6 research outputs found

    What Will the Weather Do? Forecasting Flood Losses Based on Oscillation Indices

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    Atmospheric oscillations are known to drive the large-scale variability of hydrometeorological extremes in Europe, which can trigger flood events and losses. However, to date there are no studies that have assessed the combined influence of different large-scale atmospheric oscillations on the probabilities of flood losses occurring. Therefore, in this study we examine the relationship between five indices of atmospheric oscillation and four classes of flood losses probabilities at subregional European scales. In doing so, we examine different combinations of atmospheric oscillations, both synchronous and seasonally lagged. By applying logistic regressions, we aim to identify regions and seasons where probabilities of flood losses occurring can be estimated by indices of atmospheric oscillation with higher skill than historical probabilities. We show that classes of flood losses can be predicted by synchronous indices of atmospheric oscillation and that in some seasons and regions lagged relationships may exist between the indices of atmospheric oscillation and the probability of flood losses. Furthermore, we find that some models generate increased (or decreased) probability of flood losses occurring when the indices are at their extreme positive or negative phases. A better understanding of the effects of atmospheric oscillations on the likelihood of flood losses occurring represents a step forward in achieving flood resilience in Europe. For instance, improved early predictions of the indices that represent such atmospheric oscillations, or the evidence of a lagged relationship between their teleconnections and floods, can significantly contribute to mitigating the socioeconomic burden of floods

    Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers

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    Despite advances in drought early warning systems, forecast information is rarely used for triggering and financing early actions, such as cash transfer. Scaling up cash transfer pay-outs, and overcoming the barriers to actions based on forecasts, requires an understanding of costs resulting from False Alarms, and the potential benefits associated with appropriate early interventions. On this study, we evaluate the potential cost-effectiveness of cash transfer responses, comparing the relative costs of ex-ante cash transfers during the maize growing season to ex-post cash transfers after harvesting in Kenya. For that, we developed a forecast model using Fast-and Frugal Trees that unravels early warning relationships between climate variability, vegetation coverage, and maize yields at multiple lead times. Results indicate that our models correctly forecast low maize yield events 85% of the time across the districts studied, some already six months before harvesting. The models' performance improves towards the end of the growing season driven by a decrease of 29% in the probability of False Alarms. Overall, we show that timely cash transfers ex-ante to a disaster can often be more cost-effective than investing in ex-post expenditures. Our findings suggest that early response can yield significant cost savings, and can potentially increase the effectiveness of existing cash transfer systems