759 research outputs found

    Playing cards with Hintikka An introduction to dynamic epistemic logic

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    This contribution is a gentle introduction to so-called dynamic epistemic logics, that can describe how agents change their knowledge and beliefs. We start with a concise introduction to epistemic logic, through the example of one, two and finally three players holding cards; and, mainly for the purpose of motivating the dynamics, we also very summarily introduce the concepts of general and common knowledge. We then pay ample attention to the logic of public announcements, wherein agents change their knowledge as the result of public announcements. One crucial topic in that setting is that of unsuccessful updates: formulas that become false when announced. The Moore-sentences that were already extensively discussed at the conception of epistemic logic in Hintikka’s ‘Knowledge and Belief ’ (1962) give rise to such unsuccessful updates. After that, we present a few examples of more complex epistemic updates

    Polarization retention loss in PbTiO3 ferroelectric films due to leakage currents

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    The relationship between retention loss in single crystal PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films and leakage currents is demonstrated by piezoresponse and conductive atomic force microscopy measurements. It was found that the polarization reversal in the absence of an electric field followed a stretched exponential behavior 1−exp[−(t/k)^d] with exponent d>1, which is distinct from a dispersive random walk process with d<1. The latter has been observed in polycrystalline films for which retention loss was associated with grain boundaries. The leakage current indicates power law scaling at short length scales, which strongly depends on the applied electric field. Additional information of the microstructure, which contributes to an explanation of the presence of leakage currents, is presented with high resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis.

    Switching Casimir forces with Phase Change Materials

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    We demonstrate here a controllable variation in the Casimir force. Changes in the force of up to 20% at separations of ~100 nm between Au and AgInSbTe (AIST) surfaces were achieved upon crystallization of an amorphous sample of AIST. This material is well known for its structural transformation, which produces a significant change in the optical properties and is exploited in optical data storage systems. The finding paves the way to the control of forces in nanosystems, such as micro- or nanoswitches by stimulating the phase change transition via localized heat sources.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures The AFM images for the inset in Fig.2 were replaced with new ones as obtained with tips having high aspect rati

    Multilevel reflectance switching of ultrathin phase-change films

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    Several design techniques for engineering the visible optical and near-infrared response of a thin film are explored. These designs require optically active and absorbing materials and should be easily grown on a large scale. Switchable chalcogenide phase-change material heterostructures with three active layers are grown here using pulsed laser deposition. Both Fabry-Perot and strong interference principles are explored to tune the reflectance. Robust multilevel switching is demonstrated for both principles using dynamic ellipsometry, and measured reflectance profiles agree well with simulations. We find, however, that switching the bottom layer of a three-layer device does not yield a significant change in reflectance, indicating a maximum in accessible levels. The pulsed laser deposition films grown show promise for optical display applications, with three shown reflectance levels. Published under license by AIP Publishing.</p

    The Amplitude of Non-Equilibrium Quantum Interference in Metallic Mesoscopic Systems

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    We study the influence of a DC bias voltage V on quantum interference corrections to the measured differential conductance in metallic mesoscopic wires and rings. The amplitude of both universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) and Aharonov-Bohm effect (ABE) is enhanced several times for voltages larger than the Thouless energy. The enhancement persists even in the presence of inelastic electron-electron scattering up to V ~ 1 mV. For larger voltages electron-phonon collisions lead to the amplitude decaying as a power law for the UCF and exponentially for the ABE. We obtain good agreement of the experimental data with a model which takes into account the decrease of the electron phase-coherence length due to electron-electron and electron-phonon scattering.Comment: New title, refined analysis. 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Europhysics Letter

    Herschel observations of ortho- and para-oxidaniumyl (H_2O^+) in spiral arm clouds toward Sagittarius B2(M)

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    H_2O^+ has been observed in its ortho- and para- states toward the massive star forming core Sgr B2(M), located close to the Galactic center. The observations show absorption in all spiral arm clouds between the Sun and Sgr B2. The average o/p ratio of H_2O^+ in most velocity intervals is 4.8, which corresponds to a nuclear spin temperature of 21 K. The relationship of this spin temperature to the formation temperature and current physical temperature of the gas hosting H_2O^+ is discussed, but no firm conclusion is reached. In the velocity interval 0–60 km s^(−1), an ortho/para ratio of below unity is found, but if this is due to an artifact of contamination by other species or real is not clear

    Control surface wettability with nanoparticles from phase-change materials

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    The wetting state of surfaces can be controlled physically from the highly hydrophobic to hydrophilic states using the amorphous-to-crystalline phase transition of Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) nanoparticles as surfactant. Indeed, contact angle measurements show that by increasing the surface coverage of the amorphous nanoparticles the contact angle increases to high values ∼140°, close to the superhydrophobic limit. However, for crystallized nanoparticle assemblies after thermal annealing, the contact angle decreases down to ∼40° (significantly lower than that of the bare substrate) leading to an increased hydrophilicity. Moreover, the wettability changes are also manifested on the capillary adhesion forces by being stronger for the crystallized GST state

    Detection of OH+ and H_2O+ towards Orion KL

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    We report observations of the reactive molecular ions OH+, H_(2)O+, and H_(3)O+ towards Orion KL with Herschel/HIFI. All three N = 1-0 fine-structure transitions of OH+ at 909, 971, and 1033 GHz and both fine-structure components of the doublet ortho-H_(2)O+ 1_(11)–0_(00) transition at 1115 and 1139 GHz were detected; an upper limit was obtained for H_(3)O+. OH+ and H_(2)O+ are observed purely in absorption, showing a narrow component at the source velocity of 9 km s^(-1), and a broad blueshifted absorption similar to that reported recently for HF and para-H_(2)^(18)O, and attributed to the low velocity outflow of Orion KL. We estimate column densities of OH+ and H_(2)O+ for the 9 km s^(-1) component of 9 ± 3 × 10^(12) cm^(-2) and 7 ± 2 × 10^(12) cm^(-2), and those in the outflow of 1.9 ± 0.7 × 10^(13) cm^(-2) and 1.0 ± 0.3 × 10^(13) cm^(-2). Upper limits of 2.4 × 10^(12) cm^(-2) and 8.7 × 10^(12) cm^(-2) were derived for the column densities of ortho and para-H_(3)O+ from transitions near 985 and 1657 GHz. The column densities of the three ions are up to an order of magnitude lower than those obtained from recent observations of W31C and W49N. The comparatively low column densities may be explained by a higher gas density despite the assumption of a very high ionization rate
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