namreč upniku ponuja možnost izvršbe na nepremičnino in s tem dosežen cilj poplačila dolga.The author examines and analyses the position of the creditor in the event of an attachment of the debtor’s immovable property when the latter is not listed as the owner of the relevant immovable property in the land register. In the event that the debtor does not possess any other assets except immovable property, the creditor must see to it that the debtor’s ownership right over the relevant immovable property is entered in the land register. Two real-life cases are used to describe practical situations and the reality that the creditor might have to face. The question is whether the creditor can succeed in having the debtor’s immovable property entered in the land register by bringing an appropriate action. Potential barriers to the execution proceedings are then identified, namely when a third party objects to the execution proceedings, whereby such an objection may also be raised by the actual owner or the so-called holder of the pending ownership right. Thus, the core objective is to determine how the creditor can proceed in the execution proceedings, or when forced to bring an appropriate action. Also shown is a practical example and how it was resolved by a court of law by entering the debtor’s ownership right in the land register following the successful completion of legal proceedings. This solution provides the creditor with the possibility of attachment of immovable property and consequently of achieving the goal of recovering the debt

    System of public financing on a local level

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    Most investments of every municipality are connected with construction, knowing the\ud system of public financing on a local level is therefore essential for every civil engineer\ud who is involved in construction.\ud This dissertation presents the legislation concerning the financing of municipalities. It\ud analyses the calculation of suitable use and financial resources provided to the\ud municipality by the state. The dissertation presents the example of the Municipality of\ud Gorenja vas – Poljane, it describes the organisation of this municipality’s administration\ud and its utilities. It also examines the budgets for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 focusing\ud mainly on non-tax income and investments and gives suggestions for increasing the\ud municipality’s own resources in the budget of the Municipality of Gorenja vas –\ud Poljane.\ud The purpose of this dissertation is to suggest ways how to increase the municipality’s\ud own resources in the budget of the Municipality Gorenja vas – Poljane according to\ud items of the budget’s incomes.\ud The aim of the dissertation is to become acquainted with the basic features of the system\ud of public financing on a local level, to study the legislation from this field and the\ud organisation and financial operations of a municipality

    Position of a posted worker from Slovenia (emphasis on postings to Germany)

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    Napoteni delavec je delavec, ki ga delodajalec napoti na začasno delo v drugo državo članico EU ali EGS, ki ni država, v kateri običajno dela. V magistrski nalogi se osredotočam na opravljanje dela slovenskega državljana v Zvezni republiki Nemčiji. Čeprav je v zadnjih letih Slovenija prevzela vlogo nekakšne tranzitne države (za napotitve v države kot so Nemčija, Avstrija in Švica) za nedržavljane Evropske unije s poudarkom na državljanih republik bivše SFRJ, sem zaradi lažje obravnave subjekt raziskovanja omejila na slovenskega državljana. Pravice, ki jih delavec dobi iz delovnega razmerja, kot npr. pravico do dohodka, socialnega zavarovanja, zdravstvenega zavarovanja in zavarovanja za primer brezposelnosti, so vezane na njegovo pogodbo o zaposlitvi s slovenskim delodajalcem. Države članice pa morajo obenem zagotoviti, da so napotenim delavcem zagotovljeni minimalni pogoji za delo in zaposlitev, kot veljajo v državi članici, v kateri se delo opravlja, in urejeni z zakonom/drugim predpisom in/ali kolektivnimi pogodbami ali arbitražnimi določbami s splošno veljavnostjo. Ob takšni obliki zaposlitve, kjer je delavec postavljen v širši pravni in teritorialni okvir, ostajajo nekatera področja v praksi tudi neregulirana oz. nedefinirana. Obenem je vprašljiva dejanska možnost ekonomske, socialne, pravne, administrativne in davčne integracije napotenega delavca v državi gostiteljici. Prvič, iz razloga, ker je narava njegova njegovega dela začasna. Drugič zato, ker je delovno pravo stvar avtonomnega urejanja države. Tretjič, ker so ravni doseženih minimalnih pravic delavcev različne od države do države. Krovna Direktiva Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta 96/71/ES našteva nivo minimalnih pravic v državi, v katero je delavec napoten, in sicer govori o maksimalnem delovnem času, minimalnem plačanem letnem dopustu, minimalnih urnih postavkah (vključno s tistimi za nadurno delo), pogojih za posredovanje delavcev, zdravju, varnosti in higieni pri delu, ter drugem. Kot pogoj uspešne ureditve Direktiva 96/71/ES predvideva sodelovanje med organi države napotitve z organi države gostiteljice ter nudenje medsebojne administrativne pomoči. Za cilj svojega magistrskega dela imam namen raziskati praktično izvrševanje takšnih določb s pomočjo objavljene relevantne sodne prakse in se poglobiti tudi v mehanizme nadzora v primeru kršitev pravic delavca.Posted workers are labourers who are temporary posted to work in another EU member state or EC state, other that the country in which they normally reside and carry out work. My master\u27s thesis focuses on Slovenian citizens conducting work in Germany. Slovenia has in recent years assumed the role of a transit country (postings to Germany, Austria and Switzerland) for non-nationals of the European union, especially nationals of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. For the purpose of my thesis I limited my research exclusively to Slovenian nationals. The rights that labourers are entitled to on the basis of their employment relationship, such as the right to receive income, social security, health insurance and unemployment benefits, are linked to their existing contract of employment. Member states must also guarantee that posted workers are guaranteed basic conditions for work and employment, applicable to the country of conducting work, and covered either by law, general collective agreements or an arbitration award. In this type of employment, where employees are placed in a broader territorial and legal frame, some areas are left unregulated and/or undefined. The possibility of their economic, social, legal, administrative and tax integration in the host state are questionable. Firstly, because of the temporary nature of their work. Secondly, due to the fact that labour law is regulated autonomously in each state. Thirdly, because the level of the minimum rights attainable differs from state to state. Framework Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council lists the minimum of rights for labourers posted to another member state – maximum work periodsminimum rest periods and paid annual holidaysminimum rates of paythe conditions of hiring-out of workershealth, safety and hygiene at work, etc. A requirement for a successful regulation of Directive 96/71/EC foresees cooperation between sending Member state and host Member state, providing mutual administrative assistance. The objective of my master\u27s thesis is to explore the practical execution of these provisions while applying relevant case-law and looking into the control mechanism in the case of violations of the employees\u27 rights

    Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune (Amphibia & Reptilia) donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    In this paper we present newly collected data and historical overview of the herpetofauna of Neretva River Valley. During two consecutive years (2011, 2012) we collected new data about the presence of reptiles and amphibians in the area, on 25 sampling sites, of which 21 in Croatia and 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During our survey we recorded the presence of 21 species of which 18 are listed in the IUCN Red list. The literature records added another 13 species, so the total number for amphibians and reptiles in the area is 34 species, 11 amphibian and 23 reptiles. With such a high diversity, the area of Neretva River is one of the hotspots of the amphibian and reptile diversity in Croatia. Lower Neretva Valley is now days under a strong anthropogenic influence, and most of the area is used for plantations and intensive agriculture. It is of a critical importance to conserve and protect the remaining natural habitat in the future.U ovom radu predstavljamo novo prikupljene podatke, kao i povijesni pregled herpetofaune doline rijeke Neretve. Tijekom 2011. i 2012. godine prikupili smo podatke o prisutnosti vodozemaca i gmazova na 25 lokaliteta, od kojih se 21 nalazio u Hrvatskoj a 4 u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom našeg istraživanja utvrdili smo prisutnost 21 vrste, od kojih je 18 navedeno na IUCN-ovom Crvenom Popisu. Literaturnim nalazima utvrdili smo prisutnost još 13 vrsta, tako da je poznati broj vrsta na području Neretve 34, od čega 11 vrsta vodozemaca i 23 vrste gmazova. Sa ovolikim brojem vrsta, područje rijeke Neretve može se smatrati vrućom točkom bioraznolikosti vodozemaca i gmazova u Hrvatskoj. Donji tok rijeke Neretve je danas pod snažnim antropogenim utjecajem, i veći dio se upotrebljava za plantaže i intenzivnu poljoprivredu. U budućnosti će biti od ključne važnosti očuvati preostala prirodna staništa toga područja

    The role of semi–natural grasslands and livestock in sustaining dung beetle communities (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) in sub–Mediterranean areas of Slovenia

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    We studied the richness and structure of the coprophagous Scarabaeoidea community in two pastures (Hrastovlje and Zazid) in sub–Mediterranean Slovenia. In each pasture, we examined three habitat patches characterised by different levels of grazing (S1, the active part of the pasture; S2, the overgrown part of the pasture, mainly spiny shrubs; S3, a meadow with some overgrown patches of shrubs outside the fenced pasture). The main results were as follows: (1) 29 species were sampled, corresponding to about three quarters of the species presumably present at the two study sites; (2) species richness and abundance in Zazid are were similar in all three patches; (3) the species richness and abundance in Hrastovlje (in total, and separately for dwellers and tunnelers) were highest in S2. In Hrastovlje, dwellers were most abundant in S1. As the two different habitat patches were shown to positively influence the dung beetle community, we recommend maintaining a traditionally–managed mosaic landscape

    Trematode Parasite Infection Affects Temperature Selection in Aquatic Host Snails

