250 research outputs found

    Ray class invariants over imaginary quadratic fields

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field of discriminant less than or equal to -7 and K(N)K_{(N)} be its ray class field modulo NN for an integer NN greater than 1. We prove that singular values of certain Siegel functions generate K(N)K_{(N)} over KK by extending the idea of our previous work. These generators are not only the simplest ones conjectured by Schertz, but also quite useful in the matter of computation of class polynomials. We indeed give an algorithm to find all conjugates of such generators by virtue of Gee and Stevenhagen

    Arithmetic properties of orders in imaginary quadratic fields

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field. For an order O\mathcal{O} in KK and a positive integer NN, let KO, NK_{\mathcal{O},\,N} be the ray class field of O\mathcal{O} modulo NON\mathcal{O}. We deal with various subjects related to KO, NK_{\mathcal{O},\,N}, mainly about Galois representations attached to elliptic curves with complex multiplication, form class groups and LL-functions for orders
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