30 research outputs found

    Systems thinking in project management : theoretical framework and empirical evidence from Polish companies

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    This research examines new directions in project management and systems thinking theory and practice. Relevant literature is synthesized to provide a holistic picture of current knowledge of the topic, highlighting meanings, principles, prerequisites, process and consequences. The major aim of the research is to investigate the nature of systems thinking in project management. The research methodology was divided into two phases: (1) designing a theoretical framework for applying systems thinking into project management; (2) evaluating project management practices of enterprises in Poland, to identify their approaches, actions, methods and problems related to the application of systems thinking in project management. Conducted research has shown that there is a gap in the field of systems thinking in project management, which can be seen in the divergence of expectations of executive management with management practices in this regardPrzedmiotem opracowania są nowe kierunki badań w zarządzaniu projektami oraz myśleniu sieciowym. Przedstawiono wyniki badań literaturowych ukazujących całościowy przegląd aktualnej wiedzy z przedmiotowego zakresu, wyjaśniając podstawowe pojęcia, reguły, przesłanki, procesy oraz ich konsekwencje. Podstawowym celem opracowania jest określenie istoty myślenia systemowego w zarządzaniu projektami. Postępowanie badawcze podzielono na dwie podstawowe części: (1) zaproponowanie koncepcji teoretycznego modelu wykorzystania myślenia systemowego w zarządzaniu projektami, oraz (2) ocenę praktyki zarządzania projektami w polskich przedsiębiorstwach, ukierunkowaną na identyfikację stosowanego podejścia, działań, metod i problemów związanych z aplikacją myślenia systemowego w zarządzaniu projektami. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły występowanie luki w stosowaniu myślenia systemowego w zarządzaniu projektami, związanej z rozbieżnością pomiędzy oczekiwaniami naczelnego kierownictwa a praktyką działań kierowniczyc

    Brakujące elementy kształtowania przedsiębiorczości w przestrzeni edukacyjnej

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    This article presents selected issues of contemporary theory of education in relation to today outlining the socio‑economic context and in particular to a wide range of entrepreneurship. Particular attention is paid to those elements of the theory of education, which directly refer to the shaping of attitudes and personality traits correlate with the requirements of the modern labor market. The author tries to justify the thesis that reeupdate some parts of the theory of education, which are included in the elements of self, ie. emotional intelligence, financial intelligence, teleology will be much smaller jump between academic knowledge and the expectations derived from the labor market and the contemporary socioeeconomic challenges and contain in a wellunderstood enterprise or care about the present in relation to our future

    Biofeedback jako metoda niwelująca stany stresowe z zastosowaniem utworów muzycznych

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    Biofeedback as the device becomes increasingly popular tool used in the broad context of edu‑ cation, diagnostics, training, therapeutic. Stress as a factor and stimulus causes numerous disorders in human cognitive processes meters at: memorizing, concentration, correct perception of reality and etc. Article attempts to present a method of working with biofeedback tool based on the musi‑ cal aspect of support for the treatment of stress conditions. Biofeedback as a device can record our physiological states which are a direct exemplifies our emotions which in turn allows for full control of the session and conducted monitoring in the form of saved results in the current course of sensory activity. The author attempts to describe the basic elements having a relationship and impact on the effectiveness of the activities carried out in the field working with biofeedback and music as a sec‑ ondary stimulus in reducing stress conditions

    Ewaluacja jako mistyfikacja nadzoru procesu dydaktycznego

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    The subject of the article is evaluation perceived as a mystification of didactic supervision. The author indicates the indirect and direct elements influencing this process. Professor Śliwerski describes the evaluation as: „the socialist process of painting grass in green.” The average cost of the evaluation on a national scale amounts to millions of PLN. So what is the outcome of this study? Does the evaluation it costs a taxpayer so much? And if it is actually so expensive, why is its level of suitability and representation of educational reality so low? The author tries to answer these main questions in the article

    Padlet as a modern form of E-Learning in the context of Sugata Mitra's research - a new model of education

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    The aim of this article is to present the results of surveys concerning Padlet tool. The authors analyze contemporary trends in education, legal regulations and research, which are part of the new model of education. The text contains descriptions of research results from 230 surveys conducted on students in relation to three categories. The first category presents the results of the evaluation of Padlet as a tool for content segregation, the second category concerns the evaluation of Padlet in terms of the function of group work, and the third category concerns the functionality and comparison of Padlet tool with other similar tools. In the current educational situation caused by the global coronavirus pandemic SARS-Cov-2 causing the disease COVID-19, evaluation and presentation of research results related to distance learning tools and methods is very necessary

    Supporting mathematical and digital competences useful for STEM education

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    Acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) has become very frequently word among many stakeholders in the school policy. Mathematical and computational thinking are important for STEM Education. There are common thinking skills, but computational thinking focuses more on automation. Mathematical thinking focuses more on proofing. We present n our contribution the theoretical requirements that are needed for students in mathematical and digital competences. Practical examples represent, how it is possible to develop mentioned competences in educational practice

    Minichromosome maintenance (MCM) and AgNOR proteins expression in desmoid tumours: a tissue microarray analysis.

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    In the present study, nuclear proliferative proteins: MCM2, MCM5, MCM7, Ki-67 and AgNORs expression was assessed in paraffin sections from sporadic desmoid tumours using a tissue microarray (TMA)-based immuno- and histochemistry, respectively. Nuclear expression of MCM7, where the percentage of positive cells was 0.87% (Âą 1.64) (range 0-5%), was found in 4/20 (20.0%) cases. In 32/32 (100%) of the examined desmoid cases no expression of nuclear proteins MCM2 and MCM5 was detected. Nuclear expression of Ki-67 was observed in 4/21 (19%) cases. Paraffin sections from 30 cases of desmoid tumours were silver-stained to visualize AgNORs. The following AgNOR parameters were calculated: mean AgNOR number per nucleus (N), mean AgNOR area per nucleus, mean AgNOR dot area per nucleus (A), and mean AgNOR content (C = N/A). In the investigated group the mean values of AgNOR parameters were the following number: 4.34 (Âą 0.11); area: 0.74 Îźm2 (Âą 0.19); dot area: 0.18 m2 (Âą 0.01), and AgNOR content: 23.73 (Âą 1.85). The mean AgNOR number per nucleus and mean AgNOR content in desmoid tumours were statistically significantly higher as compared to the controls (tonsil tissue) (

    Development of geometrical thinking via educational software by pupils of elementary school

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    The study is aimed to describe the using of geometrical educational software oriented to develop geometrical spatial thinking. This software is available on the webpage www.delmat.info. We would like to show his functions, propose concrete thematic areas in Slovak and Polish curriculum in the elementary level useful for this software. Future research in Polish elementary school in the 1-3 grades will be discussed