2 research outputs found

    Emissions modelling using microscopic traffic simulation

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    W artykule poruszono zagadnienia zwi膮zane z modelowaniem emisji spalin z wykorzystaniem mikroskopowych symulacji ruchu drogowego. Celem pracy by艂o opracowanie modelu ruchu, na podstawie kt贸rego mo偶liwe jest obliczenie emisji z pojazd贸w z uwzgl臋dnieniem typu skrzy偶owania oraz warto艣ci nat臋偶e艅 ruchu. W artykule skupiono si臋 na warto艣ciach zu偶ycia paliwa i emisji dwutlenku w臋gla. Przeanalizowano literatur臋 w zakresie czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na emisj臋, kt贸re zale偶ne s膮 od cz艂owieka, pojazdu i infrastruktury. Dokonano przegl膮du matematycznych modeli pozwalaj膮cych na obliczenie warto艣ci chwilowych, cz臋sto zwi膮zanych ze zu偶yciem paliwa, kt贸re stanowi膮 podstaw臋 do oszacowania emisji. Wybrany model zosta艂 zaimplementowany do modu艂u oprogramowania mikrosymulacyjnego w celu analizy wielko艣ci emisji, w zale偶no艣ci od nat臋偶enia ruchu na skrzy偶owaniu o ruchu okr臋偶nym i skrzy偶owaniu z pierwsze艅stwem przejazdu. Przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 z uwzgl臋dnieniem wariant贸w modeli sieci obejmuj膮cych jedynie dojazd i przejazd przez skrzy偶owanie oraz niezale偶nie uwzgl臋dniaj膮cych rozp臋dzanie pojazd贸w za skrzy偶owaniem. W ko艅cowym fragmencie artyku艂u obj臋to dyskusj膮 wybrane za艂o偶enia, mo偶liwe do uwzgl臋dnienia w analizach i maj膮ce wp艂yw na osi膮gni臋te wyniki, om贸wiono kwestie dok艂adno艣ci modelu oraz zaproponowano rozwi膮zania pozwalaj膮ce na zwi臋kszenie poziomu szczeg贸艂owo艣ci osi膮ganych wynik贸w.The article deals with issues related to modeling of exhaust emissions using microscopic traffic simulations. The aim of the study was to develop a traffic model that can be used to calculate vehicle emissions taking into account the type of intersection and traffic volumes. The article focuses on fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emission values. The literature was analyzed for factors affecting emissions that depend on human, vehicle, and infrastructure. Mathematical models were reviewed to calculate instantaneous values, often related to fuel consumption, which form the basis for estimating emissions. The selected model was implemented in a microsimulation software module to analyze emissions as a function of traffic volume at a roundabout intersection and a priority intersection. The results are presented for variants of network models that include only the approach and crossing of the intersection and those that independently account for vehicle acceleration beyond the intersection. The final part of the article discusses the selected assumptions that can be taken into account in the analyses and have an impact on the results obtained. It also discusses the issues of model accuracy and proposes solutions that enable an increase in the level of detail of obtained results

    Estimation of Vehicle Energy Consumption at Intersections Using Microscopic Traffic Models

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    This paper addresses issues related to modeling energy consumption and emissions using microscopic traffic simulations. This paper develops a method in which a traffic model is used to calculate the energy needed to travel through selected types of intersections. This paper focuses on energy consumption and derived values of calculated energy, which can be, for example, carbon dioxide emissions. The authors present a review of the scientific literature on the study of factors affecting energy consumption and emissions and methods to estimate them in traffic. The authors implemented an energy consumption model into a microsimulation software module to estimate results as a function of varying traffic volumes at selected types of intersections and for selected traffic organization scenarios. The results of the study show the lowest energy consumption and the lowest emissions when road solutions are selected that contribute to reducing vehicle travel times on the urban street network at higher average vehicle speeds. In addition, the positive impact of the share of electric vehicles in the traffic flow on the reduction of energy consumption and emissivity was estimated