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    Animals infected by parasites or pathogens can exhibit altered behaviors that may reduce the costs of infection to the host or represent manipulations that benefit the parasite. Given that temperature affects many critical physiological processes, changes in thermoregulatory behaviors are an important consideration for infected hosts, especially ectotherms. Here we examined the temperature choices of freshwater snails (Helisoma trivolvis) that were or were not infected by a trematode (flatworm) parasite (Echinostoma trivolvis). Active snails that explored the experimental temperature gradient differed in their thermal preference based on their infection status, as parasitized snails chose to position themselves at a significantly higher temperature (mean: 25.4°C) compared to those that were uninfected (mean: 23.3°C). Given that snails rarely eliminate established trematode infections, we suggest that this altered thermal preference shown by infected hosts likely benefits the parasite by increasing the odds of successful transmission, either through enhanced production and emergence of infectious stages or by increasing spatial overlap with the next hosts of the complex life cycle. Further studies that employ experimental infections to examine temperature selection at different time points will be needed to understand the extent of altered host thermal preferences, as well as the possible benefits to both host and parasite

    Production of marine trematode cercariae: a potentially overlooked path of energy flow in benthic systems

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    Parasites, in particular trematodes, are unseen but ubiquitous components of marine intertidal ecosystems. Although parasites are known to affect population dynamics and food web structure, their potential function as an unrecognized path of energy flow in these ecosystems is yet to be quantified. We use published data on rates at which trematodes produce free-swimming infective larvae (cercariae) that are released from their gastropod intermediate hosts to investigate patterns in cercarial output as a function of different variables, and to calculate the annual production of cercariae in different marine benthic systems. Across 18 trematode species, cercarial output (no. cercariae shed snail–1 d–1) ranged over 4 orders of magnitude and was positively correlated with snail host species size. While cercarial output did not correlate with latitude, it did correlate negatively with the size of cercariae, and was influenced by the type of downstream host sought by cercariae, being highest when this host was a vertebrate. Our estimates of annual cercarial production (kJ m–2 yr–1), which take into account the density of infected snails in the habitat, were within the range of production values reported for free-living invertebrates inhabiting benthic ecosystems. These estimates would be much higher if they included all trematode species in an ecosystem, and not just single-species values. Overall, results suggest that trematode cercariae represent potentially important paths of energy flow in benthic systems as well as a potentially important food supply to benthic organisms

    Trophic ecology of the european eel (Anguilla anguilla) across different salinity habitats inferred from fatty acid and stable isotope analysis

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    We combined fatty acid (FA) and stable isotope (SI) analyses to investigate the trophic ecology of different stages of European eels (Anguilla anguilla) across seawater (SW), brackish water (BW), and freshwater (FW) habitats. Salinity was the main driver of differences in the biochemical composition, and the greatest variation occurred between SW and FW eels. SW eels had a higher content of the FA indicator of carnivory, as well as the highest stable isotope ratios (C, N). In contrast, FW eels exhibited the highest lipid content and omega-6 polyunsaturated FA, but the lowest stable isotope ratios, suggesting major dietary differences between the eels in these two habitats. While the biochemical composition of BW eels was closer to those of SW eels, BW eels had the largest SI range, indicating higher dietary plasticity. FW individuals had better overall condition compared to SW eels. Independent of habitat, larger individuals were in the best condition, and had higher lipid content and monounsaturated FA. These findings suggest a biological advantage for eels to maintain a catadromous life history strategy.publishedVersio

    Prilog poznavanju herpetofaune (Amphibia & Reptilia) donjeg dijela rijeke Neretve (Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    In this paper we present newly collected data and historical overview of the herpetofauna of Neretva River Valley. During two consecutive years (2011, 2012) we collected new data about the presence of reptiles and amphibians in the area, on 25 sampling sites, of which 21 in Croatia and 4 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During our survey we recorded the presence of 21 species of which 18 are listed in the IUCN Red list. The literature records added another 13 species, so the total number for amphibians and reptiles in the area is 34 species, 11 amphibian and 23 reptiles. With such a high diversity, the area of Neretva River is one of the hotspots of the amphibian and reptile diversity in Croatia. Lower Neretva Valley is now days under a strong anthropogenic influence, and most of the area is used for plantations and intensive agriculture. It is of a critical importance to conserve and protect the remaining natural habitat in the future.U ovom radu predstavljamo novo prikupljene podatke, kao i povijesni pregled herpetofaune doline rijeke Neretve. Tijekom 2011. i 2012. godine prikupili smo podatke o prisutnosti vodozemaca i gmazova na 25 lokaliteta, od kojih se 21 nalazio u Hrvatskoj a 4 u Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom našeg istraživanja utvrdili smo prisutnost 21 vrste, od kojih je 18 navedeno na IUCN-ovom Crvenom Popisu. Literaturnim nalazima utvrdili smo prisutnost još 13 vrsta, tako da je poznati broj vrsta na području Neretve 34, od čega 11 vrsta vodozemaca i 23 vrste gmazova. Sa ovolikim brojem vrsta, područje rijeke Neretve može se smatrati vrućom točkom bioraznolikosti vodozemaca i gmazova u Hrvatskoj. Donji tok rijeke Neretve je danas pod snažnim antropogenim utjecajem, i veći dio se upotrebljava za plantaže i intenzivnu poljoprivredu. U budućnosti će biti od ključne važnosti očuvati preostala prirodna staništa toga područja